In the western civilization, the predominant methods belang to the
category of the "hermeneutics of suspicion". In contrast, Islamic civilizationis
charactrized by various interpretive methods that deserve to be called the
"hermenuetics of trust", although this, of course, is trust in God alone.
nonetheless, despite a general agreement on the importance of trusting in
God, one can observea deep tensian between the interpretive approach of the
Mutakallimun and the urafa, the "gnostics". the mutakallimun, and along with
them that of the fuqahii, is were more likely to trust in God"s wrath and ven
geance, while the urafa preferred to trust in God"s Mercy and forgiveness. the
writer endeavours to explain in detail Ibual-A"rabi"s theoris about same
important concepts as Mercy, trust in God, incomparahility, and similarity. in
this respect, he refers to basic texts of Ibnal-A"rabi.