The issue of religious leadership and the legitimate bases of. the
government is one of the fundamental debates regarding the Egyptian
Fatimid government. Also the questions that how the Fatimid could raise
people in a charismatic movement of the Ismailis against the Abbassids
power in Baghdad and Omavians in Andalusia that finally ended in their
victory. The most appropriate approach utilized in this research for ailalysis
of these events is based on the Max Webers ideology of "Charismatic
Leadership". Accordingly, the Fatimid Imams power was achieved through
his charismatic character, affect on peoples hearts and dominating peoples
minds. the Imams of Fatimids claim that their predecessor backs to
Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him), also the issue of Imamism and Velayat
beside the alluring axioms and the incarnation of the Fatimids Imams
provoked peoples passion toward them. Nevertheless, so many great and
knowledgeable scholars of Fatimid were involved in magnifying new.born
Ismailis beliefs, mobilizing the society, and finally setting up the Egyptian
fundamental thoughts. The alluring claims of the Fatimids Imams proposed
through their messages, preachings, and mannerisms which were easily
passed on to their followers, were the causes led legitimizing Fatimids
positions and accelerating their charismatic inheritance. Most of their
believers, however, were not only believed in their claims but also were
persuaded for total obedience. Therefore they were to exaggerate what
really the governors were and successfully they could build the chali sects.