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مرکز اطلاعات علمی SID1
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mong the fundamental concepts in the field of urban studies is the notion of right to the city which include belonging the city to its citizens. And it is the main factor of citizen's participation in urban affairs which has opened its way in the fields of urban studies and urban sociology through translating Lefebvre artworks. The objective of the current research is to examine the relationship between right to the city and Yazdi citizens' social security sense. Based on the method of implementation, the present study is survey-based, cross-sectional based on time, applied in nature, and quite large based on the breadth. The statistical population of the current research include 411051 Yazdi citizens aged 18 or above in 1397 (2019), among whom, using Cochran formula, 365 people were surveyed through a three-stage sampling method. The instrument was a researcher-made questionnaire whose face validity and reliability, through Cronbach alpha value, were confirmed. In order to analyze the data, t-test and Pearson analyses were used through SPSS. The obtained results suggest that the level of right to city and security sense is lower than average among Yazdi citizens, and also there is a positive and significant relationship between right to the city and security sense. The is also a significant relationship between urban area, housing type, and right to the city. Moreover, based on the regression model, independent variables could explain 10% of security sense variance. Abstract Extend Introduction: Urbanization growth and the formation of the scales of urbanization growth in recent decades have given rise to new challenges in urban and contemporary urbanization. What has recently drawn attention according to cities expansion and the importance of studying urban life and the right seeking style in the city is the discussion of the right to urban life or, as Henry Lefebvre puts it, the right to the city. The right for city dwellers to be involved in decision making processes about urban spaces at whatever level of decision making process they are. In exploring the causes of the emergence of the city and why human communities came together in an environment such as the city, various theories have been proposed, one of which being the issue of security and its objective dimensions. Now that centuries have passed since the birth of the first urban communities, cities as a result of the widespread physical and demographic growth have been involved in new issues within different dimensions of citizens' lives, including the urban security of citizens in the context of the concept of the right to the city as one of the most important issues in urban organization. Security is one of the reasons for seventies and the formation of communities and as social gatherings and social interactions expand, numerous relationships in various fields (politics, culture, economics, social, etc. ) are formed and security is overshadowed. In terms of inclusion and universality, social security can be termed public security which can cover the areas of social security and group security. Among security theorists, Waver has defined social security as the ability of the community to take care of its fundamental features and characteristics in conditions of change and threats, both objective and probabilistic,Emphasizing the closeness between community identity and security. He further points out society requires its identity security and accordingly, social security is the peace and tranquility that every community is obliged to provide for its members and often is divided into communication security, emotional security, life security and financial security. Therefore, social security is the peace and tranquility that every society is obliged to create for its members. Security is one of the basic needs and motivations of the human being. Thus, the main question that this study seeks an answer for is: What is the relationship between Yazdi citizens' the right to the city and their social security? Methodology: The present study is survey-based in terms of implementation, cross-sectional in terms of time, applied in nature, and quite large in terms of breadth. The statistical population of the study was 41105 citizens aged 18 years and above in Yazd city. Using Cochrane formula, 365 individuals were studied by three-stage sampling method. The research instrument was a researcher-made questionnaire whose validity was confirmed by face validity and its reliability was corroborated through Cronbach's alpha. Findings: Based on the findings, there is a positive and significant relationship between the right to city and sense of security (0. 29) (p≥, 0. 01). Furthermore, there is a positive and significant relationship between the right to the city and the dimensions of feeling of security, communicative dimension (0. 96), emotional dimension (0. 15), life dimension (0. 20) and financial dimension (0. 34). Thus, by increasing the right to the city directly and positively, we will have an increased sense of security in all aspects. Therefore, if the citizens and residents of Yazd have a sense of communicative, emotional, life and financial security, they will certainly be more involved in the urban environment. This sense of security is especially important in the financial aspect. Increasing education, having better jobs and higher incomes for their individuals will place them on a higher socioeconomic base and thus make them feel more financially secure as a citizen. As the results of the linear regression indicate, the right to city with 0. 42 beta and significance level of 0. 00 had the greatest effect on the dependent variable. Also, the correlation coefficient of the independent variables with the variable of sense of security was R = 0. 33 and the adjusted coefficient of determination was equal to 0. 10, which indicates that 10% of the variance explains the feeling of security. Also, the regression model explained by the ANOVA test is linear and significant because the value of F test for explaining the significance of the effect of independent variables on feeling of security is 18/75 and the significance level is 0. 000. Conclusion: The present study was purposed to investigate the relationship between right to city and security among Yazd citizens. In short, the sense of security means the liberation of man from the anxieties, insecurities, and anxieties that a person living in urban communities may face. Given that Yazd has recently become a worldwide historic and UNESCO-listed city, the participation of people in producing urban space on the one hand and having a sense of security, on the other hand, to enhance participation seems essential. Descriptive findings showed that the majority of respondents were in the age group of 20. 2 to 33. 2%, the lowest age was 18 years and the highest age was 73 years. 50. 7% of the respondents are female and 49. 3% are male. Additionally, descriptive findings demonstrated that 37. 3% of the respondents were single and 62. 7% were married. The research findings also showed that the majority of employed respondents are 59. 2% and native to Yazd 87. 9%. Inferential findings also showed that there is a significant positive relationship between the right to the city and the sense of security, which means that with the increase in the right to the city among the citizens, there is a positive increase in their sense of security. The obtained results revealed that the average feeling of social security was lower than the average of the mean. In this study, although men and women have almost similar perceptions of participation and their distribution at different levels of participation in the Arneshtain ladder is almost the same, both at the level of non-participation and at the level of physical participation, and at the level of citizen power they have a higher percentage than women. Suggestions: 1. as seen in the findings, the relationship between sense of security and the right to the city is a positive and significant one. This reinforces the need for more attention by officials in schools, mass media, education and municipalities. 2. Empowering all citizens in the city to participate in enhancing urban culture and enhancing their sense of social security.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Urban Change Effects More Than Any Other Human Factor on River Systems. River Channel Changes are very Significant due to Urban Development. So Today, River Geomorphology is the Base for Studying Environmental Changes that are used for River Channel Management. Materials and methods: The Purpose of this Study was to Evaluate the Effects of City's Physical Expansion on Hydrological Characteristics, Discharge and River Sediment and Features of Channel River Including Platform or Spatial Pattern of River, Lateral and Longitudinal Profile, Number of Meanders, Curvature, Width to Depth Ratio and River Geomorphic Forms The Evin Watershed is in the Period of 20 years (1998-2018). This Research was Carried out in Three Steps: the First Step was Hydrological Studies Using the Semi-Distributed SWAT Model in two Sections of the 20 years (1998) and (2018) in the Evin-Darake Basin, the Second Step of the Study of Discharge and River Sediment in the Basin. The Sediment and Discharge Data During the Statistical Period of 1361-1391 was used for the Hafthouz Station. the Changes were analyzed in the Pre and Post Urban Development Period. Finally, the Third Step of Geomorphological Studies of the Basin was studied. Due to Geomorphology Studies, Aerial Photos and Satellite Imagery were used to Document Land Cover, Drainage Network and Urban Extension, and then each Channel was Divided into Intervals. Field Studies in each Range include Measuring Channel Dimensions, Sediment Characteristics, Geomorphic Forms, and other Items Mentioned in this Research. Results and discussion, Conclusion: The Results of the Simulation of Precipitation Process-Runoff Based on the City's Physical Development Scenario indicate that the Average Rainfall in Evin Watershed is equal to 4, 430 mm, of which this amount of Rainfall in the Previous Period is 142. 6 mm and in By 2018, 146. 8 mm is Evaporated in the form of Actual Evapotranspiration from the surface of the earth and plant. Also, the mean Curve Number (CN), which indicates the amount of Water retained on the Catchment, is in the Simulation Process, this amount is 84. 01 in 1998 and (in 2018), this amount has increased to 76. 78 and the Runoff rate The Surface area in the Previous Period (1998), 106. 66 mm and (2018) increased to 126. 88 mm. According to the Results of the Sediment Evolution Process before Urban Development, the amount of Sediment has Risen over time, which subsequently shows an increase in Discharge. On the other hand, the Results of the Study of the trend of Changes in the amount of Sediment in the Post-Urban Development Period compared with the Previous Period, decreased significantly In Discharge and as a Result of Sediment Production. Based on the results of the SWAT Model, the Urban Development Factor and Human interference have shown increased Runoff Production Capability and reduced permeability of the Basin. The results in the discussion of geomorphological studies showed that with the development of urbanization and development of human activities within the studied area, the river system has changed. The survey of aerial photos and Google Earth suggests that changes in the river's path as the river has undergone erosion and lateral changes over the course of twenty years of study, the riverbank on the right bank of the river. In general, in the sections of the route, the rivers are limited by resistant outcrops and formations, the Meander movements are minimized, there is no possibility of lateral displacement and displacement of the waterway bed and limits the river's potential for change. Also, the longitudinal profile of the Evin River in the Upper and Upper Mountain Range has undergone less urbanization and expansion. In the longitudinal profile of the river Darake, there are dysfunctional and uplifting phenomena, which is due to the bending of the river and indicates the sedimentation and erosion in these parts of the river. In the convexity of the sedimentation process and at concave points, erosion is performed. over the course of twenty years, with increasing flow rate and urban development, river profiles in the previous period tend to be submerged and the sections are shaped like V. But in the new period, the profile of the plate has expanded due to increased runoff and lateral erosion of the river bank, and the profiles of the sections have changed in shape U. The largest change in the number of Meanders in range 1 is observed in 1998, with 4 twists and in 2018 it has increased to 10 twists. During the period from 1998 to 2018, the Range of 1 From the direct to sinusoidal pattern, the Range of 2 From the sinusoidal pattern to Meander and the range 4 from the direct pattern to the sinusoidal pattern. In the range of 5, the pattern change was not observed due to direct channeling and fixation of the channel and river bank walls using concrete walls. In range 1, the Curvature of the channel increased from 1. 7 in 1998 to 1. 13 in 2018. In range 2, the Curvature from 1. 24 in 1998 to 1. 31 in 2018, shows an incremental trend. Also, in the range of 3, the Curvature increased from 1. 25 in 1998 to 1. 29 in 2018, but the pattern pattern did not change over the course of twenty years and was observed as a Meandering. Due to the presence of natural obstacles (outbreak of resistant formations), in range of 3, the pattern is dominant. In the ranges of 4 and 5 of the river, the difference in Curvature is not very different. The results of the measurements of the depth-to-width ratio indicate that the width of the river has increased over the course of twenty years by the width of the Channel in the range of intervals due to the erosion of the banks. No variation in the width of the river has been made at range of5 (urban area). The area around Watercourse and river in the form concrete channels is restricted and restored.

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Border security refers to prevention of any act against the law along official borderlines of a particular state and regulation of the trans-border passage of individuals, goods, and domestic animals through legally allowed border crossings while carefully observing legal rules and obligations. Every nation tries its best to keep the borders totally blocked except for particular border crossings where trans-border passage has been allowed upon previous agreements. Many factors affect border security of a country. The plans and policies adopted by countries to appropriately and effectively control their borders are among the most important factors contributing to security performance along the borders. In this respect, careful locating of police stations and border outposts impose large contributions to efficiently control and management of borders and the establishment of security along the borderlines and within the border area. The present study aims at investigating and analyzing the factors affecting border outpost location with the help of remote sensing and geographical information system (GIS) software tools. In order to extract, examine and analyze the required information, images taken by the OLI sensor on Landsat satellite in 2018 were loaded with ENVI 5.3 software where remote sensing and GIS techniques as well as fuzzy inference system and analytic hierarchical process (AHP) were utilized. Finally, output map was classified into three classes, namely suitable, moderate, and unsuitable land uses. It should be noted that the analyses were performed using 13 criteria, namely land use, slope, border right-of-way, territory of existing outposts, right-of-way of protected zones, road access, territories of cities and villages, power transmission lines, watersheds, water channels, railways, and faults.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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