Today, scientific document centers face increasing demands on data collection, storage, integration, processing, and analysis for information systems and infrastructure. These centers are the most important and reliable sources of governance for the advancement of different areas of each country and their success requires proper performance. The present study was conducted to propose a data governance model in the countries scientific document centers to show how data governance should be appropriate for these scientific centers. The Iranian Research Institute for Information Science and Technology (IranDoc) was selected as the study. This research has analyzed the content of texts in the field of scientific document centers with a meta-combined method. 15 articles and dissertations related to this field were purposefully selected and reviewed by qualitative content analysis. The basic model was used to design the data governance model of scientific document centers. The research findings identified five main components of data governance including "planning", "organizing and managing", "performance", "implementation" and "evaluation". These main components each have sub-components, which finally identified 38 sub-components for data governance of scientific document centers with a combination of texts. These components help to implement data governance for scientific document centers.