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    3 (91)
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Objective: This research investigates the citation, usage, reach and readership of scholarly books published by Springer Nature in four areas of Pure Sciences, Engineering, Medical Sciences, and Social Sciences within three years after publication. Methodology: The current study is a descriptive – correlational research which is conducted using citation, altmetrics and usage-based indicators. The sample of study is comprised of 1184 electronic books from Springer published in 2013. The data was collected from Bookmetrix, Springer’ s platform for monitoring the performance of books, which shows the number of citations in Crossref, the number of downloads in SpringerLink, the number of mentions in social media tools and the number of bookmarks in Mendeley. Data analysis was conducted using SPSS. Findings: Results of the study revealed that Springer books in pure sciences were more frequently cited than the other three subject areas. Like citation data, download statistics varied between scientific areas and the highest download count belonged to engineering books. Results showed that books in medicine received more social media attentions compared with those in social sciences, pure sciences and engineering. Regarding Mendeley bookmarks, the engineering books demonstrated the highest number of bookmarks among four studied research areas. All the studied books have been downloaded at-least once, while the proportion of bookmarked, cited and mentioned books was 90. 2%, 67. 9% and 19. 5%, respectively. The highest number of downloads in all four subject areas was occurred 6 to 18 months after publication time. The results of running a series of correlation tests revealed statistically significant and positive associations among the number of citations, downloads, mentions and bookmarks in all four disciplines. Findings revealed that books with more download statistics also accumulated higher citation counts. The relationship between citations and downloads could be bilateral. On the one hand, early download may lead to more citations. On the other hand, documents may gain more attention and be downloaded because they acquire more visibility when they are cited. Conclusion: The results of the current study provide evidence that usage-based and social media-based metrics could act as the complement of traditional citation-based measures for assessing the impact of books and book chapters in a multidimensional way. This study also provides insights into different types of impact that scholarly books have and how they are being cited, downloaded and discussed in book-oriented and article-oriented disciplines. Librarians’ and researchers’ familiarity with alternative metrics are mandatory.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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با ظهور ابزارهای ارتباطی دیجیتالی به عرصه زندگی بشر، شاهد وقوع انقلابی جدید در شیوه زندگی بودهایم که تلفنهای همراه هوشمند و برنامههای کاربردی آنها از جمله این ابزارها هستند. در این موضوع بازارهای رقابتی شدیدی میان طراحان و توسعه دهندگان برنامههای کاربردی بوجود آمده است. جلب نظر کاربران برای دانلود و استفاده از برنامههای کاربردی تلفن همراه موضوعی حیاتی برای طراحان و توسعه دهندگان این برنامهها می باشد که بطور پراکنده در تحقیقات قبلی مورد توجه قرار گرفته اند. هدف پژوهش حاضر بررسی جامع عوامل مؤثر بر دانلود برنامههای کاربردی تلفن همراه از سوی کاربران میباشد. جامعه مورد بررسی برنامههای کاربردی دسته بازی فروشگاه برنامههای کاربردی کافه بازار در ایران بوده است که از روش نمونه گیری ترکیبی (سهمیهای و قضاوتی) داده های 384 بازی جمع آوری شد. برای ارزیابی مؤلفه های زیبایی شناختی از نرم افزار متلب استفاده شد و سپس دادهها توسط آزمون رگرسیون گامبهگام و بوسیله نرمافزار SPSS مورد تجزیه و تحلیل قرار گرفتهاند. بر اساس نتایج این تحقیق از میان عوامل شناسایی شده، میانگین امتیازات برنامه، تقارن تصویر، سبک طراحی، وجود مؤلفه انسان پنداری، پیچیده بودن آیکون، نوع زبان برنامه و نحوه پرداخت بر انتخاب یک برنامه کاربردی از سوی کاربران تأثیر معناداری داشته است.

Yearly Impact:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (13)
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Purpose: A comparative study of citation prediction model through web altmetrics (visibility, save and download, readers) in the fields of health science, life science, physical science, humanities and social science is the aim of this study. Methodology: The present study is a scientometric study that has been done with the method of citation analysis and web data analysis. Sampling was done by random and stratified method. The Sample size was 2000 articles from 4 subject areas, the indicators of which were extracted from Mendelian, Figshare, PlOS and Scopus systems and analyzed by Multiple Regression Analysis method. Findings: The results showed that in four subject areas, web measures act as a predictor of citation indicator and there is a significant correlation between them. The extent of this correlation and predictive power depends on the subject area and covers a range of negative to positive correlations. Conclustion: The difference between regression model of citation prediction through web altmetrics in the variety of fields indicates the distinction among subject areas and their patterns in web metrics which should take in to account for assessments to avoid interdisciplinary comparisons. In the areas with powerful prediction model, web metrics can use separately and as an early predictor of citation. In other areas with weak prediction model, it is suggested that both metrics are applied for the best result.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Aim: The present paper is the result of a research which aimed to review the current level of support and training provided for the reference management software by academic libraries. Method: The data was gathered on the basis of a survey of Iranian universities’ websites. Findings: The results reveal that in about 50 percent of Iranian universities, there is no information about RMS at their websites at all. In less than half of the remaining 39 universities, central library is responsible for introducing and training of citations and RMS. Deputy of research and faculty scholarly associations have been other organizers of RMS training. Furthermore, the results show that more than 90 percent of universities perform their training in face to face format only. EndNote is the only citation management software supported approximately by all universities. Teaching other RMS, such as Mendeley or Zotero, has been very limited. Conclusion: Authors suggest that librarians themselves get instruction on using citation management tools to be able to teach library users. Also, there is a need for providing online tutorials on RMSs.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and aim: Nowadays, many of the databases provide Citation Management Softwares for researchers in order to facilitate the research. The purpose of this study was to determine the rate of using citation management softwares in available databases of Tehran University of Medical Sciences.Material and methods: This study is an applied research, which has been carried out using survey method. The statistical population of this research involves 20 available databases of Tehran University of Medical Sciences. Data was collected through direct observation, inserted into the statistical software Excel and analyzed due to research targets.Findings: The results showed that among the twenty studied databases, Oxford Journals database obtained the first rank, regarding the rate of using the softwares with usage of 100 percent. PubMed, Thieme Medical Journals and Cochrane Library databases had the lowest rate of using the software (14 percent). Among the range of softwares used, EndNote and Ref Works softwares obtaining the first rank, having the most usage (65 percent) among the studied databases. But Zotero and Mendeley software were used only in 3 databases (15 percent).Conclusion: The amount of the application of citation management softwares varies in different databases. In most databases, citation management softwares was used, but in some databases, citation management softwares was not used.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and aim: Nowadays, the speed of access to information for decision-making is very important. The aim of this study was to evaluate the websites of all Iranian universities of medical sciences with Gtmetrix tool.Material and methods: This survey study evaluated 49 websites of all Iranian universities of medical sciences with webometrics tools. Gtmetrix was used in the assessment of the quality features of websites in these universities.Findings: The analysis of the data showed that 55% of websites in all Universities of Medical Sciences in Iran have poor and very poor conditions in terms of download speeds. Among 49 websites examined, the performance of download time of Website in Birjand University of Medical Sciences is at a rank according to the indicators of Gtmetrix.Conclusion: The results showed that the websites of these universities do not have the necessary download speed. Then, it is necessary for managers and web designers to improve the quality of websites through considering the factors affecting the speed of downloading of websites.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Issue Info: 
  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    4 (120)
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Purpose: To review quality models and approaches to digital library performance. Methodology: This article is an overview article. The library method is used by searching and retrieval tools on the web to collect scientific and research documents in this field. As the literature related to the measurement of the quality of digital library services, including research and review, was searched on the scientific databases of Science Direct, Gesture, Emerald, Scopus and Google Scholar, during the years 2000-2018. The articles were selected based on qualitative criteria based on purpose, evaluation and final articles. Of the 66, 735 original articles retrieved, 18 articles had qualitative criteria. Endnote software has been used to integrate search results. To validate the results, a specialist was used other than the research team. Findings: A number of approaches have been suggested in the literature for evaluating digital libraries. The performance of digital libraries is a qualitative assessment of the functionality of the digital libraries as a combination of three general categories of Usability, functionality and accessibility. The results show that research carried out in the main dimensions of digital library service quality assessment is in the dimension of Usability and accessibility with a frequency of 33% and then the function with a frequency of 28%, and in the sub component of reliability dimension with percentage The prevalence of 38% has the highest frequency, and privacy with a frequency of 16% has the lowest frequency, which indicates the vacuums and dispersion of research done in this direction. Conclusion: A combination of three indictors, ie Usability, functionality and accessibility serve best to for evaluating the performance of in digital environments.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    4 (14)
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Introduction: Nowadays, using the Internet in various areas is increasing and the outcomes of using this communicative tool have drawn the attention of researchers in psychology and sociology fields. In this respect, the object of this research is to study the relation of family factors in the amount and ways of the Internet usage.Method: In this descriptive-correlation research, 4155 high school students were chosen country-wide in a multi-stage cluster sampling. Data collecting was done via a questionnaire which includes demography, family status and the amount and ways of Internet usage.Results: The amount of using the Internet for befriending, downloading pictures and films, chatting, music, games and sexual clips in order of appearance are: 37/8, 40, 31, 42, 31 and 31 percent. Also the rate of family members’ acquaintance with the Internet, the relationship between the family members and the family’s monitoring in respect of the amount of chatting, the amount of befriending websites’ usage, secretive chat, downloading music, using the Internet secretly, seeing pictures secretly and Internet befriending is statistically significant.Conclusion: Due to the possibility of causing trauma for teenagers because of abusing the Internet and the relation between Internet usage with family factors and variables, it is required to pay attention to immunizing family especially in a monitoring aspect.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Objectives: The aim of this study was to calculate the cost spent to develop databases Scopus, Science Direct, and Ovid and compare it with the rate of use and permeability in order to select beneficial collections and determine the position of these resources among the users in Qom University of Medical Sciences.Methods: The present study is practical in terms of purpose and survey in terms of method, and is a type of detachment analysis report. The statistical population of the research included: Shared university electronic information resources, such as e-journals and accessible databases of two citation databases, Science Direct and Scopus versus Ovid in years 2014. Information was collected using two methods of frequency of use and cost-benefit analysis. Data were analyzed by chisquare test.Results: The frequency of use, based to SAMAA index (number of paper download in the format of the HTML and PDF, number of abstract download, and number of searching and sitting down) in the databases Science Direct and Scopus and Ovid was significantly different, so that among these three databases, Science Direct and Scopus had the highest rate of use. The use and cost-benefit of the fields of medicine in these three databases were significantly different from each other, and medical subject area in the databases Scopus and Science Direct was higher than Ovid. No significant difference was observed between the rates of use of user groups (faculty members and staff, students) in the two databases.Conclusion: Considering the duration (about 20 minutes) of the users’ use of electronic resources, it can be concluded that the rate of use in the studied population is very low.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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