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قرنطینه یکی از راه های جلوگیری از انتقال و شیوع بیماری بشمار می اید و همواره مورد توجه محققین فعال در امر پرورش، نگهداری و استفاده از جانوران در آزمایشگاه بوده است...

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خاجی علی


اخلاق پزشکی

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زمینه و هدف: لازمه کنترل و مقابله با اپیدمی ها اتخاذ تصمیماتی است که می تواند زندگی عادی افراد بسیاری را تحت الشعاع قرار دهد. یکی از این تصمیمات ایجاد قرنطینه برای افرادی است که احتمال ابتلا آن ها به بیماری عفونی واگیردار می رود. هدف از انجام این مطالعه بررسی ملاحظات اخلاقی مرتبط با برقراری قرنطینه و یا ایزوله کردن مبتلایان به بیماری های واگیردار است. مواد و روش ها: مطالعه حاضر یک مطالعه مروری است که با استفاده از جستجو در پایگاه های داده های مربوط داخلی (ایران مدکس (IranMedex)، مگیران (MagIran)) و خارجی (پابمد (Pubmed)) با استفاده از اپیدمی (Epidemic)، قرنطینه (Quarantine)، ایزوله کردن (Isolation)، ایران (Iran)، بیماری عفونی (infectious Disease) و اخلاق پزشکی (Medical Ethics) استفاده گردید. سپس چکیده مقالات بازیابی شده مورد بررسی قرار گرفته و پس از حذف مقالات تکراری و غیر مرتبط، محتوی مقالات مرتبط تحلیل شد. یافته ها: تصمیم گیری بر اساس مبانی علمی ثابت شده، تناسب سود و زیان ناشی از قرنطینه و کاستن از بار منفی آن، دوری از هر گونه تبعیض (اعم از قومیت، نژاد، جنسیت و. . . ) و منصفانه بودن تصمیمات ضروری است. تلاش برای جبران خسارات (روانی، جسمی و مادی) احتمالی ناشی از قرنطینه و ایجاد کم ترین محدودیت و همچنین قوه قهریه برای اجرای قرنطینه الزامی است. شفافیت در تصمیم گیری، پاسخگوی، ثبات در اجرا برنامه ها و در عین حال انعطاف پذیری از الزامات این کار است. ملاحظات اخلاقی: ضمن رعایت امانت داری در تحلیل، گزارش متون و استناددهی، تلاش گردید انتشار نتایج به دور از هرگونه سوگیری انجام پذیرد. نتیجه گیری: توجه به مباحث اخلاقی مطرح شده می تواند باعث افزایش اعتیاد افرادی گردد که باید در قرنطینه قرار گیرند و این ضمن افزایش همکاری ایشان تضمین کننده به نتیجه رسیدن این پروسه است.

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Depiction of Health

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Background Given the current prevalence of COVID-19, the World Health Organization has ordered the implementation of health protocols and social distancing, as well as home quarantine as a way to control and manage the disease. Athletes' physical activity has been affected due to quarantine conditions, so this research was done to evaluate the physical activity of amateur athletes of Tehran National Gas Company in an attempt to provide a solution to maintain physical fitness. Methods This study was a descriptive-survey research and the data collection tool utilized in this study was a researcher-made questionnaire consisting of 15 questions. The validity and reliability of the questionnaire were checked by experts and provided online questionnaire by the google form software and was available to individuals. The variables examined in the questionnaire were: current status of athletes 'physical fitness, relationship with the coach, place of residence, physical activity at home, athletes' feelings, training programs, level of family support for Athletes' sports activity, number and duration of training sessions, training intensity, and diet. The statistical population of this study was 100 people. The sample size was determined based on Morgan table, and 70 people were finally selected through easy sampling method and entered the study. Results The results showed that most athletes were in the age range of 51-60 years. Most of the participants were active in the field of mountaineering. The majority of participants in the study had moderate physical fitness compared to the pre-quarantine period. Conclusion According to the findings of this study, most athletes in this study had a moderate level of physical fitness. The study suggests that we increase the intensity of physical activities under supervision of coaches to maintain the fitness and increase the health and immunity.

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    2 (18)
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Currently a part of our wood requirement is supplied through imports from Russia despite the potential risk of quarantine pests and diseases entering the country. Quarantine pests and diseases may be transformed with wood from home country to another and in some cases acquired heavy tool to the forests of destined countries. Considering the importance of the quarantine risks posed by wood imported from Russia a research project was conducted during 2007 to 2009. In the course of implementing the project, regular seasonal inspections were conducted of the imported woods as well as the woods used for load leveling in four points of entry including Astara and Anzali in Gilan, Noshahr and Amirabad in Mazandaran. In case of pests occurrences, conventional direct sampling methods including aspirator, forceps or hair brushes were applied. Following collection and labeling, samples were preserved in glass vials containing 70% alcohol. The primary points of concern were ongoing malpractice and negligence in physical inspection, clearance and treatment procedures in the customs. Better knowledge of the above mentioned subjects would ultimately modify and improve the whole system.

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The interpretation and comprehension of a literary work based on sociological theories usually requires an eclectic approach. Such an approach unveils different aspects of a literary work and at the same time examines the validity of the theories. This article is a structural, semiological, and hermeneutical approach towards “Giyahi dar gharantineh” from the collection of short stories, Yozpalangani ke ba man davideh-and, by Bijan Najdi based on the theory of ideology and power discourse. First, we determined the metatextual and textual signs and then all the signs were interpreted in the web of textual signification. Finally, the meaning-making codes were recognized according to the theory of ideology–in Marx, Althusser, and Zizek–and power discourse in Foucault. The overall aim of the article, apart from recognizing the intertextual aspects and narrative structures, decoding the textual signs, and understanding the hidden textual structure of the story, is to determine the macro-metaphor which can function as a common nucleus for all the stories. The tenors of this metaphor are the dominance of ideology and the illusion of identity.

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Sociological Review

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The chaos and rupture in everyday life caused by the corona virus and the home quarantine caused deep and intence changes in various realms of individual and public life. Taking the Covid-19 in its unique sociological sense as a window to understanding the social phenomena and taking the plurality and diversity of experiences into account, this article seeks to explore the experience of the Iranian family via the narratives of women. Applying a hermeneutic approach, we conduct content analysis to analyze the experience of the first home quarantine in 2020 of 23 married women aged 30 to 52 in two provinces of Tehran and Alborz, based on the data gathered using deep, semi-structured interviews. Formulating the meaning network of the Iranian family’s experience of dealing with the pandemic from a women’s perspective, we found four main meaning patterns: the feeling of abandonment and loneliness in the absence of the State; displacement and fusion of the family and the social everyday life spaces; women’s corporal devotion to home leading to the centralization of family; and the medical disempowerment in favor of family empowerment. Overall, findings show that dealing with the pandemic creates a rupture in the normal rhythm of life that exposes the individual to taking conscious actions, and while the disempowerment of the State, of stereotypes of the family, and of medication as a structure continue under the mortal pandemic, we witness the return of agency and the deconstruction of social and family life in a process of self-construction centered on family as a group.

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Shafiei Somaye sadat

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    1 (53)
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In the Iranian family sociology, the dominant approach is based on this general idea that the family is the center of patriarchy. Based on this view, women at home are in subjugation and under male dominance. To support this idea, a lot of researches have been conducted in recent years. However, the present study does not seek to identify the patterns of female subjugation,rather it is in the process to identify the patterns of their resistance to male dominance within the home. As such, the study seeks to answer the question as how women use "culture" as a tool of resistance as well as to change the balance of power in the family. In this regard, 36 married women were interviewed. Findings showed that women use the strategies such as "struggle for meaning", "reverse decoding", "resistance to gender stereotypes", "resistance through tradition" and "appearance of obedience but hidden resistance within family" to resist the male dominance. Through these, they try to control male power in the home and balance it accordingly. Various resistance strategies indicate that women’, s “, resistance sources" in the family are numerous, which take place in different domains and in different ways.

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    2 (86)
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Background and Objective: Due to the spread of the new coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), the amount of physical activity and exercise in people’, s lifestyles was greatly reduced to reduce interpersonal contact to control the infection. The current study aimed to investigate students’,physical fitness levels during the quarantine period of COVID-19, and the study examined its changes after four months of training at home. Methods: This quasi-experimental study was done on thirty-two students (16 males and 16 females) in Shahrekord University, Iran during 2019-21. Physical fitness (swimming, Sit-ups, jumping rope, and flexibility) was measured and compared three times before the start of the Coronavirus, one year after the beginning of the Coronavirus, and after four months of exercise at home. Results: COVID-19 leads to a decrease in the level of physical fitness in the post-exam phase compared to the pre-exam phase. Due to the restrictions related to the quarantine period, students’,physical fitness levels showed a significant reduction in the post-corona period compared to the pre-corona period. In addition, four months of training at home showed a significant effect on physical fitness indicators, compared to the time of quarantine, in such a way that the average of physical fitness factors increased significantly (P<0. 05). Therefore, growing measures are needed to motivate and support students to maintain a conscious level of physical fitness to avoid any threat to the population’, s health, especially in quarantine conditions. Conclusion: The quarantine period during the outbreak of COVID-19 caused a decrease in the physical fitness of the studied students, and performing four-month exercises at home increased their physical fitness.

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تاریخ قرنطینه مرزهای ایران به دوره قاجار بر می گردد. در این زمان به تدریج قرنطینه بنادر خلیج فارس تحت سیطره دولت انگلیس در آمد. با روی کار آمدن سلسله پهلوی و سیاست های رضا شاه که خواستار ایجاد یک دولت مرکزی کارآمد و کنترل بیشتر بر مرزهای کشور بود، موضوع نظارت ایران بر قرنطینه های بنادر جنوب به رویارویی دو دولت ایران و انگلیس که تا آن زمان اداره این تشکیلات را برعهده داشت منجر شد. این درگیری ها که از سیاست های کلی دولت ایران مبنی بر تحکیم موقعیت خود در خلیج فارس و بنادر آن پیروی می کرد سرانجام به استقلال تشکیلات قرنطینه در بنادر خلیج فارس انجامید. این پژوهش با تاکید بر اسناد، گزارشها و کتاب های موجود به بررسی این پرسش ها می پردازد که چگونه نظارت بر امری غیر سیاسی یعنی نظارت بر قرنطینه جنوب توانست تبدیل به امری سیاسی شود و چرا هر یک از دول بر کنترل قرنطینه تاکید داشتند و نهایتا چه عامل یا عواملی سبب شد که دولت رضا شاه بتواند کنترل قرنطینه را از دولت انگلیس باز پس گیرددر این مقاله فرضیه زیر مطرح است:قرنطینه جنوب بستری برای دخالت دولت انگلیس فراهم ساخته بود و دولت ایران با تاکید بر توانایی های خود در زمینه های بهداشتی استقلال قرنطینه جنوب را به دست آورد.

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Objectives The present study aimed to discover the lived experiences of the older adults from quarantine during the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. Methods & Materials This qualitative study employed a content analysis method. Sampling was performed in 10 subjects using a purposive sampling method and continued until data saturation. Semi-Structured face-to-face interviews were used to collect the necessary data. The texts of the interviews were analyzed by qualitative method. Results As a result of the interviews, the two main themes of negative outcomes with the sub-themes of illness anxiety, low mood, death anxiety, interpersonal conflicts, social isolation, treatment limitations, and reduced physical activity as well as the main themes of positive outcomes with the sub-theme of lifestyle improvements were discovered. Each of the above-mentioned themes had several supporting semantic units. Conclusion The themes discovered based on lived experience provided useful information about the effects of quarantine on biopsychological health and quality of life of the elderly; these characteristics can be considered in treatment planning and measures for this group.

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