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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Comparative Study of Facade Ornament, a Factor in Under-standing of Scale, Function and Structural Expression (Case Study: Modern and Postmodern Era)




Ornament, has a special role in the unders tanding of the user, in the Scale of the building, its Function, and s tructural expression, so that the amount of Ornament used, the location and the relationship with the components of the building, make it an effective and special element in the his tory of architecture. Shortage of coherent s tudies between Ornament and mentioned factors caused this research to done. The ques tion of whether Ornament can influence the perception of the user in unders tanding the above factors is important. Therefore, the present research hypothesizes that in the periods of his tory, the Ornament has been in the pursuit of goals such as Functional clarity, scalability, and clarity in the s tructural expression, and in periods has disconnected with clarity of these factors. Previous s tudies have surveyed Ornament from the point of geometric dimension and semantics without considering these three factors mentioned above. This paper has a comparative-analytical approach. Accordingly, the components of "Scale", "Functional clarity" and "s tructural expression" are described with a focus on the subject of "Ornamentation" in the two periods of modern and pos tModern Architecture, were surveyed using content analysis and referring to written and visual sources of Architectural examples of each two periods (Famous works by vanguard architects). The comparison is carried out in two phases of qualitative (for some famous building) and quantitative (by a checklis t) methods in architecture. Selecting and evaluating the selected s tatis tical society was done in the form of a checklis t. The criterion for completing the checklis t was based on logical reasoning and the authors' assessment of the available evidence. In selecting case s tudies, at firs t 100 samples of buildings-50 samples for each period-were selected as target samples. The reason for being targeted at this s tage has had the selection of the appropriate works of the famous architects. Then, 50 cases (25 samples for each period) were selected randomly to achieve the validity of the samples which was used in the quantitative evaluation. Then, among the works of the indexes of the mentioned periods, some of them were purposefully explained the results and their quantitative description Finally, it was concluded, from quantities and qualities analysis, that the type of Ornamental approach could play a role in unders tanding the Scale, Functionality, and s tructural expression. In Modern Architecture, the s tyle of Chicago School, there is an organic approach to Ornamentation, it has united with the materials and to increase the effective exposure of the three indicators considered in this article. Also, in modern European architecture, with the removal of Ornament is emphasized on the clarity of the Scale, building Function and in the expression of the s tructure in mos t works of that period. But in pos tModern Architecture (initial and shell oriented pos tmodern), with the disconnection of the decorative shell with the interior space and orientation of the decorative wall to the environment and the effect of it, a different approach was seen and vice versa than in the previous two periods.


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    APA: Copy

    Ranj Azmay Azari, Mohammadreza, & ANSARI, MOJTABA. (2021). Comparative Study of Facade Ornament, a Factor in Under-standing of Scale, Function and Structural Expression (Case Study: Modern and Postmodern Era). HOVIATESHAHR, 15(46 ), 33-44. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/951581/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    Ranj Azmay Azari Mohammadreza, ANSARI MOJTABA. Comparative Study of Facade Ornament, a Factor in Under-standing of Scale, Function and Structural Expression (Case Study: Modern and Postmodern Era). HOVIATESHAHR[Internet]. 2021;15(46 ):33-44. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/951581/en

    IEEE: Copy

    Mohammadreza Ranj Azmay Azari, and MOJTABA ANSARI, “Comparative Study of Facade Ornament, a Factor in Under-standing of Scale, Function and Structural Expression (Case Study: Modern and Postmodern Era),” HOVIATESHAHR, vol. 15, no. 46 , pp. 33–44, 2021, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/951581/en

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