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لطفا برای مشاهده چکیده به متن کامل (PDF) مراجعه فرمایید.

Yearly Impact:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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آیین حکمت

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لطفا برای مشاهده چکیده به متن کامل (PDF) مراجعه فرمایید.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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In the present article, the author tries to provide the readers with one of the most popular, and probably the most valid, methods of making English bibliography. The addressees are those Persian- speaking academics who prepare papers to be submitted to national and international conferences and scientific journals, and those who are engaged in writing books either in Persian or in English. Therefore, subjects like referring to books, collected works and unpublished dissertations are taken into consideration. Apart from the efforts done to indicate the advantages of the method, keeping away from various and, in some cases, incorrect techniques is emphasized. The author’s main objective is to bring about the standardization of referring to English sources.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Objective: Self is known as a special structure in the field of information processing and one of the phenomena considered in this field is a type of memory bias called self-reference effect. This study aims to investigate the self-reference and other-reference effects in processing positive and negative traits.Method: A sample of about 150 female students of Tehran University participated in this study. Subjects were divided into three groups randomly. Two groups in the first stage by implementing the memory span task received positive or negative feedbacks and one group was regarded as the control group. After running self-reference and other-reference tasks, a recognition task was conducted for traits encoded previously in self-reference and other-reference.Results: Data analyzed by three-factor-variance analysis method indicated that positive traits more than negative ones and self-reference traits more than other-reference traits were encoded and recognized with higher speed than the feedback effect observed only in the group received positive feedback. This group had higher speed than control group in encoding.Conclusion: It seems that processing information related to the self as well as processing the negative and positive information were influenced by self-concept and motivational goals, and played an important role in recording, storing and retrieving the information.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Depiction of Health

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Within the healthcare system, health services have been categorized into different levels to enhance healthcare management. The concept of service leveling involves the provision of services in a sequential and adaptable manner. In the event that a specialized environment's client requires more advanced services that are not available within that facility, the patient is transferred to an associated unit at the same or higher level that offers the required specialized services. This sequence of services within the healthcare system is known as the referral system (1). The healthcare referral system facilitates a strong connection between healthcare tiers and the individual receiving medical care (2, 3). Patients can benefit from a second opinion from a specialist, access to more specialized care, and enhanced outcomes through the referral system. Additional benefits include lower overall healthcare expenditures, better use of staff and patient time, and lessened "induced demand" for medical care (1). At present, the health system in Iran lacks definitive guidelines pertaining to the dissemination of patient medical information. In the event that a patient requires specialized information regarding their health, to whom or what service should they direct their inquiry? Based on the available evidence, it can be inferred that the primary source of medical information for patients is their physician (4). In the event that the physician is unable to provide comprehensive and satisfactory responses to the patient's inquiries during the medical visit, will they make a referral to another individual or information resource? Is there a specific program in place within medical center libraries to address the information requirements of patients? Would it be possible for a patient or their companion to obtain accurate and evidence-based information by visiting the medical center's library? It is evident that the healthcare system lacks a structured approach for delivering information services to patients and directing them to authorized sources to address their inquiries. There have been various approaches and interpretations, such as prescribing information (5) and information therapy (6, 7), patient education (8), and information counseling (9), Consumer Health Information (10), that have aimed to improve the accessibility of medical information for patients within the health system. However, none of them are officially recognized as important programs within the current healthcare system of Iran, thus they cannot ensure that vital patient medical information will be communicated at the time of service. It is important for the country's health system to prioritize this issue in order to ensure that patients have access to information. Without this prioritization, it may be difficult to guarantee patients' rights to information in the health system (11). Therefore, it is crucial to establish clear rules and regulations to ensure that patients receive necessary information and that the information referral system within the healthcare system is effective. It would be beneficial if clinical guidelines provide clear guidance on the referral system for information, in order to ensure that the patient receives information in a timely and effective manner. During a medical visit, it is important for the doctor to understand the patient's need for information and provide appropriate referrals to reliable and specialized sources. If the library or information department of the hospital, clinic, or treatment center is unable to provide information based on medical evidence, alternative sources should be referred. It may be beneficial to direct the patient's inquiry to a higher authority who can provide the most accurate and comprehensible information. This process is the information referral system within the healthcare system. If clinical guidelines provide clear guidance on the referral system for information, it will ensure that the patient receives information in a timely and effective manner. When healthcare professionals utilize the information referral system to communicate with patients, manage treatment processes, monitor disease improvement, gather feedback from patients, and provide feedback to patients, the implementation and management of the referral system within the healthcare system will be more informed, safer, and promote better health outcomes. It is believed that the implementation of an information referral system could potentially ensure the accurate dissemination of information to patients within the healthcare system. One approach to managing costs and improving patient outcomes is to provide evidence-based information at various stages of care. This can help reduce extra costs (12) and unnecessary hospital readmissions, prevent patient errors (13), and better manage the supply and demand of induced healthcare services. The referral system for information services has the potential to enhance and streamline the management of various types of information centers and libraries catering to diverse segments of society, including doctors, students, researchers, women, patients, and others. It is noteworthy that the system is not limited to patients alone. By implementing the referral system and standardizing information services, health information centers and libraries can be optimized for improved efficiency and effectiveness. It would be beneficial to establish regulations for the information referral system within the health system. Highly trained medical professionals, including doctors and health information specialists with advanced degrees in medical librarianship and information science, are well-equipped to address this crucial issue. It may be possible to implement the health information referral system in both online and physical environments without incurring significant expenses. This could be achieved by utilizing the expertise of medical professionals and medical information experts within the health system.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    5 (مسلسل 122)
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لطفا برای مشاهده چکیده به متن کامل (pdf) مراجعه فرمایید.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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عالمی روح اله



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رابطه مفاهیم جزئی با معنا، دلالت و ارجاع یکی از مسائلی است که همواره ذهن محققین در فلسفه منطق، زبانشناسی و فلسفه تحلیلی را به خود مشغول کرده است. منطق دانان سنتی با تسامح بسیار در این مساله وارد شده، با اعلام اینکه جزئی معنای مستقلی دارد و مستقیما به شی ء خاص ارجاع می دهد و بر آن هم دلالت می کند از کنار آن عبور کرده اند، ولی به مرور زمان و خصوصا با ظهور فلسفه تحلیلی این موضوع جایگاه واقعی خود را پیدا کرده است. در اینکه اساسا آیا مفهوم جزئی معنا دارد یا بی معناست، مناقشه های بسیاری رخ داد و به تبع آن در نوع و ارجاع و دلالت این مفاهیم، نکات بسیاری روشن شده است. این مقاله به بحث تطبیقی ولو به صورت بسیار محدود و مختصر در این باره پرداخته است.

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مروارید هاشم



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لطفا برای مشاهده چکیده به متن کامل (PDF) مراجعه فرمایید.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Elhami Khorasani Sahand

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The current article studies the temporal Frames of Reference in Persian. What is most manifest in this field is the theoretical dissention. This article has reviewed the main approaches and frameworks in the field. The relationship between space and time domains is attested, yet despite many examples of mapping time in terms of space being found, it does not mean that the relationship between these two domains is unidirectional, since instances of describing space in terms of time can also be found. For related theoretical concepts such as Moving Ego & Moving Time models, A & B-Series and Deictic, Sequential & Extrinsic FoRs, examples were mentioned from Persian language. A poll was conducted which led to the conclusion that for Persian speakers the dominant temporal usage of “Jelo-tar” is in the meaning of “sooner”. Some points were mentioned regarding the use of spatial FoRs in the temporal domain and a critical approach to the study of temporal metaphors was also presented. 1. Introduction Space and time are fundamental in human cognition, and cognitive linguistics has always paid special attention to these two domains and their relationship. Among the most important concepts in this field is the Frame of Reference (FoR), which is the coordinate system based on which spatial or temporal position of an object is determined. This study examines the topics related to temporal reference in Persian. There is no previous literature in this field, and all the previous studies in Persian are in the more traditional frameworks, such as conceptual metaphors and the unidirectional mapping of space onto time. In this paper, we will investigate how the relationship between space and time is formulated in Persian and what the roles of deletion, decreasing, and redundancy are in comprehending the temporal Frames of Reference (t-FoRs). 2. Theoretical Framework Most studies of spatial FoRs (s-FoRs) have been separate from time and even when mapping from space to time was in question, the attention has mostly been drawn to movement and less to static FoRs. Nevertheless, despite the fact that only one decade has passed since the beginning of the studies in this field, there is so much dissention. There are three main issues concerning time: 1-How far space properties can be mapped onto time. 2-How varied temporal concepts are. 3-How time’s directionality can be assessed. 3. Results and Discussion In this part, each of the topics proposed in the field is critically introduced and some examples are also provided for them from Persian. First, examples are given for the main four properties of time usually enumerated: being extended, linear, directed and transient. Among these, the first three examples are related to space, and only the last one is exclusively temporal. Examples are also given for A-and B-Series and the two main patterns of temporal description: Moving-Time and Moving-Ego. It is shown that among the three main approaches regarding the relationship between space and time, at least the one considering them separate does not work in Persian, since there are numerous instances of their interaction in this language. Yet, although studies show that this relationship is not symmetrical, it is not unidirectional, as there are also instances of expressing space in terms of time. Among the three main spatial axes, top-down and left-right axes do not have a significant temporal role in Persian, and only the front-back axis has temporal usage too. Some examples are given and then the problem of “front” is addressed: One of the main issues in this field is the temporal interpretation of “front” in languages. The best way to determine it is by asking the speakers of the language to answer a question such as the following: “The meeting originally scheduled for next Monday has been moved forward two days. On what day will it take place? ” A survey found out that almost 88% of participants believe it to be on Saturday, which makes “Jelo-tar” in Persian mean “sooner” in its temporal sense, which is itself aligned with Moving-Time pattern and B-series. Concerning the three Levinsonian s-FoRs, it must be said that there is much disagreement among scholars, but one point is worth mentioning: for the Relative FoR to exist there is no need for the relevant information to be explicitly present in the sentence, since the speaker may consider them redundant and therefore reduce them from the sentence. Then, Evan’s framework for t-FoRs is introduced, which has three coordinates parallel with those in s-FoRs: target event, reference point, and origo, and three types: deictic, sequential, and extrinsic. It has been suggested that there is no real distinction between processing literal and figurative language, for example, empirical data shows that a prevalent metaphor is processed faster than its literal paraphrase, yet, cognitive linguists maintain the traditional distinction between literal and figurative language on the cognitive level. The question is simply “why? ” The same can also be asked about the traditional distinction between metaphor and metonymy, which is again maintained in cognitive linguistics too. Finding examples for the conceptual metaphors in the domain of time in Persian is not difficult, as has been done in many other studies, but the question is that what theoretical achievement it leads to. 4. Conclusions In the article, different examples from Persian were provided for the topics in the time field: it was shown that the four properties of time are also relevant in Persian, for A-& B-Series and also Moving-Time & Moving-Ego patterns examples were given. The three t-FoRs proposed by Evans were also introduced. This study showed that the most obvious issue in the time field is the utmost theoretical disagreement among theoreticians and scholars. The unit for coding temporal reference is sentence and the most important criterion for distinguishing a temporal and spatial reading of the same structure is that in the temporal reading, changing perspective is more plausible. Regarding the relationship between space and time, it was shown that although the relationship exists and is not symmetrical, it is not unidirectional. The only spatial axis playing a role in time is front-back and “front” was shown to have the temporal meaning of “sooner” in Persian. The other issue is distinguishing literal and figurative language, which despite empirical data against it is maintained by cognitive linguists. Concerning the role of deletion and reducing, this point was mentioned that for the Relative FoR to exist there is no need for the needed information to be explicit in the sentence, since they may be redundant and therefore reduced from the sentence.

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Different languages take benefit of different referential ways to trace out the narrative actants. These ways include deletion of reference, implicit reference of verb inflexion, using unbounded pronouns such as personal pronouns and demonstratives, and complete noun phrases. The choice of each, reflects the intention of the writer in displaying the position of actants and emphasizing the function of some events. The present article follows Levinson’s model to determine various ways of actants’ reference, methods of introducing the major and minor references, and the manner of emphasis on actants in a story of Ferdowsi’s Shāhnāme (Book of Kings) entitled “The Seven Adventures of Rostam”. The findings of the article prove that verb inflexion and noun phrase play more important roles in displaying respectively the frequency of major and minor actants of reference. In addition, bounded pronouns have been remarkably used for referencing both major and minor actants.

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