Deviding both the subjects and the predicates of the categorical propositions into actuality and verity, Afzal Al-Din Khunaji states the actuality-parts as adjectives, but verity-parts in three forms: as simple, as relational and as conditional. Since the adjectives are formulated in Modern Logic by conjunction, we can formulate actuality-parts as conjunctions. Verity-parts can be formulated at least in three forms: simple, truth-functional conditional and relevant conditional. The relations Khunaji has stated between the kinds of the verity- and actuality-propositions correspond, in most of the cases, to the analysis of verity-parts in simple form and, in some other cases, to their analysis by material conditional and, in few cases, to their analysis by relevant conditional. He, also, in some cases, takes as granted the existential import of universal affirmatives and, in some cases, ignores it. I conclude that Khunaji does not stand on a firm point and confus.