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این طرح به منظور ارائه راهکارهای عملی جهت بالفعل نمودن پتانسیل اراضی مستعد استان انجام شده است. در طرح فوق نحوه شوری و سدیم زدایی خاک های شور و قلیائی استان خوزستان که در قالب 11 پروژه مطالعاتی بود، به تفصیل موردبحث و تجزیه و تحلیل قرار گرفت. بر اساس مطالعات ارزیابی منابع و قابلیت اراضی حدود 40 درصد اراضی خوزستان یعنی 2.5 هکتار را مناطق کوهستانی و کوهپایه ای تشکیل می دهد. مابقی اراضی که حدود 4 میلیون هکتار می باشد، شامل مناطق مستعد کشاورزی تا غیرمستعد و دارای مسائل و مشکلات شوری و قلیائیت و ماندابی می باشد. همچنین مشخص شد حدود %99 اراضی کلاس های V دارای محدودیت شوری و قلیائیت و بالابودن سطح آب تحت الارض می باشد و از مجموع اراضی کلاس VI حدود 10.8 درصد دارای محدودیت های شوری و قلیائیت و ماندابی است. به طورکلی حدود 950000 هکتار از اراضی مطالعه شده در بررسی فوق دارای معضل شوری و قلیائیت و نیز بالابودن سطح آب تحت الارض می باشد. همچنین قریب 1.5 میلیون هکتار از اراضی دشت های استان خوزستان قابلیت اصلاح و بهره وری دارند و باتوجه به منابع آب استان، پیش بینی افزایش سطح کشت را تا دوبرابر فعلی با راندمان %30 نشان می دهد.

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In this study, anatomical, physical, pulping and paper making properties of Eucalyptus microtheca grown in Farse province is investigated. Eight trees were sampled for this study. The average dry and critical specific gravity of 8 samples were measured at 0.85 and 0.88 for heartwood and 0.8 and 0.75 for sapwood respectively. Mean of fiber length, diameter and cell wall thickness were measured at 0.78 mm, 15.68 mm and 4.560 mm for heartwood respectively. The corresponding figures for sapwood are 0.84 mm, 15.72 mm and 4.88 mm.Pulps were produce by two processes, Kraft (as a chemical process) and NSSC (as a semi-chemical process). Pulp properties of these two processes were compared. Yield and Kappa number of Pulp depend on cooking condition are 36.42-53.25 percent and 21.68-87.68 for Kraft Pulps and 64.59-70.91 percent and 130-189 for NSSC pulp respectively. Physical properties of pulps consist of burst and tear Index and breaking length were measured at 3.90-4.84 kPa.m2/g and 8.34-11.01 mN.m2/g and 5.36-6.94 Km for Kraft Pulps respectively. These properties for NSSC Pulp are 1.72-2.89 kPam2/g, 7.46-8.26 mNm2/g and 4.11-5.14 Km.

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Desertification is a phenomenon that is affected by many factors such as natural, social, economical and reciprocally affects these factors. The first step in performing dedesertification projects and preventing desertification must be based on the recognition of phenomena that cause desertification. In this research, at first by combining information from topographic and geologic maps, air photos and field survey, the area was divided into 15 geomorphological facies or subfacies, each of which was considered as the main unit for evaluation of desertification. For an investigation of desertification factors and evaluation of the intensity of desertification, based on presented regional characteristics, rating of seven factors affecting desertification was done in each geomorphological unit. The factors were climate, geomorphology, lithology, hydrology, pedology, land management, land use and the present situation of desertification. The class of desertification was determined for each geomorphological unit. By adding up all the ratings obtained from desertification factors, the intensity of desertification of land unit in five classes of insignificant, low, medium, intense and very intense was estimated. At the end, the result of evaluation was presented as a desertification intensity map of the area. The results of this research were as follows: Desertification was active in the area was on a rise. Among the main desertification phenomena, salinization and alkalinization were active in %51 of the area. In these areas, in addition to climatic and pedologic conditions, the main factors of desertification were geomorphology, lithology and hydrology (the depth of saline underground water and saline incoming runoff) and in %49 of lands, wind and water erosions and degradation of vegetation and water resources under natural and human effects such as lithology, geomorphology, climatology, pedology, overgrazing and unwise exploitation of underground water resources were active. About 68.8 Km (%8.6) of the area was under medium, 400.8 km2 (%50.1) under intense and 330.4 km2 (%41.3) under very intense desertification status.

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Dagh and Kavir are two faces of palaya in desert geomorphology. Since Literally there has not been any proper definition of the word Kavir and Dagh, it is difficult to distinguish between these two types of desert morphology. However the differences between these two features of desert can be explained mainly by the differences appeared in the chemical soil properties between this two formations. As defined, generally the Dagh and Kavir is the lowest terrain, which formed by streams or drying lakes. When streams or the occasional torrents of water produced by rains move down the mountains, they are heavily loaded with sediment. These streams and run off spread over the gentle slopes and finally accumulate over the extensive area at lowest terrain patterns. As time passes, with on going evaporation of water and depositional processes Dagh and Kavir are formed. The only distinction between Dagh and Kavir is the accumulation of precipitated salts in Kavir formation. Though the aim of this paper is not to distinguish the differences between this two features of desert in details, in fact this paper reports the results of the soil characteristics of four Dagh located in the central desert of Iran, firstly to clarify the distinction between Dagh and Kavir and secondly investigate the utilization of Dagh for agricultural purposes. The soil analysis of these two features showed that the total dissolved salt was the main distinctive factors between Dagh and Kavir. Dagh’s soils consist of heavy soil texture and Kavir's soil was associated with high saline and alkaline salts. In same parts of Dagh areas, farmers use the land for cultivation of different crops and orchards mainly pistachio in the cold desert and date palm in temperate and semi arid zones. The local farmers also practiced reclamation of the Dagh heavy-soil texture with application of sand particles. Sand dune, which spreads extensively over the desert area, is the main source of sand particles. Dune particles analysis also showed that there is no any limitation for pistachio seedlings in terms of sensitivity to soil salinity. Application of coarse sand particles in Dagh areas appeared to be a good technique for utilization of those areas for pistachio plantation.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Three 4,6 and 12 years old populus deltoides trees were randomly selected and felled from the Safrabasteh Research Station located in Gilan province. Samples were transferred to the Wood chemistry and Paper Making of Research Institute of Forest and Rangelands. By using of kraft processing, percentage of sulfidity rate of %25, and the temperature of 165°C a addition to modification of effective alkali, up to 14%, 17%, 20% and cooking time at maximum temperature of 60 min., 120 min., 180 min., with a rate of liquide to lignocellulosics malerial equivalent at 5/1 (L/W).Average of yield and kappa number of pulps was measured between 43.83-2.20 and 14.85-30.48 respectively.Pulps were refined up to the freness degree of 350, 400 and 450 c.s.f for 14% effective alkali and 350 c.s.f. for 20% effective alkali. The mechanical properties of 60 grams hand-made papers include breaking length, burst Index, tear Index and folding were also measured.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Floodwater spreading is an efficient and appropriate method for the optimization of runoff utilization, particularly in arid and semiarid region. Besides the reduction of damage caused by the floodwater, this technique would also be useful in the artificial recharge of groundwater, rangeland rehabilitation, and desertification control. The objective of this study was to evaluate the physical and chemical characteristics of the sediments carried into the Moghar floodwater spreading system and the resulting problems. Samples of sediments and soils from different strips were taken and some of their physical and chemical properties, including texture, salinity, alkalinity and the amount of lime, nutrients and organic matter, were determined. Also, the infiltration rate was determined in both soils and sediments in different strips. The results show that more than 100000 tons of fine sediments have been deposited in the system as a result of four times flooding. The thickness of deposition varies from 91 cm in the first strip to 11 cm in the fifth one. Moving from the first to fifth strip, the amount of sand in the sediment decreases, whereas the clay content increases. Soils of the area contain excessively higher sand content but much lower silt and clay as compared to sediment. While the sediment deposited has no salinity and alkalinity problem, the natural soils of the area are highly saline and alkaline. Furthermore, in contrast to low fertility of the soils, deposited sediments have more organic matter as well as higher total N and available K. Nevertheless, the deposition of the fine materials in different strips of the system has caused a great reduction in the infiltration rate, even in the fifth strips with only 11 cm depth of deposit. It seems that a great portion of the water entered the system would be lost through evaporation if no measure is taken to reduce the floodwater turbidity. Deposition of a great deal of very fine sediments would also lead to reduction of system efficiency and lifetime.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Ground Water are the most important sources for supplying of potable Water for cities and villages from the health point of view, the Water which is used for drinking, should be pure and has little soluble substances and free from the pathogenic organisms. The aim of this study is to determine the chemical and bacterial quality of ground water Sources of URMIA city and comparison with international standards. Materials and Methods: The method of study is descriptive and cross-sectional. To determine the chemical and bacterial quality of potable ground water sources, in URMIA city, the number of 74 samples was collected from 37Deep wells, during Summer season. The bacterial Samples were taken by 250 ml sterlizied glassware and kept in 4□c and then carried them to the laboratory, within less than six hours. Samples were examined in three stages; probability, confirmatory and complementary. Chemical samples were collected in a plastic container (2 litres) and then parameters such as; hardness, alkalinity, electrical conductivity (Ec), Anions and cations of water were examined, and compared with the international standard book (1998). Results: Results obtained from this study indicated that, the mean electrical conductivity (EC). of water wells were less than 1000 micro-mos/cm, and based on sholler's diagram for drinking waters, the quality of ground water sources were very good and potable. Among the chemical parameters the concentration of nitrate in two wells was more than standard. The average concentration of fluoride was 0.04 ppm and less than standard (0.5 pmm) level. From the bacterial quality point of view, the water wells were free from bacterial pollution and no coliform bacteria observed in samples. Discussion: We concluded that there is no problem in the quality of ground water sources. But because of increasing population in future and water demand it is better to examine the chemical and bacterial quality of ground water continuously.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Populus euphratica is a woody plant that grows naturally along riverbanks in arid and semi-arid regions. Its natural stands exist mainly in Asia and North Africa. Iran is considered one of the main distribution areas of this species having around 20,000 hectares of Euphrates poplar forests. P. euphratica plays a significant ecological role along Tedzhen riverbank. Tedzhen river flows about 90 Km along Iran-Turkmenistan border. The vast habitats of Euphrates poplar forests in Khorasan province can be found along Tedzhen riverbank. Euphrates poplar forests are one of the main ecological barricades that prevent river enlargement and its geographical changes. They are also natural belts protecting arable lands against wind hazards. Euphrates poplar forests in the area were studied using topographic maps as well as land surveying. Three habitats were identified and selected for this study. Transects with various lengths were laid down systematically and 33 random plots (10x10 m) were plotted perpendicularly off the riverbank. Biophysical properties of Euphrates poplar and physico-chemical properties of soil were studied at three different depths (0-30, 30-60 and 60-90 cm) within 19 plots. Soil factors such as texture, saturation percentage (SP), CaCO3, CI, Mg, Ca, Na, pH, electrolyte conductively (EC) and sodium absorption rate (SAR) were measured in the laboratory. Relationship between biophysical factors of Euphrates poplar and soil factors were evaluated using PCA and correlation analysis. Results showed that among physical properties of soil, percentage of clay lower than 60 cm had a strong positive relationship with Euphrates poplar density. Soil chemical substances particularly Mg, Na, Cl and EC were negatively correlated with Euphrates poplar performance. Ecological analyses showed that soil salinity, pH and chloride toxicity were the main limiting factors of Euphrates poplar density. Soil acidity and lime percentage were not considered as limiting factors. Ecological analyses also revealed that soil physical factors such as light soil texture and lack of clay layer in depth of root expansion could limit natural distribution of Euphrates poplar in some parts of the region.

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The variations of pH, alkalinity, salinity and hardness were measured and compared in different sampling sites in headwaters of Hanna river and Hanna reservoir and its outflow.The results showed that the headwaters were saline and hard and had relative higher alkalinity with stable pH. But due to extended biological activities exerted by lentic condition, the salinity, hardness and alkalinity were modified in the reservoir. The pH of the water column of reservoir were not constant and showed significant daily and annual changes and reached to a high mean value of 9.7 in mid summer. The magnitude values of above mentioned chemical parameters in the Hanna river, or in the other hand, in outflow of reservoir were usually lower than reservoir and higher than headwaters.Apart from existence of hot summer and very cold winter days, there were no observed thermal stratification in the water column of the reservoir. In summer, the stratification was eliminated by the blowing of severe winds in addition to hydraulic pressure exerted by waves of larger and shallower area of the reservoir on smaller and deeper part and on the other hand, in winter the stratification of water temperature can be observed because of calm weather and freezing the reservoir surface.

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The study area is about 75000 hectares and is located in Qom-Masileh area, Qom Province of Iran. It is located between 34° 30¢ to 34° 52¢ north latitude and 50° 47¢ to 51° 19¢ east longitude. Based on the data of the nearest synoptic station to the study area (Qom Station), the climatic type of the area is desertic. The maximum air temperature is 34.5 °C in June and the minimum air temperature is 3.6 °C in December. The annual rainfall is about 145 mm. The objective of this research was to elaborate an approach for the prediction of the land production potential for irrigated cotton taking into account the environmental condition in the study area. The methodology considers different hierarchically ordered production situations. In the first hierarchical production situation, the radiation thermal potential (RPP), or the potential yield of irrigated cotton, was calculated. In the second hierarchical production situation, land production potential (LPP) for phases of family has been calculated considering soil indicies. The result of the first hierarchical production situation showed that irrigated potential yield based on FAO crop growth model for cotton (lint plus seed) was 6460 kg/ha and cotton lint was 2308 kg/ha in the study area. The result of the second hierarchically ordered production potential situation showed land production potential for irrigated cotton (lint plus seed) 65 to 5623 kg/ha and cotton lint 23 to 1968 kg/ha due to lime, gypsum, gravel, soil depth, salinity and alkalinity limitations.

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