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Zinc was electrodeposited from an acidic sulphate solution on
commercial steel sheet substrates
galvanostatically at 10,20, and 100 mA/cm2. The steel substrates
had an average roughness number of 1.34
and a high percentage of its grains had their
parallel to the plate surface. During electrodeposition at
10 mA/cm2, on some specimens, there was an intense potential
fluctuation around -870 m V vs Saturated Calomel
Electrode (SCE). During this period zinc hydroxide precipitated
on the surface. After a certain time, the potential
dropped to -1020 for zinc deposition. Zinc nuclei were
seen to precipitate from zinc hydroxide. Increasing current
density changed nucleation mode from progressive to
instantaneous, and also changed the size, morphology, and
texture of zinc deposits.