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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Effect of three sources of lipid on gas production and degradability of dry matter, neutral detergent fiber, and crude protein using in Sacco and in vitro techniques




 Background and objectives: Fat is one of the most important nutrients in ruminant nutrition and its fate is effective in the efficiency of feed usage in the gut, especially in the fermentation medium and rumen. It is important to know about the digestibility and energy content of feed ingredients as well as their dry matter degradability, neutral detergent fiber (NDF), and crude protein as measurable nutrients when formulating balanced diets for ruminants. Also, it is important to clearly understand the mechanisms of nutrient degradability and their digestion and absorption while considering the increase in the income of farmers. To study the digestive properties and fermentation kinetics of experimental diets, measuring the gas production was introduced and applied in vitro by incubating feed ingredients within the buffered rumen fluid in late 1970. On the other hand, the Nylon bag technique is used to estimate dry matter disappearance, NDF, crude protein, and digestive parameters. In the current study, the effects of different lipid sources on gas production (in vitro), degradability of dry matter, NDF, and crude protein (in sacco) were evaluated within the lipid-containing treatments. Pearson method was applied to evaluate the correlation coefficients of measured parameters. Material and methods: Two experiments were conducted to evaluate the fate and behavior of feed ingredients and the kinetics of digestion of three fat sources. In the first experiment, the amount of gas production from the digestion of four experimental treatments including 1) no added lipid source (control) and 2, 3, and 4) with 5% calcium fatty acid, animal fat, and rapeseed oil, respectively, incubated in rumen fluid, was measured in vitro. In the second trial, 4 rumen fistulated Dalagh rams were allotted to measure dry matter, fiber, and crude protein degradability parameters within treatments, using the Nylon bag technique. Finally, the Pearson method was used to analyze the results of the correlation between the two experiments. Results: The gas production was higher in the control when compared to the other lipidcontaining treatments at the first 2 h of incubation, while it was not significant at 24 h and it was significant at 96 h within the lipid-containing treatments comparing to the control. Organic matter digestibility, production of short-chain volatile fatty acids, and metabolizable energy in the Gas test were significantly higher in the calcium fatty acid treatment than in the control, animal fat and rapeseed oil treatments (P <0. 05). The dry matter degradability of calcium fatty acid treatment was higher than other fat sources within the whole ruminal incubation period (P = 0. 01). The potential for crude protein degradability and fiber degradability were not significantly affected by the different fat sources (P = 0. 07). The degradability of NDF decreased slightly when fat sources were added to the treatments. In this experiment, high correlations were observed in the estimation of biodegradability and prediction parameters of dry matter, crude protein, and NDF in the experimental treatments within the Gas test and Nylon bag techniques. Conclusion: Results from the current study showed that gas production and biodegradability were different in treatments containing lipid sources. Diets containing protected fat with higher digestibility produced more short-chain fatty acids, higher metabolizable energy, and greater volume of gas at 96 h after incubation within the rumen fluid than that produced by animal fat and vegetable oil containing treatments. The highest effective degradability was observed at 5% flow level for dry matter, crude protein and NDF. All of these results indicate that although the incorporation of lipid sources especially protected fat as the energy source has no adverse effect on fermentation, its application also has increased fermentation efficiency. On the other hand, a high correlation was observed between the parameters of the Gas test (SCFA, ME, and organic matter digestibility) and the Nylon bag technique (a, b and c) using the Pearson method. To conclude, the Gas test can be used to evaluate the lipid sources added to the rations with a high efficiency instead of the costly Nylon bag technique.


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    APA: Copy

    Halakoo, G., TEIMOURI YANSARI, A., CHASHNIDEL, Y., & MOHAJER, M.. (2021). Effect of three sources of lipid on gas production and degradability of dry matter, neutral detergent fiber, and crude protein using in Sacco and in vitro techniques. JOURNAL OF RUMINANT RESEARCH, 8(4 ), 17-38. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/957151/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    Halakoo G., TEIMOURI YANSARI A., CHASHNIDEL Y., MOHAJER M.. Effect of three sources of lipid on gas production and degradability of dry matter, neutral detergent fiber, and crude protein using in Sacco and in vitro techniques. JOURNAL OF RUMINANT RESEARCH[Internet]. 2021;8(4 ):17-38. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/957151/en

    IEEE: Copy

    G. Halakoo, A. TEIMOURI YANSARI, Y. CHASHNIDEL, and M. MOHAJER, “Effect of three sources of lipid on gas production and degradability of dry matter, neutral detergent fiber, and crude protein using in Sacco and in vitro techniques,” JOURNAL OF RUMINANT RESEARCH, vol. 8, no. 4 , pp. 17–38, 2021, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/957151/en

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