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Issue Info: 
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    4 (63)
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Background: In a total knee arthroplasty surgery the goal is to produce 90 degree angle between the knee articular lobe and the mechanical femoral line. Most orthopedic surgeons usually utilize a 5 to 7 degree for distal femoral cutting angle. In this study we will aim at clearing this question, that whether the” five-seven degree” distal femoral cutting angle supposed to be an equable spectrum? Method: In this three year course of study, 123 candidate patients for knee arthroplasty with varus knee deformities underwent pre operatore radiologic assessment before joint replacement surgery. The femoral bowing angle, distal femoral cutting angle, neck shaft angle, angle between knee articular line and mechanical femoral angle were assessed and statistically analyzed. Results: The mean varus angle was in 13. 71± 4. 34 in male and 16. 41± 7. 87 in female. The mean distal femoral cutting angle (DFCA) was 6. 50± 1. 09 in male and 7. 38± 1. 75 in female. In 48 patients (%39) the female DFCA was out of 507 degree range. In 32 (26%) of patients the DFCA was 7-9 degrees and in 8 (%6) it was over 9 degrees, and in 8 (%6) was less than 5. The angle differences had no sex-related variation. There was a good co-relation between DFCA and bowing angle (r=0. 769). The co-relation between DFCA and NSA was moderator (r=0. 523). The co-relation between DFCA and DFA (r=0. 11) and varus angle with LDFA (r=0. 28) was low. LDFA was also related to NSA (r=0. 15). Therefore, the candidates for knee replacement who have varus deformity may need a distal femoral cutting angle over 7 degrees. Based on these results, the distal femoral cutting angle in patients in need of a knee arthroplasty and varus deformity might be more than seven degrees. Conclusion: The distul femoral cutting angle in knee arthroplasty in face of severe varus does not have a constant value and maybe over 7 degrees. A long standing radiograph is needed to measure the mechanical and correlate with axis the anatomic axis of distal third of femur. When the bowing angle is high the DFCA will need to be higher.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Issue Info: 
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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    3 (62)
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Introduction: Nowadays, there is consensus regarding arthroplasty as the preferred treatment method for displaced femoral neck fracture among the elderly population. Although posterior and lateral surgical approaches are the most commonly used approaches for hip arthroplasty, direct anterior approach (DAA) has become popular in many centres. Considering the many advantages of DAA, this study aimed to study the results of hemiarthroplasty via DAA for femoral hip fracture in the elderly people in our centre. Methods: All the femoral neck fractures that had received hemiarthroplasty via DAA between January 2010 and January 2013 in a teaching hospital were extracted from the database. The pre, intra, and post-operative information and clinical follow-up data were all collected and analysed. The Harris Hip Score and physical exam was used for functional assessment. Results: 45 patients (16 males and 29 females) with a mean age of 73. 4 years and a mean follow-up of 76 months entered the study. There was no complication such as dislocation, wound problem or deep infection. The final mean Harris Hip Score was 87 (76-95). Conclusion: given that the patients with femoral neck fractures are often old, hemiarthroplasty treatment via direct anterior approach (DAA), has multiple advantages and is recommended for this population.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Issue Info: 
  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    3 (70)
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Leg Length Discrepancy (LLD) after Total Hip Arthroplasty (THA) is a prevalent complication that affects the patient's satisfaction with joint replacement surgery. It is the most common reasons for a patient's complaint of a doctor after a joint replacement. Patients will tolerate limb shortness more efficiently than their longevity. The LLD will create pain and limpness for the patients that result in premature aseptic loosening and back pain. Therefore, the surgeon should try to avoid this complication with the help of preoperative templating and various other methods during the operation. The present study examined the reasons for LLD and its preventive procedures in pre/intra‐, operation.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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