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Background: Nowadays we are facing significant advances in technology. Virtual reality, which is considered as one of these novel technologies, has been entered into many different areas of our lives, from video games to various industrial uses as well as education, travel, healthcare, entertainment and research. Despite the benefits of virtual reality, the attitudes of patients toward using it are still unclear. Therefore, the aim of this study was to design a questionnaire to assess accepting virtual reality technology among patients with mental disorders. Methods: This design and evaluation of tools study was conducted in two phases including design of the questionnaire and evaluating its validity and reliability in 1400. In this study, CVR and CVI coefficients were used to evaluate the content validity and its external reliability was determined using Cronbach's alpha method. Results: In the current study, the content validity index was calculated to be 0. 8, which is an acceptable value for this questionnaire. Also, Cronbach's alpha was calculated to be 0. 7 and the correlation between the questions shown to be acceptable at a significant level of 0. 0001 Conclusions: According to the results, it was found that the questionnaire has high validity and reliability to assess the acceptance of virtual reality technology among patients with mental disorders.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Personalized medicine is a new insight of health care in which interventions is informed by each patient's characteristics; including in genotype and phenotype. Nowadays, rapid advances in genomics, proteomics, and lipomics, which identified individuals differences may lead to produce new drug and diagnostic and screening biomarkers. These allow physicians to determine the type and dosage of drugs based on genetic and genomic characteristics of each patient. Genetic variants that identified by using molecular analysis can be used to screen at risk people on the particular disease, design and administer appropriate medications that are fit to the genetic background, and select the best treatment protocol.Actually, personalized medicine will be the bridge between current medicine and future medicine.In addition to a brief review of history of personalized medicine, this review focused on its required technologies, the role of personalized medicine in pharmacogenetics, prognostic, diagnostic, and target therapy of cancer, neurodegenerative, cardiovascular, allergic and infectious diseases

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Medicine is a branch of health science with the purpose of maintaining health and health promotion, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases, and rehabilitation of patients. In addition to possessing academic qualifications and legal training, physicians and service providers should be familiar with moral and jurisprudential considerations in their profession, as is rationally and logically expected. Respect for moral values and legal principles is important since on the one hand it gives the service provider a feeling of fulfillment, and on the other hand it causes the patient to feel satisfied with the service offered. Islamic laws must be observed in all aspects of life in our country and medical practices are not an exception. Therefore it is necessary for all practices to be approved by jurists and to comply with the principles of Islamic jurisprudence and ethics. Consequently, practitioners need a thorough understanding of Islamic laws and ethics in order to be considered qualified. In this regard it should be remembered that Islamic jurisprudence, or Sharia refers to a set of laws and rules of life defined by the Quran and its interpretation and explanation by the great Prophet of Islam (SAW) and Imams (AS). In Islamic culture, law and medicine are closely related to each other. Many physicians are staunch followers of the Islamic jurisprudence and try to observe them in their diagnostic and therapeutic approaches, and in cases where they have dilemmas and are not certain what course of action to take, religious standpoint is what guides them to make the right decision. In recent decades, physicians have tried to apply Islamic laws in the context of medical or jurisprudential problems. This article investigates the realm of medical jurisprudence and medical ethics.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Ameri Farzaneh

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    2 (18)
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Galenos was a Greek physician, philosopher, and logician one of the most influential people in ancient Greek medicine, and his work was also the basis of medical education and practice in the Islamic world and Europe. Galinus was noted for his mastery of Hippocratic medicine and his practice in medicine. What distinguishes Galenus from other physicians is his emphasis on being methodical. During his time, three important medical schools were practicing medicine: the companions of experience, the analogy and the trick. The three groups disagreed on medical knowledge, education, and diagnosis and treatment. The problem of the present study was to identify the medical schools of Jalinus and to answer the question of how Jalinos interacted with these schools and what was the Jalinos medical school. Galen used a combination of reason and experience to gain knowledge of medicine and treatment. He believed that different methods of experimentation, experimentation, reasoning and reasoning should be used together in order to know the facts accurately.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background: Since nearly all law context is either ethical directly or ethics related in their goal, apt and supporting use of each one might be practically helpful. Therapeutic affairs are not exceptional in this figure. The proper recognition of ethics and law relation and to be familiar with the grounds of each may be gainful in the right conducting of people’s expectations and our practical programming. In this article we have tried within the knowledge of foundations of ethics and law explain the warranty of medical ethics by medical law.Methods: In this article based on the understanding of the foundations of ethics and law and their relationship have been tried to scrutinized different aspects of medical law and medical ethics. Also to add with introduction of the basic relation of both, their similarities and differences have been attempted to explore the guaranty of medical ethics by medical law.Conclusion: Although medical ethics and medical law are different in some aspects such as volitional doing, goal, source etc. but everyone without the other is defective and in an affirmative claim inconsequential, ineffective and invalid. In this way, applying medical law to medical ethics for the purpose of executive stabilization and security particularly in those cases unethical behaviors might lead to irretrievable injury to the folk and public health is practical and necessary. A brief look at the little available and health-specific legal ratifications in the Law of Iran -such as the embryo donation Act or the Transplantation Act confirms the government efforts in this way. This work also underlines the extention of medical ethics and its inclusion in laws and regulations; meanwhile, does not constitute the inclution inconsistent with ethical values.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction: Medical ethics is one of the branches of professional applied ethics that tries to apply ethics to clinicians and practitioners in medical ethics as well as to ethical decision making in medicine. The aim of this study was to evaluate the knowledge of interns of Mashhad University of Medical Sciences in the field of medical ethics. Materials & Methods: This cross-sectional study was performed on 60 male and female internship students at Mashhad University of Medical Sciences with conventional sampling method. Data collection tool was a questionnaire based on rest’ s model of ethical judgement with 20 questions (score range: 0-20). Data were analyzed using SPSS 11. 5. Results: Overall, 40% of individuals (24 persons) were male. The mean score of questionnaire was 11. 4± 9. 1. Ten individuals (16. 7%) had good knowledge, 50 (83. 3%) had moderate knowledge. There was no significant difference in the final score between the two genders (p = 0. 527). Conclusion: Interns' knowledge of medical ethics is moderate, however, there is a need for further ward-specific ethical assessment studies and improvement of ethical education in each ward is recommended.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Issue Info: 
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    1 (پیاپی 15)
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در جهان پیشرفته امروزی، جذب دانشجویان پزشکی به سمت تخصص روان پزشکی، به عنوان یک مشکل مطرح می باشد. صاحبان امر عقیده دارند وقتی دانشجویان پزشکی وارد دانشکده می شوند، با یک نگرش منفی نسبت به این رشته مواجه اند و این نگرش منفی روز به روز افزایش می یابد، این در حالی است که بسیاری از دانشجویان، استعداد ویژه ای در این رشته دارند. بنابراین، بررسی نگرش دانشجویان پزشکی از آن جهت که بر انتخاب روان پزشکی به عنوان تخصص موثر است، اهمیت زیادی دارد. دانشجویان پزشکی در سه مرحله علوم پایه، پیش بالینی و بالینی، به نحوی با دروس مربوط به روان پزشکی و بیماران مربوطه سروکار دارند ...

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Background & Objective: Evidence-based medicine (EBM) is a systematic review process for evaluating and using results of the best clinical trials for diagnosis and treatment of diseases. It must comply with the values and specific circumstances of each patient in need of treatment. Since very few studies have examined the competence of different groups of medical professionals in this area, this study was conducted to assess the competence of residents in EBM.Methods: This descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted on 90 residents from 4 main clinical departments in Kerman University of Medical Sciences, Iran, in 2013. The data collection tool was the Berlin Standard Questionnaire. The samples were selected using census method and data were analyzed using SPSS software.Results: Among the participants in the study 42.2% were male and 57.8% female with the mean age of 31.17±3.32 years. Based on the results of the study, residents had little competence in the field of evidence-based medicine their scores ranged from 0 to 8 and their mean score was 2.54±1.43 of a total of 15.Conclusion: Considering the mean score and low competence of residents in evidence-based medicine, short-term programs by the relevant departments seem essential to rapidly promote knowledge of evidence-based medicine.

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    2 (18)
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Introduction: Curriculum revision, teaching activities and interaction in instruction are required for the improvement of effectiveness of education. This research was conducted to study the effectiveness of medical education from the viewpoints of students in Tehran University of Medical Sciences. Methods: This survey was carried out on fifth year medical students in the first semester of the academic year of 2005-2006. One hundred and sixty two students were selected through stratified random sampling method. The data gathering tool was a questionnaire including 74 questions which was designed using McDonald model and consisted of three parts of curriculum, organizing teaching activities, and interaction in education. The questionnaires were distributed in educational hospitals affiliated to Tehran University of Medical Sciences. The data was analyzed by SPSS software using descriptive and inferential statistical methods. Results: The mean and standard deviation obtained from students' viewpoints toward effectiveness of curriculum, teaching activities, and interaction in education were 2.35±0.34, 2.5±0.35, and 2.46±0.35, respectively. The first one was less than theoretical mean, while the second and third ones were equal to the theoretical mean. Conclusion: The mean obtained for effectiveness of curriculum was lower than the theoretical mean (2.5) which shows the necessity of revising medical curriculum. The mean of the interaction in instruction and teaching activities calls for a need to improve different kinds of interaction and promote the skills of instructors.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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