Ecological capabilities (environmental characteristics such as soil, slope and its direction, microclimate and elevation which shows potential of forest) of Iranian conifers forests were evaluated. As such, cypress "Cupressus sempervirens", forest sites in Hasan-Abad, Chalus and Zarringol, Gorgan were studied. For this evaluation trees distribution, natural regeneration and vegetation were considered.After obtaining the maps of slope, geographical aspect, elevation and soil, the ecosystem unit's maps were drawn. Inventory was performed in 2500m2 sample plots. For analysis of data, basal area, trees distribution in trunk diameter classes, number of trees per hectare, height curve, biodiversity indices and regeneration were prepared. The results show that Hasan-Abad cyprees forest is an unevenaged forest which has some problems in natural regeneration over the past 30 years. However, zarringol cypress forest has a good natural regeneration from the conservation point of view. Cypress is compatible with calcic soils but the sandy soil has not a suitable capability for this species. The best site situation for this species is north geographical aspect, with elevation less than 700m, low slope and soil deeper than 1m. On the contrary the worst situation for cypress is south geographical aspect, high slope, with shallow soil and elevation over than 700m.