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The purpose of this study is to evaluate the scientific outputs of the project management literature and draw a scientific map. The target population of this research is all documents indexed in Scopus database in the period 1942 to March 2021, which have used the keywords of project management in their title, abstract or keywords. In this regard, 107438 documents were extracted and their quantitative and qualitative process of citation was examined using applied software such as BibExcel and VOSViewer network analysis software. The results showed that the project management research process has been growing exponentially, especially in the last two decades,so that 86% of scientific productions belong to this period and English language with 86% was the dominant language of published scientific documents. Also in the development of this branch of science, the international journal of project management was the most prominent publication with the most documents (2154) and the most citations (105959), and the United States was the most prominent country with 29, 271 documents and 360, 708 citations. In addition, the analysis of the type of international cooperation between countries in terms of geographical area, revealed three clusters, and the analysis of these clusters identified intercontinental cooperation as the most common way of cooperation between countries. Another part of the results was dedicated to evaluating the role of institutions and researchers in the development of project management knowledge. The analysis in this section shows that the American institute of electrical and electronics engineers with 133 documents and the department of building and real estate of Hong Kong polytechnic university with 3787 citations, respectively, were in the first place of the most active and influential institutions,And researchers Scott and Keil, with 100 documents and 5, 625 citations, respectively, were among the top active and influential researchers. Finally, keyword analysis showed that the word project management with the repetition in 10581 documents and the word ethnography with 67. 2 of the average citations, obtained the most repetitions and citations,At the same time, the emergence of up-to-date keywords such as digital transformation, the industry 4. 0 and gamification, indicated that recent research has shifted towards the management of technological and innovative projects.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (پیاپی 19)
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Purpose: Awareness, knowledge, and literacy of nutritional information are essential for achieving proper nutrition. This enables individuals to make informed food choices and meet their nutritional needs effectively. The current study investigates the patterns of scientific collaboration among authors and the collaborative network involving individuals, countries, and universities in the field of nutritional information literacy. Methodology: This research is a descriptive study conducted using a scientometric approach with a practical aim. The network analysis software utilized in this research includes the VOS Viewer software for creating a general map of scientific cooperation among authors, organizations, and universities, and the NodeXL software for calculating network centrality indicators. The Gefi software was used for analyzing and visualizing network communication graphs and creating cooperation maps at individual, university, and country levels, in addition to Excel software. The statistical population in this research comprises scientific products (919 articles) in the field of nutrition information literacy from the Scopus database spanning the years 2009 to 2019.Findings: Findings show that scientific production and the number of citations received in the field have generally shown an upward trend during the years under review. Highly cited documents were published between 2009 and 2017. Important journals in the field of nutrition information literacy have mostly categorized published articles in medicine. Following that, the largest number of documents were published in the categories of nursing and social sciences, respectively. A total of 70 articles were published by single authors, while the remaining 849 articles were co-authored. The largest number of articles in this field were published by three authors, which had the highest frequency. The United States and Australia have the largest number of articles and the most collaborative work on nutrition information literacy. Collaborations include Canada and the United States (8 collaborations), Australia and the United States (6 collaborations), and India and the United States (5 collaborations). According to the Scientific Cooperation Network, the United States, Australia, the United Kingdom, and Canada rank high in all three centrality indicators. The University of Sydney had the highest number of credentials and citations in this area. The largest number of collaborations in the production of works in this field was between Northwestern University and Feinberg School of Medicine (8 collaborations). The University of Melbourne ranks highest in all three indicators. Authors such as Amanda Devin, Heather D. Gibbs, and Susan Jessica Paxton have the highest number of articles. A review of the Writers Collaboration Network shows that Elena Carbon, Murray Drummond, and Charlene Elliott rank highest in all three centrality indicators.Conclusion: It can be concluded that the scientific output and the number of citations received in this field have generally been increasing during the years under review. Northwestern University in the United States and the Feinberg School of Medicine have the most significant collaboration in producing articles in this field. Research findings from the betweenness centrality index analysis of the collaboration network of writers in the field of nutrition literacy show that Elena Carbone, Murray Drummond, and Charlene Elliott have the highest values of the betweenness centrality index. There is a fundamental need for activities and practical measures to enhance nutrition information literacy. The results of this study, along with identifying intervening factors in nutrition information literacy, highlight the importance of bridging the gap between research and practice in this field. They also stress the importance of implementing programs, changing policies, and evaluating the outcomes of this research to make progress in promoting healthy eating habits by teaching nutrition information literacy skills. Based on the research findings, it is recommended to promote teamwork, establish communication networks among researchers, activate science and technology parks, organize international conferences, support researchers to participate in international conferences and conduct purposeful research at national and international levels. Supporting study opportunities in countries that are more advanced in various fields and sharing knowledge and experiences are also recommended. Encouraging top researchers who engage in more teamwork in specialized subject areas should be prioritized and rewarded accordingly.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (5)
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Purpose: Music information retrieval (MIR) is an interdisciplinary field which has developed significantly in last decade. This study is aimed to represent a comprehensive picture of scientific activities of the field. Methodology: The research has been done by quantitative method and scientometric indicators. Data were analysed in SPSS, using descriptive and analytical statistical methods which were indexed in Scopus citation database in MIR area from beginning till end of 2014. Findings: From 1995 until 2014, 1822 document were indexed in Scopus, but after 2004 scientific products of MIR has been significant and in 2011 has been reached to its maturity. Ichiro Fujinaga is prolific author and Mark B. Sandler is pioneer scientist in the field. USA and Johannes Kepler University were the active country and university respectively. Over 99 percent of the scientific output was written in English and most of them respectively were in computer, human science and engineering topics. Conclusion: The study shows that there is a positive and significant correlation between H-index and the number of co-authors in MIR. Content analysis of the produced papers of MIR can result in better understanding of dominant discourse in MIR. So, doing researches like this has been suggested for future studies.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Issue Info: 
  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    1 (پیاپی 19)
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Purpose: Considering the importance of brand positioning for any business and the growing trend of research in this field, the necessity of conducting scientific studies is fully felt. A review of the subject literature and domestic and international research shows that no comprehensive study has been done on this issue. Considering the extent and influence of the field of brand positioning in most business research, the need for clarification is evident to reveal the current situation and future trends based on scientific techniques. To fill this existing deficiency, the present research seeks to answer the question: What is the scientific map of published studies in the field of brand positioning in the Scopus database? Based on this mapping, the study aims to analyze the network of concepts in this field and identify the most valuable areas. It addresses the topics within this field and assists researchers in brand positioning to explain the study process and policy-making in this field based on the identified influential areas.Methodology: The present research is a quantitative, applied, descriptive, and scientometric study based on the objective. The research employed co-word analysis and network analysis techniques. The statistical population comprised all scientific and specialized articles on brand positioning indexed in the Scopus citation database from 1975 to 2023. Initially, the term "brand positioning" was searched in the titles, abstracts, and keywords of the Scopus database. Subsequently, the search was refined to include only articles and reviews, followed by a selection of English language articles. Finally, 577 scientific and specialized articles on brand positioning were chosen for analysis. VOSviewer and Gephi software were utilized for visualizing and analyzing scientific maps of the 577 selected documents. The Scopus database was chosen due to its vast collection of 70 million reviewed research articles from over 5000 international publishers, ensuring relative uniformity.Findings: The research findings reveal that marketing, branding, brand image, brand management, and consumer behavior are the most common topics and keywords in the realm of brand positioning. According to the generated maps and utilizing the closeness centrality index, branding, competition, marketing, brand image, product design, and brand management emerge as the most crucial topics in information dissemination within the network. In essence, they represent categories with an interdisciplinary perspective in the domain of brand positioning.Conclusion: The present study is the first systematic quantitative analysis of brand positioning research in the Scopus citation database, which uses co-word analysis to map the scientific landscape of this field. This study addresses the gap in scientometric research in the literature, aiming to enhance the understanding of brand positioning research from its inception to the present. Research questions were formulated for this purpose and will be addressed in this article. This analysis can serve as a guide for future research in brand positioning. The results indicate an increasing trend in research over the years. The main topics identified in brand positioning research include branding, brand performance, brand social responsibility, destination branding, brand positioning, and brand origin. Through co-citation analysis, key authors in the brand positioning research community were identified, such as Keller, Aaker, Diamantopoulos, and Hayer. Given the significance of green branding (a primary keyword in the corporate social responsibility cluster), the rise in environmental risks, and the impact of green branding on brand sustainability, companies in our country should prioritize this area when establishing and implementing their brand.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and aim: Reviewing the trend of scientific products in the field of Evidence-Based Medicine is essential in order to plan for improving the status and research priorities of the state. The purpose of this study was to determine the status of scientific products in the field of Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM).Material and methods: This applied study was conducted using a scientometric method. The samples were all scientific productions indexed by 'EBM' in Scopus database from 1939 to 2014. Data collection tool was Scopus database. The obtained data was analyzed using ‘Excel’ software.Findings: Findings showed that the status of scientific products of the world in the field of Evidence-Based Medicine has descended in recent years so that the number of produced documents has been very small from 1939 to 1992. It has been increased from 1992 to 2007 and from 2011 to 2012 and decreased from 2007 to 2011 and from 2012 to 2014. No work has been published in the field of 'EBM' in 1963, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1968, and from 1940 to 1961.Conclusion: With a production of 258 documents, Iran is ranked 37 among the 160 participating nations. This rank is very low compared to the competing states.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and purpose: Scientific productions have been accelerated in Iran in past decades but their association with health problems and disease burden is doubtful. The aim of this study was to assess the relationship between Iranian scientific productions (published in 2010-2014) with disease burden in Iran using Scopus database.Materials and methods: Data was collected using Scientometric indicators, direct observation, and notetaking. The current research included all articles written by Iranian researchers during 2010 to 2014 which were published in Scopus- indexed journals. The search was limited to the affiliation ‘Iran’ and was performed using different keywords including road accident, ischemic heart diseases, major depression disorders, and cerebral vascular diseases. These were believed to have the highest disease burden. Then, the scientometric outputs were recorded and the relationship between scientific productions with disease burden was investigated.Results: In total, 2824 articles had been published in Scopus-indexed journals. Among them depression disorders and addiction had the highest (1530 records) and lowest (62 records) records, respectively. Major depression disorders were found to have the greatest h-index and the highest percentage of scientific productions with at least one citation was associated with addiction. There was a direct correlation between years of life lost due to premature mortality (r=0.8, P=0.2), years lived with disability (r=0.2, P=0.8), and mortality rate (r=0.9, P=0.205) with scientific productions.Conclusion: According to our results, Iranian scientific productions in Scopus database are not related to disease burden in Iran however, they reflect high mortality diseases.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Scientific output of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Medical Sciences has increased during recent years as reflected in Scopus database. Moreover, highly cited papers of researchers, institutions and countries can be used in order to study the citation impact and quality of scientific output. The current study investigates the quality of Medical Sciences’ scholarly output of Iran through analysis of its progress in publishing highly cited papers compared to the top 25 most productive countries in the world. Methods: To conduct this study, scientometric indicators were utilized. A total of 45065 papers published by Iranian Medical Science researchers during 2010-2014 and indexed in the Scopus were selected as the sample of the study. The contribution of Iranian researchers and institutions in top 1%, 10% and 25% highly cited papers in the world was studied. Results: Results of the study revealed that 0. 35% of the country’ s total output in Medical Sciences was among the top 1% most highly cited papers in the world during the time period of this study. This share is 4. 9% and 17. 39% based on top 10% and 25% citation threshold, respectively. Iran ranked 25th in top 1% as well as 24th in top 10% and 25% by share of highly cited papers, among most 25 productive countries in the world. Although the proportion of highly cited papers in the country’ s total output was found to be relatively small compare to other leading countries, but Iran showed the highest growth rate in publication of highly cited papers over 5-year time span Conclusion: Beside the quantity Iran’ s scholarly publication in Medical Sciences fields, the quality of these output show the increasing trend based on the share of highly cited papers.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and aim: Scientometrics is a modern field of library and information science, which is used to measure the sciences quantitatively at national and international levels in order to rank the publications, universities and countries. The aim of this study was to determine the scientific outputs of faculty members in Kashan University as a sample of Iranian universities from 2012 to 2016.Material and methods: Data were collected from Scopus through scientometric method. Scientific outputs of faculty members in Kashan University were evaluated from 2012 to 2016. Data were analyzed using Excel and SPSS 20 via ANOVA and T-student tests.Findings: Results showed that the highest number of scientific outputs was original articles (89.3%) of which 85.49% were written by male researchers. Faculty members with degree of professor had the highest number of scientific outputs (41.2%). There was no significant relationship among different educational groups in terms of scientific outputs (P=0.31). Faculty members of the basic sciences (59.55%) and engineering (36.59%) had the highest scientific outputs, respectively.Conclusion: The results indicated that scientific outputs of this University have been had ascending trend during recent five years, which is an effective factor in improving and promoting the scientific status of Kashan University among national and international universities.

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Background and aim: Today, the use of scientometric methods to evaluate the scientific outputs of researchers in various fields has been highly regarded and the Hirsch index (h-index) is one of the most important scientometric indices due to the simultaneous measurement of quantity and quality of scientific outputs. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the status of Iranian agricultural articles at the Scopus citation database based on the h-index. Material and methods: This applied study was performed using a scientometric method. The research population consisted of 4037 agricultural articles produced by Iranian researchers from 2010 to 2016, which were extracted from Scopus. Excel software and SPSS 16 were used to draw tables and analyze the data, respectively. Moreover, the Spearman’ s correlation coefficient and Pearson test were applied to answer the research hypotheses. Findings: In this period, 4037 agricultural articles of 157 Iranian researchers were indexed at Scopus, of which the largest was in 2011. The Advances in Environmental Biology Journal had the highest number of articles (237) and the Bioresource Technology Journal had the highest h-index (19). The results of Spearman's correlation coefficient showed that there was a significant relationship between the h-index and number of articles (P-value <0. 05). Conclusion: Iran in the agricultural field is ranked 3rd place in the Middle East and 42th in the world based on h-index. Although Iran has been able to gain stable place in production of agricultural articles, it has not been successful in the region and world in citing its articles and h-index as well as further efforts are needed in this regard.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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