Research in literary texts and artistic works must be along with knowing philosophical imagination and understanding epistemological aspects of imagination and thus is indebted to the fundamental role of imagination in poets, literary men and artists' creations. So, thinking and research in theosophists: and philosophers' views about the essence of imagination are the basic discussion in the philosophy of literature and art. This article explains the most important epistemological arguments in philosophy with the help of Farabi's view. In Greece, for the first time, Plato gave the last and the lowest level to imagination in philosophical system and that is why artists and poets have been rejected in his Utopia. But Aristotle saw the imagination from a philosophical view. He called it one of the faculties of the soul which is able to hold and record the forms. At the beginning, Islamic philosophy reviewed Greek philosophical texts, then accepted some of Plato's and Aristotle's thoughts and their schools in Neapolitan and Alexandria as the bases and rejected their deficiencies and refutations. Therefore, it began to expurgate, correct and complete views in Greek Philosophy. Among them, Farabi, who is called "the second teacher", is one of the most famous Islamic philosophers and in other words, has established the Islamic philosophy. He has especially innovated some views in "imagination". These originations have created many brilliant literary examples in Islamic-Iranian literature and culture. The main questions in this article are: the essence of these innovations and explaining their bases and sources. But a complete illustration of this argument must be done after explaining the position of imagination in Greek philosophy, especially Aristotle's thought.