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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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An Adaptive Study of Murals in Iranian and Turkish Homes in the Context of Interaction with the West World (Case Study; Qajar Houses of Tabriz and Ottoman Tokat)




 Due to the connection of the Islamic world with the West and entrance of Western elements in to Islamic art, a profound change in Mural painting art happened. The Mural that was in the possession of the court before the 18th century – by fading out of its court aspect-became popular among the people and by becoming a popular art, it appeared as public decorations in houses of nobles and businessmen. Murals had a special place in the historical houses of the Qajar and Ottoman periods (which were one of the most important governments in the Islamic world in the 18th century). Thus, Qajar houses in Tabriz and Ottoman houses in Tokat can be a good source for studying and investigating these designs. This research was done according to descriptive-analytical method based on library studies, trying to answer the questions that renovations in Qajar and Ottoman society, caused what kind of changes in the Murals of the Qajar and Ottoman period? And what are the commonalities and differences between Qajar and Ottoman Murals in terms of visual themes characteristics? Accordingly, the present study, identifies, categorizes and compares the designs by surveying the Murals of houses in the cities of Tabriz, Iran, and Tokat, Turkey, based on the available visual and written documents. The results showed that regardless of the quality and level of relations between Iran and the Ottoman Empire with the West, Murals can be studied from two perspectives: topics and methods of execution. According to the topic, the themes in the Murals were divided into three main categories (human-animal motifs, nature-architectural motifs and decorative motifs). After investigating the designs, it was found that these images, not only show the impact and trend of European modernity on Iranian and Ottoman society, but also have similarities and differences in themes and techniques. Despite the commonalities such as the nature of the image (character clothing, the presence of modern equipment, landscaping, perspectives, flower-filled vases) and the principles and rules (perspective and backdrop, shading, framing) lack of mastery of the rules is clearly seen in the examples. Distinctions have been made due to the locative coordinates of Tabriz and Tokat. One of the main differences is the variety of patterns and colors, higher quality and better execution of Qajar motifs due to adherence to the principles of rich Iranian painting compared to Ottoman motifs. It also seems that the closeness and connection of the Ottomans with the West world and eclecticism and greater influence is the most important reason of the distinction between the Murals of the Qajar and Ottoman periods.


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    APA: Copy

    Safari Asl, Leila, & Satari Karkazlu, Hamid. (2021). An Adaptive Study of Murals in Iranian and Turkish Homes in the Context of Interaction with the West World (Case Study; Qajar Houses of Tabriz and Ottoman Tokat). ATHAR, 42(2 ), 172-192. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/986224/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    Safari Asl Leila, Satari Karkazlu Hamid. An Adaptive Study of Murals in Iranian and Turkish Homes in the Context of Interaction with the West World (Case Study; Qajar Houses of Tabriz and Ottoman Tokat). ATHAR[Internet]. 2021;42(2 ):172-192. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/986224/en

    IEEE: Copy

    Leila Safari Asl, and Hamid Satari Karkazlu, “An Adaptive Study of Murals in Iranian and Turkish Homes in the Context of Interaction with the West World (Case Study; Qajar Houses of Tabriz and Ottoman Tokat),” ATHAR, vol. 42, no. 2 , pp. 172–192, 2021, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/986224/en

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