As the result of gully invention and development in study area,more amount of
susceptible soil for cultivation,delivering on slopes into drainage density. Because for this
reason,research and study on invention and development of gullies in study area, are very very important. The role of morphogenic and topographic factors, taking into acount in the
research of cause and factors of gulling. The gradient, length and shape of slopes ,relative relief-as the most important topographical factors influence on run off and increase or decrease power of erosive force of run off ,playing the most important role. In this article
have been analysed the role of topographical factors on regression head of gullies by used of quantitive methods. The results of this analysises show that,the shere of slops lengthen on development of head gullies in study area is more than other topographical factors.So that as ,if slop of length increase and hold constant other factors, potential of soil erosion
on slopes will increase to,equal 2.5 times