The cultural development, the establishment of conditions and the suitable material and spiritual opportunities for people in the society, to recognize their status and increase people’s knowledge and readiness for the change and progress is in the acceptance of its general principles. The ultimate goal of the cultural development should be the human’s growth and excellence in all aspects. The material growth is fundamental and necessary for the human’s excellence. It is evident that this aim is not achieved unless the human’s context of life is appropriate for it. This important fact is seriously considered in the ideal Islamic society (Mahdavi’s promised society), in which the issue of culture and cultural development is very important and a new culture replaces the decadent ones. The cultural development includes all layers of culture (ideas, beliefs, values, norms, behavior, knowledge, products and symbols) and can provide appropriate prospects for the cultural development in an awaiting society. Accordingly, the prospects for the development of culture in the society should be based on the knowledge and lofty ideas that are derived from the Messianic teachings and it should be stipulated in the national prospects.