Autecology of three species, Calligonum comosum, Calligonum bungei and Calligonum polygonoides was studied in Sistan and Baluchestan province, Iran. Possible use of the species in ranged improvement programs was the incentive of the study.
Shifting sand dune threat is the main problem of the province farms, cities, and rural areas are all invaded by the sand dune. The results of such research could help on selection of proper species for biological sand stabilization programs. This study was conducted on three sites naimely Tahlab, Chahan and east of Jazmoorian. The main problem on desert areas in Sistan and Baluchestan is the damage of sand dune transition on agricultural areas, roads, cities and rural areas.
Climate, edaphic, phenological stages, density, vegetation type and presence of other accompanied species were studied on Calligonum species habitsat in above regions.
Precipitation and temperature regime for climate condition, soil texture, pH and Ec were studied as well.
The results show that all three species were available on Tahlab, Chahan and east of Jazmoorian.The results also showed that Ca. polygonoides tolerate high range of pH, (7.4 to 9.4), the same result was deduced in Calligonum comosum and east of Jazmoorian region.