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در این مقاله تربیت نظامیان در اندیشه افلاطون و امام خمینی8 با روش توصیفی-تحلیلی و مقایسه ای بررسی شده است و هدف آن افزایش قدرت توصیف و تبیین نخبگان فکری - نظامی در موضوع جایگاه نظامیان در شکل­گیری مدنیّت و تمدن­سازی است. طی این مقاله گزاره­های افلاطون و امام خمینی8 در ابعاد مختلفِ موضوعِ تربیت نظامیان از متون آنان استنتاج شده است و سپس مورد تحلیل قرار گرفته و در نهایت وجوه تشابه و تفاوت دیدگاه­های دو متفکر در آن ابعاد تبیین شده است. نتیجة نهایی این مقایسه مبنی بر این است که نظام فلسفی افلاطون و برنامه تربیتی او در آرمان­شهر که با هدف تبیین عدالت و چگونگی استقرار آن صورت­بندی می­شود، اهمیّت اقشار نظامی را در زمینه شکل­گیری مدنیّت و حرکت به­سوی تمدن­سازی نشان می­دهد و در ردّ دیدگاه­هایی که اهمیت دادن به نظامیان را مقدمه فروپاشی مدنیّت می­دانند، پشتوانه استدلالی ارزشمندی ایجاد می­کند. در مقابل دیدگاه امام خمینی8 بیانگر این است که تفکر اسلامی قوّه و قوای نظامی را در چارچوب تربیتی شریعت، اخلاق و عقلانیّت تعریف کرده و این چارچوب اجازه نمی­دهد که حقوق و حوزه فردی و خصوصی نظامیان مورد تعدّی قرار گیرد؛ آنان را نیز از تعدّی به حقوق و حوزه خصوصی دیگران باز می­دارد و قوه و قوای نظامی را در خدمت حفظ نظام سیاسی، مدنیّت و تمدن­سازی تعریف می­کند.

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تغذیه عامل تقویت کننده عملیات نظامی به شمار می رود. اگر اقدامات تغذیه ای در میادین به نحو درست برنامه ریزی شده و به مرحله اجرا در آیند، کارایی بدنی و روحی را تقویت نموده و تاثیر بسزایی در موفقیت ماموریت ها خواهند داشت. پرسنل نظامی که از تغذیه مناسب و مقوی برخوردارند، در آب و هوای نامساعد میادین نبرد، تاب و تحمل بیشتری خواهند داشت ...

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Background and Aim: The military structure of military occupations in comparison with civilian occupations puts employees in a variety of stressful situations related to the work, family, and organizational environment. The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence and stressful sources of militarism in a group of military personnel. Methods: The present research method was descriptive with a cross-sectional design. The sample studied in this study was 300 active military personnel who were selected by the available sampling method. The instrument used in this study was the scale of Azad and Nedaei's (2020) Military Stress Factors Scale. The research questions were answered through statistical methods of frequency distribution, mean and standard deviation, and t-test. Results: The results showed that 61. 3% of employees are moderately stressed and 19% of them are exposed to severe stress. Also, the result of the t-test indicates a significant difference between the mean stress of the sample group and the mean of the population. Conclusion: Significant military stressors are ongoing among employees that endanger their mental health. Systematic interventions should be provided to prevent the aggravation of stressors and reduce stress among employees.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Political Quarterly

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Ten years has passed since the US military intervention in Afghanistan. Despite the initial claim of fighting terrorism as the reason for the military attack, actually terrorist activities have been accelerated ever since. Thus, the real intention of the US for the military intervention has been dubious and questioned by many political analysts. They argue, there must be other reasons for spending billions of dollars in Afghanistan by the US administration. This article examine the hypothesis that the interests of the Military Industrial Complex is the determinant factor of defining or creating ''critical situations'' as a pretext for justifying military intervention in a country like Afghanistan.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Although there are currently no indications of conflict in the Arctic, Moscow's attempts to strengthen its assets and military positions in the region have been interpreted largely as militarism by Western media and political think tanks. However, all Russian strategic documents emphasize on Russia's economic profits being gained through the resources and routes of the Arctic and do not refer to any particular military threat in the region. This literature is to assess the nature of Moscow’ s military presence and expansion in the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation, in order to discover its relation with two concepts of military modernization and militarism. Therefore, the author tries to find out the nature of the presence and expansion of Russian military capabilities in the Arctic over the past decade has mainly been based on military modernization or militarism, and its reasons. The basic findings prove that the nature of the presence and expansion of Russian military capabilities in the Arctic over the past decade have been due to Moscow's strategic goals (including defending its sovereignty in the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation against NATO, supporting economic interests and shipbuilding and benefiting them, and formalizing the role of Russia as a major power); based on military modernization and not militarism. Using descriptive-analytical method and relying on a defensive-invasive dualism under the theoretical approach of neo-realization, the author tries to tell why the research findings provide an answer to the research question.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (51)
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Aims: Military Medicine plays its role by providing the military forces' health needs. Considering the growing trend of wars, terrorism and natural disasters, military medicine is evolving nowadays. The aim of this study was to design the Military Emergency Medicine curriculum in Iran.Methods: This study is a mixed method (qualitative and quantitative) research that its qualitative part was performed by review of global experiences on military medicine curriculum and tits quantitative part was carried out by collecting the view pints of national experts on the subject through the Delphi method. Data was collected by taking notes from several references and two researcher-made questionnaires. All "absolutely agree" or "relatively agree" viewpoints were selected as the curriculum elements and the confirmed curriculum was designed by experts and finally evaluated, reviewed and confirmed in an expert committee.Results: 92% of experts believed that establishing the Military Medicine course in Iran is essential and the major priority was identified as Military Emergency Medicine. The curriculum was designed in the form of a four-year period consisting of theoretical part (35 courses), clinical part (36 months of rotation) and the thesis research (6 courses).Conclusion: The four-year Military Emergency Medicine curriculum including 35 theoretical courses, a 36-month rotational clinical part and 6 courses of thesis research can play a dominant role in military medicine for training capable physicians in order to serve the injured people and critical patients in war conditions and accidents.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: this study has been implement fed to examine ranger training on military morale of a ranger training course of a military unit.Method: a questionnaire on military morale was given to trainees before the implement fation of ranger training course. Military Morales were measured at end of the course. The reliability of military morale was a 0.823. The data were analyzed with spss software in descriptive and inferential levels (including variance analysis and t. test).Results: the results show that ranger training course has generally enhanced military Morales of learners, but this increase at level of p<0.05 is not significant. However, after ranger training, learners military morale's in the aspects of supporting leadership, social cohesion and team work increased at level of p<0.05, while acceptability, leadership style, leader- follower relations, leadership skills, organizational satisfaction, organizational identity, organizational interest, organizational commitment, efficacy, compatibility, bravity, comparative skills, effectiveness after training have been increased but this enhancement at level of p<0.05 is not significant.Discussion: this study indicated that 69.8 percent of participants of pretest have low military morales but 30.2 percent have high military Morales. It indicates that ranger training increases military morale of participants. The results also show that military morale percentage in posttest has doubled in comparison with pretest.Furthermore, the cases of low and lower military Morales are vanished. Though the results of main assumption showed that military Morales of trainees have increased in the post test but this increase is not significant.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    4 (50)
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Aims: Personality is one of the most fundamental concepts of psychology that is affected by various experiences .Having an acceptable character is an ideal view and a remarkable point for military forces. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the effects of military training on personality traits of non-athlete students who enter the military environment.Methods: This quasi-experimental study was carried out in 2011. The study subjects were 105 non-athlete male students who entered one of the Cadet Universities of Iran in the academic year of 2010-11 and were selected by simple random sampling. The data gathering tools were personal characteristics questionnaire and Bern Reuter Personality Inventory. Data were analyzed by Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and dependent T-test using SPSS 16 software.Results: Military training had a significant positive effect on four of the studied characteristics and increased self-confidence, dominancy, extroversion and the decrease of neurotic tendency (p=0.001). This happened while military training had a significant negative effect on sociability (p=0.002) and self-sufficiency (p=0.001) and caused increase in isolation and decrease in sociability.Conclusion: Military training increases emotional balance, extroversion, self-confidence and dominancy in students, while it results in dissociability and isolation of students. Authorities should consider necessary arrangements during military training in order to wash out negative effects and enhance more positive effects of this period on students' personality traits.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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موید حشمت


ایران شناسی

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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