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اکوان محمد

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معرفت نفس، یعنی خودشناسی، اساس و بنیاد همه معارف بشری است و انسان همواره تلاش کرده است تا برای نیل به سعادت و کمال مطلوب، خود را به این نوع معرفت مجهز نماید. خودشناسی آغاز مسیری است که بدون پیمودن آن، ورود به عرصه های معرفتی دیگر خصوصا شناخت مبدا هستی امکان پذیر نخواهد بود. در این مقاله نخست درباره شیوه آشنایی انسان با بعد نفسانی خود از دیدگاه علامه طباطبایی گفتگو شده و سپس به تعریف نفس از منظر فیلسوفان پرداخته شده است. آنگاه دلایل تجرد نفس وجدایی آن از بدن مورد بررسی قرار گرفته و سرانجام ایرادات و شبهات منکرین نفس مجرد از بدن به ویژه مادی گرایان مطرح و از نظر علامه طباطبایی به آنها پاسخ داده شده است.

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A methane-air turbulent premixed flame is simulated via probability density function (pdf) and Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) methods. In the pdf approach, molecular mixing is modelled through the modified Curl’s model. A Monte Carlo method is used to solve the pdf transport equation. Also, the run time averaging and local time stepping procedures are incorporated to increase the accuracy and reduce the computational time of the pdf simulation. In the RANS approach, the averaged chemical reaction rate term is modeled by the eddy breakup-finite rate model. A finite difference discretization on a staggered grid is utilized to obtain the numerical solution for the RANS equations. The characteristics and differences of the two above mentioned methods, including computational time and predicted mean fields, are investigated in detail for premixed flames. It is observed that the discrepancy of the predicted mean fields between the two methods is large especially in regions near the flame. In addition, the predicted flame length by the pdf method is approximately half the flame length predicted by the RANS method.

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Lalla, jeune fille marocaine, est la figure dominante du second recit de Desert, roman celebre de Le Clezio. Ce personnage comme la plupart des personnages lecleziens, vit au sein de la nature ou il n’existe aucune trace de civilisation. Elle prefere vivre en marge de la societe et en dehors de tout ordre social et elle finit par fuir tout ce qui menace sa liberte et recherche un monde ou elle ne subirait aucune contrainte. Pourquoi ce refus de la modernite et cette sympathie avec la nature chez Le Clezio? L'objectif de cet article est en effet de montrer au lecteur la purete et l'innocence de l'univers du personnage central en contraste avec l'inquietude d'un etre agresse par la violence du monde moderne. Et par la montrer donc les elements qui sont a l’origine de la peinture leclezienne preferant le bonheur du desert a la modernite des grandes villes. English: Denying Modernism and Returning to Le Clezio's DesertLalla, the young Morrac girl, is the main character of second story of Desert which is the famous novel of Le Clezio. Like most of Le Clezio's heroes, this character lives in the heart of nature where there is no sign of civilization. Lalla always prefers to live in the margin of society and out of the social rules and finally she escapes from anything which threats her freedom. Why does Le Clezio reject the modernity and he is in favour of nature? The aim of the present paper is to instill the innocence and purity of the novel's main character which is in contrast with the concern resulting from violence of the modern world of the present human. The author finds real bliss with the primitive and uncivilized man rather than the civilized one. In this paper, we make an attempt to show why Le Clezio prefers living in the desert to living at big modern cities.Keywords: Desert, Le Clezio, nature, liberty, escape

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This paper introduces a new model for predicting the tropospheric scintillation path loss with respect to Iranian climate. Tile variance, probability density function (pdf), and attenuation scintillation are predicted based on the new model and using measurement data obtained from Iranian metrological department for different parts of Iran. Applying this model and corresponding data, the variance of scintillation, scintillation pathl loss and scintillation ,standard deviation predicted for different Iranian cities. The results reveal that scintillation variance pdf shows a long normal behaviour in Iran. Moreover, the path loss due to scintillation phenomenon in satellite- ground communication links cannot be ignored particularly in microwave and higher frequency ranges. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account these effects when designing satellite- ground and microwaves communicational links.

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In this study, a new method for producing initial conditions that are required for the Brownian dynamics simulation of dilute polymer suspension flows is proposed. For this purpose, the equilibrium probability distribution function is employed to generate an equilibrium ensemble of polymers. This approach is programmed and by using it, a polymer suspension in the inception of a simple shear flow is simulated. Also, the results of simulations in a similar flow configuration based on the conventional approach of generating initial conditions are presented. The excellent agreement between the results demonstrates the high accuracy of the proposed method for generating initial conditions. The main advantage of the proposed method is its low computational cost.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Objectives: Marital satisfaction and compatibility of spouses are axis and focus of family foundation, which are influenced by different factors. One of these factors is occupational status of each spouse The current study was carried out with the aim of evaluating the marital satisfaction in female nurses of Khalkhal city.Methods: This research was conducted as a descriptive cross-sectional study on 120 female nurses of Khalkhal city in 2014. The sampling method was non-probabilistic convenience sampling. Data were analyzed using Kolmogorov-Smirnov, Spearman correlation coefficient, independent t-, one-way ANOVA, Friedman, and multiple liner regression tests at the significance level of p<0.05.Results: The total study population was 120 female nurses with the mean age of 34.03±6.52 years. Ninety-nine subjects (82.5%) had very high satisfaction, 14 subjects (11.7%) high satisfaction, and 7 nurse (5.8%) moderate satisfaction. There was a significant relationship between marital satisfaction and number of sex (p<0.001) and occupation of spouse (p<0.04). The predictor variables effective in marital satisfaction are related to baby number (Beta=2.64, p>0.01) and working experience (Beta=1.85, p>0.04).Conclusion: In this study, the level of marital satisfaction was reported to be high among nurses of Khalkhal. Perhaps more complete and extensive investigation could show the cause of high satisfaction among nurses. Also, identification of the factors promoting marital satisfaction could be used as a strategy to teach spouses of other trade and professional groups, in whom satisfaction level is low.

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This project studies the relationship of rainfall with a thickness of the lower layer of the troposphere. Area between latitude 32.5 and 37 N in the Zagros Mountains in the central west of Iran was studied. Study of the long term period of rainfall elucidated seven synoptic stations of the central west of Iran. Two years of High rainfall and low rainfall and pervasive rainfall days of lower (up to 5 mm), medium (5 to 10 mm) and higher (more than 10 mm) for above months were selected from those years. Anomaly investigation on the average thickness of the atmosphere in Iran during this period to the long-term 66-yearold indicated that the annual average thickness has been more about 1.5 meters in the central west region in Iran. So the layer thickness (850-1000), temperature and specific humidity at the lower layer of the troposphere thickness in selected rainfall days in the central west region, it was shown that there was a thickness reduction at the rainfall day in 11 cases, thickness increment in 7 cases and no changes in 2 cases which remains constant. The amount of atmospheric thickness changes in the lower layer of the troposphere has not followed any specific trend and its changes and amount varied in different months. Also, the correlation of rainfall with the atmosphere thickness in the lower layer of troposphere in different seasons has not followed any specific trend and other conditions would be examined.

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لسان مبین

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چکیده شخصیت شناسی یکی از رویکردهای نقد روان شناسی است که در قرن بیستم پا به عرصه های جدید از جمله ادبیات گذاشت. در این روش، منتقد بر اساس اصول روان شناسی به کاوش در اعماق روان و شخصیت خالق اثر ادبی از خلال آثارش می پردازد. یکی از نظریه های مهم شناخت شخصیت در روان شناسی نوین نظریه"انیاگرام" است که با به کارگیری آن می توان نوع تیپ شخصیتی هر فرد را از میان تیپ های نُه گانه این الگو باز شناخت. پژوهش حاضر با شیوه ی توصیفی-تحلیلی برآن است تا بر اساس نظریه"انیاگرام" تیپ شخصیتی عروه را از خلال اشعارش شناسایی و بازتاب تیپ شخصیتی وی را در اشعارش واکاوی نموده وعوامل مؤثر بر شکل گیری شخصیت عروه را معرفی نماید. برآیند این پژوهش نشان می دهد که ویژگیهای رفتاری عروه با ویژگیهای تیپ دو(کمک گرا) انطباق بیشتری دارد و تیپ شخصیتی او، در قالب انسانی مهربان، دلسوز، فداکار، بخشنده و یاری دهنده به فقراء و ستمدیدگان نمایانگر می شود هر چند محرک چنین رفتارهایی از عروه تلاش برای غلبه بر درد حقارتی است که ناشی از ظلم و نابرابری اقتصادی و اجتماعی حاکم بر زندگی فردی و اجتماعی اوست و رفتارها و منش های انسان دوستانه وی بیشتر در جهت اثبات خویش به جامعه و جلب توجه و تأیید دیگران است.

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Quality of cut rose flowers was evaluated under different potassium and calcium levels in the nutrient solution under hydroponic conditions at Safi Abad Agricultural Research Center. This experiment was carried out as factorial in a randomized complete block with four replicates during 2007-2008 on 'Vendetta' rose cultivar. Rose plants were grown and irrigated with nutrient solutions having three potassium levels of 1, 5 and 10 mM in combination with two calcium concentrations of 1.6 and 4.8 mM. The results indicated that rose quality indices at harvest time consisting of fresh weight, stem length, peduncle length, bud length and diameter were not affected by different potassium and calcium concentrations in the nutrient solutions. However, postharvest quality studies revealed that, increasing potassium concentration up to 10 mM significantly reduced the final weight of rose flowering stem as well as their vase life in comparison with 1 and 5 mM levels. This was due to increased potassium concentration and consequently decreased calcium concentration in the rose leaves. But elevated levels of calcium supply from 1.6 to 4.8 mM markedly increased all of these indices due to increased calcium concentration of rose aerial parts. On the basis of this experiment, for improving postharvest rose quality indices as well as reducing crop loss, the application of 1 mM potassium and 4.8 mM calcium in the nutrient solution are recommended for cut rose production under hydroponic conditions.

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