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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Clarification of Relation between Social Interaction and Improvement of Living Quality within Residential Complexes (Case Study: Behjatabad Residential Complex, Kooye Nobonyad and Tehran International Tower)




 Among different types of housing, high-rises cons truction is considered by many architects and urban planners as one of the mos t common types, especially after the indus trial revolution and advancements in engineering techniques. Cons truction of tall buildings from its beginning as a result of modern architecture, for reasons like speed of cons truction (indus trialization), high density (accommodation of more people) etc. grew considerably, but gradually it caused other types of problems including mere consideration of performance, less human interaction, and etc. on the one hand, today, any lack of attention to Social Interactions in designing process has been changed into one of the major challenges at Residential Complexes. On the other hand, we have es tablishment of Residential Complexes as an effect of population increase, expensive price of land and also economic benefits in our country which may cause further changes in s tructure of residential spaces and omission of interacted spaces from Iranian architecture. The results are lack of responding to social necessities of people and a reduction in sense of place. Residential apartments have different aspects that should be consis tently considered in all s tages of their cons truction, including planning, s tudies, design and operation, in order to achieve a desired environment and improvement in quality of life. One of the mos t important factors in evaluating Residential Complexes is social sus tainability that enhances quality of living. In definition "social sus tainability in Residential Complexes is a situation where residents enjoy living in the Residential Complexes and neighborhood with other residents and they are satisfied” . In other words, human is a social creature and to meet their needs they have to communicate and interact with others. Therefore, considering psychological-social factors besides other indicators like economic and environmentalphysical factors are important for achieving satisfaction as the main criteria for measuring quality of life. In this paper, using field s tudy and ques tionnaires, social interaction rates in several Residential Complexes have been evaluated and its objective is evaluation of socio-cultural indicators in Residential Complexes, determining the position of design in improving Social Interactions, explaining the role of social interaction in improvement of living quality and finally presenting s trategies in this area. In this context, at firs t the concept of Social Interactions in housing area and views of scholars in this field have been reviewed and then position of Social Interactions in the design process to achieve the criteria for comparison of case samples have been analyzed and then considering the results some s trategies have been presented at the conclusion. The results indicate that there is always a direct relationship between the amount of social interaction and higher quality of living environment. Moreover, it can be said that the more social factors are considered in the design process, the more willingness of residents to the Social Interactions are seen and residents feel more satisfaction with their buildings. Communication and social interaction among residents as one of the mos t important social factors affecting collective living always increase the sense of belonging and continuity of presence in places.


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    APA: Copy

    SAFDARIAN, GHAZAL, ETESSAM, IRAJ, & HABIB, FARAH. (2021). Clarification of Relation between Social Interaction and Improvement of Living Quality within Residential Complexes (Case Study: Behjatabad Residential Complex, Kooye Nobonyad and Tehran International Tower). HOVIATESHAHR, 15(46 ), 85-96. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/951871/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    SAFDARIAN GHAZAL, ETESSAM IRAJ, HABIB FARAH. Clarification of Relation between Social Interaction and Improvement of Living Quality within Residential Complexes (Case Study: Behjatabad Residential Complex, Kooye Nobonyad and Tehran International Tower). HOVIATESHAHR[Internet]. 2021;15(46 ):85-96. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/951871/en

    IEEE: Copy

    GHAZAL SAFDARIAN, IRAJ ETESSAM, and FARAH HABIB, “Clarification of Relation between Social Interaction and Improvement of Living Quality within Residential Complexes (Case Study: Behjatabad Residential Complex, Kooye Nobonyad and Tehran International Tower),” HOVIATESHAHR, vol. 15, no. 46 , pp. 85–96, 2021, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/951871/en

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