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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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The Typology of Contemporary Counter-Monumental Landscape with Peircean Semiotic Approach




 New monuments (counter-monuments) as frameworks through which remind collective and personal memories from past in the present, reject the traditional memorial works. In recent decades with an increasing variety of counter-monumental landscape in public spaces and the distinct intentions behind them on the one hand and the growing need of human societies to recover collective memory of urban landscape on the other hand necessitate the systematic analysis of the adopted strategies Based on the importance of this issue, the article aims to answer the following question: “ what are the typological components of a Contemporary Counter-Monumental landscape based on semiotic knowledge? ” The present study was qualitative and was performed based on a descriptive-analytical method using the library documents to develop a conceptual model of the Typology of the contemporary countermonumental landscape with pierce’ s semiotic approach. Components of counter-monumental landscapes were explicated on using three methods, namely formal-functional topology of Argan, interpretive-historical topology of Moneo and Colquhoun, and archetypal topology of Ardalan and Bakhtiar which served as basis for investigating visual, narrative and archetypal components. To prove the hypothesis, the classification of types was based on the definitions and previous studies in this field, and to test the hypothesis, all 32 extractive components were studied comparatively by randomly selecting 64 case studies from the middle of the twentieth century to the present day. Findings show that according to Peircean semiotic, icon, and index ad symbol were triple typologies of the sign in the Memorial Landscape survey. By considering objective, subjective and objective-subjective components of landscape, the Contemporary Counter-Monumental landscape signs were classified into three categories namely visual, archetype and narrative types. Visual types consist natural elements, artificial elements, and activity and function; archetypal types include empty grave, stella-obelisk, sacred path, circlespiral, flight, cosmic mountain-large stone, cosmic dome-cosmic arch, cosmic tree-garden, light-water; and narrative types are divided into traumatic experiences, individual-local & collective values.


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    APA: Copy

    Khajeh Saeed, Farnaz, BALILAN ASL, LIDA, & SATTARZADEH, DARIUSH. (2021). The Typology of Contemporary Counter-Monumental Landscape with Peircean Semiotic Approach. MANZAR, 13(56 ), 42-53. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/982791/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    Khajeh Saeed Farnaz, BALILAN ASL LIDA, SATTARZADEH DARIUSH. The Typology of Contemporary Counter-Monumental Landscape with Peircean Semiotic Approach. MANZAR[Internet]. 2021;13(56 ):42-53. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/982791/en

    IEEE: Copy

    Farnaz Khajeh Saeed, LIDA BALILAN ASL, and DARIUSH SATTARZADEH, “The Typology of Contemporary Counter-Monumental Landscape with Peircean Semiotic Approach,” MANZAR, vol. 13, no. 56 , pp. 42–53, 2021, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/982791/en

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