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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Bayhaqi’ s History, in term of the narration of historical anecdote, instructive description, etc. is one of the works that has visual and dramatic capabilities and themes. At first glance, this book is a story with a historical narration in the sequence of time, and each of its anecdotes has a coherent structure. The strong texture of the story of “ Afshin and Bodelaph” and the detailed descriptions in the narrative space, by presenting a specific time and place in five acts, have a clear tendency towards the dramatic image. The characters of this story are introduced in various ways through action and dialogue, and the audience becomes acquainted with their physical characteristics and behavior. In this anecdote, Beyhaqi with objectivity and extraversion in describing, activating relationships, visualizing situations, spaces and conversations, visual and emotional attractiveness, frequent debates of fictional characters, etc., show some of his talents and abilities in the process of turning into dramatic works, and allows the playwright to adapt the story to present a visual style and a multi-act play.

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    6 (81)
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Background and Objective: Azolla plants with the capability of fixing nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus, which are used as green manure and the nutrients in the compost, can be considered as a source of nutrition for plants. This study was designed to investigate the combined effects of Azolla with organic and inorganic fertilizers on soil NPK levels on study the growth index of Populous Deltoids. Method: The Azolla were collected from ponds of Joibar city located in Mazandaran province. Azolla compost was used in combination with inorganic and organic materials and the amount of NPK in these compounds and its effects on growth parameters (height, stem diameter and leaf fresh weight) were investigated. The compost of Azolla 100% and straw 100% had the highest and the lowest NPK that resulted in significant increases in growth indices of Populus deltoides in comparison with control one. Findings: Growth Indices in the compost of Azolla 100% showed the significant increase in comparison to other fertilizer treatments (different percentages of Azolla, straw and urea). Also, the mixed manure of Azolla and organic compost (Azolla 50%+ straw 50%) (With 0. 32% nitrogen, 0. 02% phosphorus and 0. 24% K) with inorganic fertilizer of urea was significantly increased growth parameters of plant than control. Discussion and Conclusion: According to the results, compound fertilizer 50% Azolla +50% straw + urea and Azolla 100% compost were had the greatest impact on improving the soil and finaly, plants growth. Therefore, use of green manure and green manure combined with a combination of organic and inorganic fertilizers, according to the effects on soil chemical traits, resulted in fertility improvement and increase of crop and by reducing the use of chemical fertilizer in agriculture will prevent environmental pollution and its staggering costs and contribute to the sustainable development of agriculture.

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این تحقیق به منظور شناسایی مراحل لاروی و تنوع زیستی اجتماعات پلانکتونیک Dendrobranchiata در منطقه زیستگاه های مصنوعی سواحل خوزستان (منطقه بحرکان در شمال غربی خلیج فارس) به مدت یکسال از اردیبهشت 1390 تا فروردین 1391 به صورت ماهانه انجام گردید. نمونه برداری با استفاده از تور پلانکتون با چشمه 300 میکرومتر انجام شد. در مجموع از دو فوق خانواده Penaeoidea و Sergestoidea، سه خانواده Sergestidae، Luciferidae،Penaeidae شناسایی گردید. از خانواده Penaeidae گونه هایMetapenaeus affinis ،Penaeu sindicus ،Parapenaeopsis stylifera ، از خانواده Luciferidae گونه Lucifer hanseni و از خانواده Sergestidae گونه Acetes sp شناسایی و معرفی گردیدند. همچنین در این تحقیق مشخص گردید که گونه Metapenaeus affinis (با میانگین 830±1029 فرد در مترمکعب) از خانواده Penaeidae در شهریور ماه بیشترین تراکم لاروی را به خود اختصاص داده است. الگوی دو پیکی تخم ریزی در میان میگوهایPenaeidae در تابستان و پاییز مشاهده گردید. بیشترین درصد فراوانی نسبی در فوق خانواده Penaeoidea مربوط به مرحله مایسیس یک و به میزان 62 درصد بود. نتایج بدست آمده نشان دهنده این است که سازه های مصنوعی به خوبی توانسته اند منطقه نوزادگاهی برای میگوهای Penaeidae باشند. همچنین بیشترین مقدار میانگین شاخص تنوع شانون در آبان ماه (1.36) بود که به علت حضور یکسان تمام گونه ها در این ماه است. کمترین میزان شاخص سیمپسون در آبان ماه مشاهده شد که نتیجه بالا رو تایید می کند.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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NooriyanSoroor Mohammad Ebrahim | Kazemi Saeideh | MOEINI MOHAMMAD MAHDI | NIKOUSEFAT ZAHRA

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The aim of this study was to determine the effects of Zn-methionine (Zn-Met) and Zinc sulfate (ZnSo4) supplementation on growth performance, carcass characteristics, serum zinc and copper and zinc concentrations in some tissue i. e. length, weight, internal and external offal items in Sanjabi lambs. All lambs were slaughtered at end of fattening period and biometry of carcass was determined, also zinc concentration in five carcass tissues were analyzed. The results showed that ZnSo4 supplementation reduced dry matter intake, final body weight, carcass weight without fat-tail and carcass length as compared to the control group (P<0. 05). The hind leg and fore leg length increased in the Zn-Met group (p=0. 001). The Zn concentration of Quadriceps femoris and Longissimus dorsi were not significantly affected by organic and inorganic Zn supplementations, however, pancreas, lounges and heart concentrations of Zn were higher (P<0. 01) in organic Zn groups as compared to other groups. The Zn concentration of feces showed that zinc sulfate bioavailability was lower compared to the Zn-Met group (p=0. 001). The concentrations of Zn and Cu of serum were not affected by Zn supplementation in treated lambs (P> 0. 05). The result of this study showed that zinc sulfate supplementation reduced lams growth and DMI, however feed efficiency ratio was not affect by treatments. The Zn-Met was not affected on growth of lamb, however the lounges and heart Zn concentrations increased.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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لطفا برای مشاهده چکیده به متن کامل (PDF) مراجعه فرمایید.

Yearly Impact:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The purpose of this study was to compare the physical and chemical characteristics of soils covered with vegetation and soils without vegetation in Dagh-e- Sorkh Ardestan area.To achieve the goal, first the vegetation was classified using physiognomic method, and for each vegetation type, the distinctive area was specified for soil and vegetation sampling. Vegetation sampling was done by stratified random sampling. Alongside pursuing the case, twenty two soil physical and chemical factors were investigated also for each growth type and area without vegetation. In the next step, to investigate the similarities and dissimilarities of the soils of desert areas by means of PC-ORD software, the cluster analysis was performe. After simplifying the one-way ANOVA, the most important soil factors which were effective in causing differences in the area’s soils were identified. Results show that the soils of area covered with vegetation differed much from the soils without vegetation physically in such a way that, the soil texture became heavier and gravel percentage became less in the areas without vegetation. Regarding the chemical characteristics, the frequencies of sodium, magnesium, calcium and chlorines and electrical conductivity were highly different. Because of topographic condition of land without vegetation, runoff is directed to this place and deposits salts there. Also, high groundwater level and capillary flowing salts are the important reasons for the salinity of this place. These are the limiting factors for the vegetation establishment in the desert areas of Ardestan.

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    3 (ب)
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تکنولوژی استفاده از آب مغناطیسی در کشاورزی بطور وسیعی در بیشتر کشورها مورد مطالعه قرار گرفته است. هدف این مطالعه، بررسی اثر آب مغناطیسی بر جوانه زنی و رشد رویشی دو رقم گوجه فرنگی در گلخانه میباشد. آزمایش به صورت فاکتوریل در قالب طرح کاملا تصادفی در سه تکرار در سال 1393 انجام گرفت. بر اساس نتایج بدست آمده، بذرهای آبیاری شده با آب مغناطیسی در هر دو رقم گوجه فرنگی افزایش قابل توجهی در رشد رویشی، سرعت و درصد جوانه زنی، شاخص بنیه بذر، طول ریشه چه و ساقه چه، وزنتر گیاهچه و ترکیباتی شیمیایی مانند کلروفیل و کارتنوئید، نسبت به شاهد نشان دادند. جوانه زنی بذرهای آبیاری شده با آب مغناطیسی در هر دو رقم 94.6 درصد بود در حالیکه درصد جوانه زنی در بذرهای شاهد 90 و 93 درصد به ترتیب در رقم سانسید و صادین مشاهده شد. نتایج نشان داد که آبیاری با آب مغناطیسی اثرات معنی داری بر فاکتورهای مختلف مورد مطالعه داشته است. به نظر می رسد که کاربرد آب مغناطیسی منجر به بهبود کمی و کیفی رشد گیاهان خواهد شد.

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    2 (76)
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Recently, the application of SA has increased to improve plants’ resistance to stresses such as drought. Hence to investigate SA effects on morphophysiological characteristics of Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare Mill. ) under drought stress, a split plot experiment based on latin square design with three replications was carried out at the research farm of Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman in 2012. Three levels of drought stress (50, 75 and 100% of field capacity) and three concentrations of SA (0, 0. 5 and 1mM) were considered as main and sub-plot treatments, respectively. Foliar application of SA was performed at 3-to 4-leaf growth stage and before application of drought stress. Results showed that the drought stress reduced the number of fertile umbel/plant, the number of fertile umbellate/umbel, the number of grains/umbellate, relative water content, chlorophyll, carotenoids and grain yield, while increased electrolyte leakage when compared with control. Salicylic acid reduced electrolyte leakage, while increased the number of fertile umbel/plant, the number of fertile umbellate/umbel, the number of grains/umbellate, RWC, chlorophyll, carotenoids and grain yield when compared to control (No SA application). Interaction of drought stress × SA on the number of fertile umbel/plant, the number of fertile umbellate/umbel, RWC, carotenoids and grain yield was significant. Increasing photosynthetic pigments, RWC and decreasing electrolyte leakage indicates a reduction in oxidative damage and implies SA role in tolerance of fennel to drought stress.

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