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لطفا برای مشاهده چکیده به متن کامل (PDF) مراجعه فرمایید.

Yearly Impact:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    2 (60)
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Introduction: The present study aimed to investigate the presence and attentions received by Iranian highly-cited articles in the field of medical science, in various social media platforms. Methods: This descriptive and analytical survey was conducted using scientometrics and altmetrics indicators. The study population comprised of 1288 highly-cited papers from Iran in Essential Science Indicators (ESI) database during 2007-2016. In addition to Essential Science Indicators, Web of Science and Altmetric Explorer database were utilized for data gathering, too. Results: 0. 27% of the total publications from Iran in the field of medical sciences were among highly-cited papers (top 1% with the highest number of citations). Moreover, Iranian researchers contributed in 0. 28% of world highly-cited papers in the field of medical sciences. 85. 5% of Iranian highly-cited papers were mentioned at least once in social media platforms. Mendeley and Twitter were the most promising altmetrics sources for Iranian highly-cited papers in the field of medical sciences. Investigating the characteristics of highly-mentioned articles showed that they had similar publishing patterns. All five highly-alted papers in social media, were produced through international research collaboration, had more than 10 authors, and were published in the Lancet journal. Conclusion: Comparing to other subject categories, the altmetrics coverage of highly-cited papers in the field of medical sciences was in an acceptable level. Considering the positive and statistical significant association between the number of citations received by papers and their altmetrics scores, we can conclude that highly-cited papers from Iran in the field of medical sciences attract high attentions in social media as well.

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    1 (پیاپی 17)
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Purpose: This study aims to investigate the relationship between international scientific collaboration and highly-cited and hot papers of Iranian researchers in the Web of Science during 2010-2019. This research refers to the highly cited or hot articles in the Web of Science database. Methodology: The present study is an applied descriptive, including a scientometric approach. The research population includes 2747 highly-cited and hot papers of Iranian researchers indexed in Essential Scientific Indicators (ESI) and Web of Science (WoS) databases during 2010-2019. The research tool is an “advanced search” tool of the Web of Science database. For this purpose, first, articles related to Iran during 2010-2019 were extracted from the Web of Science database. By searching Iran, all the articles were retrieved. By limiting the search to highly cited articles and hot papers science scholars during 2010-2019 were extracted. Data was collected by Microsoft Excel software and analyzed by correlation and regression tests using SPSS (version 22) software. Findings: The largest number of scientific collaborations included the United States (534), China (449), and the United Kingdom (338). Findings showed the most collaborations in highly cited and hot articles published in 2018 and 2019. Also, the most collaborations in writing highly cited articles in the subject areas were engineering with 374 (33710 citations), Physics with 155 (26158), and clinical medicine with 154 (60397 citations),Furthermore, the most cooperation in writing hot articles in the subject areas of engineering with 18 (983 citations), materials science with 14 (253 citations), and clinical medicine with 12 (1686 citations). Findings showed that the number of highly cited articles with the cooperation of two countries was 566 (50266), for three countries it was 274 (24351), for more than 15 countries it was 226 (86575), and the number of hot papers with the cooperation of two countries was 22 (713), for more than 15 Country it was 19 (1914), for three countries it was 12 (339). Findings showed that a positive and significant relationship was observed between the number of international collaborations and the number of citations received (without self-citation) of highly cited and hot papers. Whenever the coefficient becomes significant in the regression model, it means that in the regression model, the predictor variable has an effect on the dependent variable. If the value of P is less than a, the coefficient is significant. The regression model on the research variables with the presence of the predictor variable (the number of highly cited articles). In general, the number of collaborations is presented as the most suitable model that explains the variance of the criterion variable (number of citations) and the test is positive and significant. The findings show that the relationship between countries' researchers' cooperation and the number of citations received by highly cited articles is a strong, positive, and significant predictor. Conclusion: Based on this, with the increase in cooperation, we see an increase in the number of cited articles by Iranian researchers. The results showed that there is a positive and significant relationship between the number of international collaborations of article researchers and the number of citations received. International scientific collaborations have increased the quality of research outputs (hot and highly cited papers) of Iranian researchers. According to the findings of the current research as well as the findings of the investigated backgrounds and confirmation of the impact of coauthorship and international scientific cooperation on increasing visibility and receiving citations, encouraging more international scientific cooperation, and allocating suitable funds and facilities. For this type of activities, the researchers of universities and research centers in Iran should be put on the agenda. With this action, the expansion of the research field of this research considering various aspects of international scientific cooperation in universities and research centers of the country can be considered.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Payavard Salamat

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Background and Aim: Infectious Diseases are among the diseases involved in public health and a high percentage of causes of death worldwide are attributed to these diseases. The purpose of this study was to investigate the status of highly cited articles in the field of infectious diseases based on bibliometrics and Altmetrics indicators. Materials and Methods: This descriptive-analytical research was applied research that has been done using bibliometrics and Altmetrics methods. The research population included 687 highly cited articles indexed on the Web of Science (WOS) database between 2010-2020. Web of Science database and Bookmarklet tool was used for data collection and VOSviewer, Excel, and SPSS software were used for data analysis. Results: The production process of highly cited articles have had an upward trend. The highest publication rate was in 2020 and the lowest in 2010. The United States published the largest number of articles with 49%, and Lisa Maragakis and Deborah Yokoe were among the most prolific writers. The Lancet Infectious Diseases Magazine and the Center Disease Control Prevention Institute have contributed the most to the publication of articles citing infectious diseases. Vocabulary: COVID 19, epidemiology, disease, mortality, and infection were the most widely used terms in the field of infectious diseases. Mendeley and Twitter were also among the most important social media sites that cited highly cited articles. Conclusion: The results showed that there is a significant relationship between Altmetrics indices and the number of citations. Also, by identifying the characteristics of highly cited articles in the field of infectious diseases, an attempt has been made to provide a clear view of the top authors, countries, institutions, and journals, and of course, researchers can use the hot and emerging topics identified in this research in future research.

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This study aims to investigate Iran scientific production pre-revolutionary by 2016 with the emphasis on the conferences proceedings, highly cited and hot papers, and open access papers, in the light of the Law of Economic, Social, and Cultural Development Plan of Iran. Descriptive– analytical method used. To achieve research objectives data extracted from Clarivate Analytics (Thomson Reuters) using search strategy CU=IRAN. Analysis is based on conferences proceedings, highly cited and hot papers, and open access papers indexed in Web of Science during 1931-2016. The findings showed that the conferences papers had a significant growth over time, and in general, before the Islamic Revolution, no conferences papers from Iran were registered in this database, and the growth of these articles was after the victory of the Islamic Revolution, so that from one conference paper in 1989 to 3529 articles in 2015 (and 502 papers for first seven months in 2016). Also, the status of highly cited and hot papers indicates that in general, these papers have been compiled from 1134 highly cited papers since 2006 and 45 are hot papers that have been registered in this database. On the other hand, the status of open access articles suggests that the researchers are more likely to welcome these articles. However, the significant growth of these articles dates back to the fourth decade, with 25813 open access papers, most of which are published in 2015 with 4502 papers. The findings showed that the annual compound growth of conference papers over the second period of the second development plan was 47. 12%, which shows a decrease in the third plan (19. 64%) with a negative growth of 8. 38%. In the fourth plan, the growth rate of the articles of the conferences is 35. 37% and represents 6. 6% growth more than third plan. Between the fifth and fourth plans, we experience 18. 82% of downtrend. There is no negative growth in the highly cited and hot papers between the second and the fifth plans, but the growth of these papers is not impressive. During the first to fifth plans, the development of open access articles has been significant, but the growth rate of a five-year plan is not prominent to another plan. In this regard, the findings showed that in the fifth development plan, we observed a decrease of 6. 59% compared to the fourth plan. Although Iran has achieved a high status in terms of scientific quantity, it is necessary to pay more attention to applied quality research, in accordance with the Law of the Economic, Social, and Cultural Development Plan of Iran, and the responsible bodies and planners must prioritize this issue. With the efforts of the Iranian scholars and the necessary support in this regard, the influential presence of science and technology in the welfare of society is observed.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Scientific output of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Medical Sciences has increased during recent years as reflected in Scopus database. Moreover, highly cited papers of researchers, institutions and countries can be used in order to study the citation impact and quality of scientific output. The current study investigates the quality of Medical Sciences’ scholarly output of Iran through analysis of its progress in publishing highly cited papers compared to the top 25 most productive countries in the world. Methods: To conduct this study, scientometric indicators were utilized. A total of 45065 papers published by Iranian Medical Science researchers during 2010-2014 and indexed in the Scopus were selected as the sample of the study. The contribution of Iranian researchers and institutions in top 1%, 10% and 25% highly cited papers in the world was studied. Results: Results of the study revealed that 0. 35% of the country’ s total output in Medical Sciences was among the top 1% most highly cited papers in the world during the time period of this study. This share is 4. 9% and 17. 39% based on top 10% and 25% citation threshold, respectively. Iran ranked 25th in top 1% as well as 24th in top 10% and 25% by share of highly cited papers, among most 25 productive countries in the world. Although the proportion of highly cited papers in the country’ s total output was found to be relatively small compare to other leading countries, but Iran showed the highest growth rate in publication of highly cited papers over 5-year time span Conclusion: Beside the quantity Iran’ s scholarly publication in Medical Sciences fields, the quality of these output show the increasing trend based on the share of highly cited papers.

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در این مقاله رتبه50 کشور اول از 150 کشور نمایه شده در موسسه اطلاعات علمی آمریکا از میان 227 کشور جهان، به لحاظ تولید علم در سال 2003 براساس تعداد مقالات و تعداد کل مستندات بررسی شده است. رتبه کشورها به لحاظ مطلق تولید علم و تولید علم بر جمعیت کشور مورد مقایسه قرار گرفته و در این مقاله گزارش می گردد. از لحاظ مطلق تولید علم، آمریکا رتبه اول و به لحاظ تولید علم بر جمعیت، سوئیس رتبه اول را کسب می نماید. با شاخص تولید علم نسبی (نسبت بر جمعیت) رتبه آمریکا بیستم می شود. این مطالعه نشان می دهدکه 10 کشور اول در تولید علم 59 % و 50 کشور اول 87 % مشارکت داشته و بقیه 100 کشور نمایه شده تنها در تولید علم 13% مشارکت دارند. کشور اول به لحاظ مطلق تولید علم با چاپ 239428 مقاله در چاپ 21% مشارکت دارد، در صورتی که کشور دهم با چاپ 25108 مقاله 2.2% مشارکت دارد. رتبه ایران در سال گذشته به 42رسید که جز29% اول از 150 کشور جهان در تولید علم قرار گرفت؛ این درحالی است که در سال 1993، رتبه 55 را داشت. در سالهای اخیر سرعت رشد مقالات نمایه شده ایران رتبه اول را در سطح جهان کسب نمود. علل این رشد بررسی شده است، هرچند این رشد، تنها نشان دهنده بخشی از تولیدات علمی ایران است که توسط این موسسه نمایه می شود. رشد10کشور اول با توجه به رسیدن به حداکثر تولیدات علمی از شیب کمتری برخوردار است که حفظ وضع موجود نیز در مورد این کشورها خود حائز اهمیت است. در منطقه، رشد ترکیه قابل ملاحظه بوده و تعداد 10356 مقاله در سال 2003 چشم گیراست. اما در مقایسه با سال 1993 یعنی در 11سال گذشته، رشد ایران حدود 12برابر و ترکیه 7.5 برابرشده است. در این مقاله شاخص رشد ارجاعات(ازلحاظ کیفی) گزارش می گردد. متوسط تعداد ارجاعات به مقالات ایران 3 می باشد، یعنی به هر مقاله به طور متوسط 3 ارجاع صورت گرفته است. البته این ارجاعات در رشته های مختلف، بین 0.7 تا 4.3 تفاوت می باشد.

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    2 (14)
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Purpose: This paper aims to investigate Iranian highly cited articles along with drawing and analyzing and discovering social networks and patterns as well. Methodology: This research was done by the scientometrics approach. The population was included a total of 1475 articles by Web of Science database. In order to analyze data, some software included Histcite, Nodexel, and VOSviewer were used. So as to compare the journals’ quality, a list of journals in Journal Citation Reports was used and then analyzed by Excel software. Findings: The findings showed that the number of scientific publications has increased in ascending growth. Moreover, the fields of engineering, chemistry, and mechanics were the dominant subject. Islamic Azad University, University of Tehran and, Tehran University of Medical Sciences have obtained the most prominent. The greatest collaborations were related to the University of South Korea and Virginia, Boston, and John Hopkins. Furthermore, Vanderbilt University, Washington, Valencia, Trieste, and Tennessee has achieved the highest and effective collaborations. Conclustion: In order to increase the citation, Iranian researchers would be better to collaborate with the European authors. Collaboration with overseas researchers is effective in increasing citation, so it is recommended that at least one international researcher collaborates in each article.

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لطفا برای مشاهده چکیده به متن کامل (PDF) مراجعه فرمایید.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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رضائیان محسن

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برای دانشجویان و دانشمندان جوان ممکن است این سوال مطرح گردد که برای دانشمند شدن، کیفیت یا کمیت مقالات یک فرد است که دارای اهمیت می باشد؟ شخصا، بارها با این سوال به هنگام برگزاری کارگاه های مقاله نویسی مواجه شد ه ام. Salthammer در انتهای سخن سردبیری خود، دو مثال بسیار جالب می آورد تا به روشنی به سوال فوق پاسخ دهد. او در ابتدا به شیمیدان روسی به نام Yuri Struchkov اشاره می کند که در سال 1926 میلادی به دنیا آمده و در سال 1995 میلادی فوت نموده است. این شیمیدان روسی در عمر خود بیش از 2000 مقاله به رشته تحریر در آورده است. حتی پس از مرگش و تا سال 2004 میلادی، هنوز نام وی در میان نویسندگان مقالات به چشم می خورده است. Yuri به همین جهت برنده جایزه نوبل قلابی Ig Nobel Prize گردید [1]. ..

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