"Charand-o-Parand" is a collection of Dehkhoda's fictional articles that were published in a column of the same name in the newspaper Surasrafil Written in slang, these articles are a technique between storytelling and journalism. Using this technique, Dehkhoda was able to convey his desired concepts to the audience (mass of people). Although his articles are not known as short stories and it is believed that Jamalzadeh is the creator of Persian short stories, but Dehkhoda's articles can be considered as a prelude to the emergence of Persian short stories that short story writers like Jamalzadeh were influenced by. The present article inductively examines the storytelling style of Dehkhoda in "Charand-o-Parand" and compares it with Jamalzadeh's “ Yeki Bood Yeki Nabood” . So, the elements of the story in the two works are compared with each otherThe results of this study show that the elements of the story are present in most of Dehkhoda's articles, although these elements are less coherent in some cases. Also, Jamalzadeh, who is considered as the first author of Persian short stories, in his collection “ Yeki Bood Yeki Nabood” in his style, theme, subject, focus and fictional characters are influenced by Dehkhoda's articles.