The statistical population of this study consisted of senior undergraduate and postgraduate students on different agricultural fields in both Bu Ali Sina university of Hamedan and Razi University of Kermanshah (N = 850). Of those students, 385 students were selected as sample size using Cochran's formula and simple random sampling method. The main instrument of the research was a questionnaire whose questions were designed in three sections: professional competencies, social structure of education, academic motivation. The validity of the questionnaire was calculated using a panel of experts and its reliability was calculated by Cronbach's alpha test and it was 0. 88. The results of the research showed that from the viewpoint of the agricultural students about professional competencies, 8 items need to be learned by the students and integrated into students' curriculum. These were: 1. Acquisition of practical skills, 2. English skills, 3. Agricultural experience, 4. Ability to implement and implement various agricultural projects, The results of structural equation analysis also show the direct effect of professional competencies on two variables of academic motivation (0. 78) and social structure of education (0. 63), and they were significant at the level of 0. 001.