In December 2019, a new Coronavirus, also known as acute respiratory disease, was identified in Wuhan, China, named by the World Health Organization (WHO), COVID-19. One of the most important symptoms of this disease is acute respiratory symptoms, which is 2% of cases that lead to the death of the patient. The virus spread rapidly in China and spread to other countries within a few months. The disease has recently spread to areas in Southeast Asia, East Asia, South Asia, West Asia, Europe, the Americas, and even Australia. Iran is also one of the West Asian countries affected by the disease. Due to the prevalence and transmission of the disease on February 4, the World Health Organization declared a state of emergency and recommended that countries reduce individual-toperson transmission of the disease by reducing contact with people, especially those with illness and staff, and control its global expansion. The current state of corona prevalence has caused mental health problems such as stress, anxiety, depressive symptoms, insomnia, denial, anger, and fear in people. The results of this study indicate that in the event of an outbreak of infectious diseases with high mortality, the close cooperation of psychiatrists, specialists in other branches of health, local authorities, and health workers in the community is essential. Therefore, early and continuous psychiatric interventions are recommended by the mental health team to minimize the harmful effects of coronavirus disease conditions.