Background: Since, 30-40 percent of epileptic patient din’t reponse to current therapy or be low responsive patient after long-term treatment, then finding of new drug paradigms is necessarily. Recently, some studies indicated about sex steroids that modulate GABA activity, that is the aim of this study to determine the effect of estradiol and progestrone on chemical epilepsy in rats. Material and Methods: This experimental study was performed on 60 male rats and randomizely divided in to six group (one control group and five experimental groups). In all groups, rats kindeled by pentylene tetrazol (PTZ) kindling model. In this modle rats received PTZ (50 mg/kg) ip once at 48 hours for 12 sessions. In experimental groups. Rats received vehicle or progestrone (25, 50 mg/kg) or stradiol valorate (5, 10mg/kg) 20 min before PTZ injection and serizure stages were measured for 20 min. Results: Our results indicated that, PTZ injection increased the average of seizure stage and in final injection, 71.43% of rats shows the five stage of seisure. Stradiol don’t significant effect on seizure stages but it clinically increased the mortality rate (P<0.05). whreas, progestrone significantly decreased the seizure stages development (P<0.01) and mortality (P<0.05). Conclusion: finally, we conclude that progesterone attenuate the seizure stages, development stradiol increased the mortality rate during seizure.