P. mergueinsis (banana shrimp) is one of the most important spices in Persian Gulf waters especially Hormozgan province. As the banana shrimp spend part of lifecycle in coastal waters, it can be caught by coastal catch instruments like setnet. According to this basis, this study was done in a framework of a project called: studying shrimp caught by set net in Hormozgan province (1996-97), which shows banana shrimp conditions caught by setnet. At first, fourteen setnet were selected and sampling was done in Sep. 1996 to Sep. 1997. In the laboratory, biometry, stage and maturation distinguishment, and identification of spieces were done. In this study, the abundance ratio of this shrimp, length frequency, relative frequency, maturity percentage and adult rate were determined. In the present study, banana shrimp had the highest frequency (%24.01) after fish among aquatic creatures.In addition, it was determined that almost %73of total banana shrimps caught in setnet were under standard size, and the greatest amount of caught upper than standard size were in Nov. and Dec. Also it was determined that the peak of maturity is in March and April in which they are in stage 2 and 3 of fecondation.