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    6 (70)
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Introduction: The depth and extent of information available in the current scientific and research community has fostered a rich opportunity to capitalize on the information. In tandem, the bioinformatics is a relatively new field of science, which plays an important role in biological studies and has attracted much attention in various fields such as information technology (IT), mathematics, and modern biological sciences. Accordingly, it seems unavoidable to review studies in this field. This study is carried out aiming to determine the status of articles published in the area of bioinformatics based on the Clarivate database. Methods: This descriptive study was performed by a scientometrics method. The study statistical population included all articles in the bioinformatics field at the Clarivate database from 1970 to 2018. Data collection was conducted through the same database. Excel statistical software was used for data analysis. Results: The trend of growth in bioinformatics articles at Clarivate Database was increasing from 1970 to 2018, with a total articles reaching 53806 records. In these articles, the most active areas were identified as subject areas of biochemistry and molecular biology (BMB), computer sciences, biotechnology, genetics heredity, and mathematical computational biology. The most active countries were the United States, China, Germany, the United Kingdom, and Canada. The highest number of articles was dedicated to Zhang Y, Wang Y, Wang J, Li Y, and Li J. The universities of California and Harvard in the United States and the Chinese Academy of Sciences have published the highest number of articles. A great number of articles has been published in PLOS ONE journal. Conclusion: Iran ranks 22 out of 164 countries, which seems favorable to the global status. In view of that, it is possible to reach a better position by paying more attention to studies in this area.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Beiki Davood

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Issue Info: 
  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    1 (پیاپی 17)
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Purpose: Diabetes, as one of the most common metabolic diseases, causes the death of a large number of people every year. It is predicted that the prevalence of this disease in the Middle East region will increase significantly by 2030. For this reason, this study has been conducted to compare the results of research conducted in the field of diabetes by researchers from the Middle East countries in the Web of Science database during 2010-2019 with indicators of intellectual and social influence. Intellectual influence, in the sense of the use of research results, is determined by calculating contemporary H, G, and H indices. Social influence is also calculated in terms of identifying authors and collaborations between them. This concept is identified through the calculation of co-authorship and also the indicators of degree, betweenness, and closeness centrality. Methodology: The current study is applied research. The indicators of intellectual influence and social influence of the Middle East countries and institutions in the field of diabetes were investigated using social network analysis. The community of this research includes articles indexed in the Web of Science database related to the authors of the Middle East countries in the field of diabetes from 2010 to 2019. Excel, BibExcel, and Pajek software have been used to calculate the indicators of intellectual influence and social influence. Findings: The findings showed that Turkey was the most prolific country in the field of diabetes in the Middle East, with 6701 articles. Iran was in second place, with 5746 articles. Therefore, only two countries from the Middle East have more than 5000 articles during this period. Saudi Arabia, Israel, and Egypt were also in the third to fifth positions with 3327, 3062, and 2950 articles, respectively. Based on the total score of indicators of intellectual and social influences, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Iran, and Egypt have been ranked first to fifth. Active countries in the field of diabetes in the Middle East are Turkey, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Israel, respectively. Iran had the largest share (40%) of organizations with 8 institutions among the top 20 institutions in the Middle East in terms of the number of publications. Israel had 4 institutions (20%), Saudi Arabia 2 institutions (10%), Turkey 3 institutions (15%), and Egypt 3 institutions (15%). With 1470 articles, the Tehran University of Medical Sciences was ranked first among the top 20 institutions in the Middle East in terms of the number of articles in the field of diabetes between 2010 and 2019. However, based on the analysis, it was found that Israel has the first rank in the total scores of the three indicators H, G, and contemporary H. Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Iran were ranked second to fourth among the Middle East countries in the field of diabetes, with the total intellectual influence score of 215, 205, and 203 respectively. The total score of the social influence indicators (the total score of degree, closeness, and betweenness centrality) of 20 top institutions and universities in the Middle East in terms of the number of articles in the field of diabetes indicates that the universities of Hajat Tepe, Mansoura and Tehran University of Medical Sciences ranked first to third with total social influence index of 296, 275 and 267 respectively. According to what was said, the existence of four countries, Iran, Turkey, Israel, and Saudi Arabia, in the top position of the major indicators examined, has made them among the prominent countries of the Middle East region in the field of investigation. Conclusion: In conclusion, it can be said that influential researchers, establishing scientific cooperation, the existence of infrastructure and advanced research centers, a more favorable economic situation, and the focus of some countries, including Iran, to achieve self-sufficiency and scientific improvement compared to other countries in the region can be considered influential factors in this field.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background: Given the limitations of traditional citation indicators, more indicators are needed to examine the effectiveness and improvement of existing indicators. The present study aimed to investigate the association between Altmetrics activity and quality citation indicators in Iranian journals based on Clarivate Analytics, Scopus, and Medline. Methods: The research was carried out using Altmetrics method through scientometric approach. The population of the present study was Iranian medical journals, which were available at three databases of Clarivate Analytics, Scopus, and Medline. In order to obtain quality information, we’, ve used the indicators of CiteScore, SJR, and SNIP at Scopus database as well as the impact factor at JCR database,besides, to find Altmetrics indicators and Altmetrics scores of articles, the Altmetrics explorer database was used. Results: About 16% of the articles in the reviewed journals were cited at least once in the social media and had Altmetrics scores. Among the reviewed journals, the highest rate of social media coverage was related to the Iranian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences, and the highest Altmetrics score obtained from the mean Altmetrics score of the papers was related to Cell Journal (Yakhteh). A review of quality indicators of journals with Altmetrics coverage and Altmetrics score of journals showed that there was a significant and positive correlation between the Altmetrics score and impact factor. However, any significant association was neither found between the journal’, s coverage and SiteScore, SNIP, SJR, nor between the journal’, s Altmetrics score and quality indicators. Conclusions: According to the results of this study, policy makers of scientific journals should adopt strategies that bring about social media presence,thus, we will find further Iranian articles in the social media.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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نشاء علم

Issue Info: 
  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    2 (20)
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Based on the number of recorded indexes in the Web of Science (WOS) in Clarivate Analytics, the number of Iranian scientific documents is 47260 (2. 06% of the world value and rank of 16,one improvement stage compared to the previous year) in science, 3164 (0. 77% of the world value and rank of 32,similar to the previous year) in social sciences, 244 (0. 21% of the world value and rank of 40,four improvement stage compared to the previous year) in art and humanities and 48292 (1. 87% of the world value and rank of 16,one improvement stage compared to the previous year) in total, in 2019. Increase the number of scientific documents relative to past year was 14. 3%, which in comparison to two before years shows much more acceleration. In 2019, Iran was able to surpass Switzerland in the production of scientific documents and increase its rank from 17th to 16th. In Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), Iran had 11389 records of indexes in 2019 and by 3. 3% contribution obtained the rank of ninth, similar to the previous year. Similar to the last year, USA, China and England were the ranks of one to three in the world due to their contributions of 26. 5%, 20. 5% and 7. 0%, respectively, for scientific documents productions in 2019. University of Tehran, Tehran University of Medical Science, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Science, Tarbiat Modares University and Amir Kabir University of Technology were the five top governmental universities in 2019 respectively, as the previous year. 15. 0% of scientific documents are related to the all branches of Islamic Azad University in 2019. The number of highlycited and hot articles in the country along with the number of citations to published Iranian articles has been growing well, which shows the growth of the quality of scientific documents in the past few years.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Issue Info: 
  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    2 (پیاپی 18)
  • Pages: 

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Purpose: The main objective of this research is to rank Iranian-indexed journals in the Journal Citation Reports (JCR) 2020 based on the Journal Citation Index (JCI). Additionally, the study aims to investigate the significant correlation between the JCI and other metrics such as Eigenfactor, Article Influence Score (AIS), Quartile, and Journal Impact Factor (JIF). Among them, forty Iranian journals are indexed in three main citation indexes and have received Journal Impact Factor (JIF) and Quartile rankings for the first time, which also reported their Journal Citation Index (JCI). However, the ranking of these Iranian journals based on the new JCI is not specified. More importantly, the study does not examine the significant correlation between JCI and other indices such as Eigenfactor, AIS, Quartile, and JIF. Therefore, this research aims to rank Iranian journals indexed in JCR 2020 based on the Journal Citation Indicator (JCI) and investigate the significant correlation of this index with Eigenfactor, Article Influence Score (AIS), Quartile, and Journal Impact Factor (JIF). The main focus of this research is to determine whether changes in the value of the new index (JCI) will correspond to changes in the old indices (Eigenfactor, AIS, Quartile, and JIF). Therefore, this article aims to investigate the mentioned issues and provide scientific and accurate answers. Methodology: The present research is applied and has been conducted using scientometric indices and an analytical approach. The required data for the research was extracted from JCR 2020. All Iranian journals in JCR 2020 with an Impact Factor (IF) and Quartile, totaling forty journals, formed the research population. In this article, five research questions have been posed. Iranian journals and their corresponding indices were extracted from JCR 2020. They were then ranked and reported in a table based on JCI to address the first question. To address the second to fifth research questions, which investigate the significant relationship between JCI and Eigenfactor, AIS, Quartile, and JIF, the Shapiro-Wilk test was initially used to assess the normality of the distribution of the relevant data for Eigenfactor, AIS, Quartile, and JIF. The results of the Shapiro-Wilk test indicated that the data related to Eigenfactor and AIS followed a normal distribution, while the data related to JIF did not. Therefore, to investigate the significant relationship between JCI and Eigenfactor and AIS, the Pearson correlation coefficient was used. Additionally, to study the significant relationship between JCI and JIF, Spearman's rho correlation coefficient was employed. Additionally, when examining the relationship between JCI and Quartile, it is important to note that Quartile only has four levels (Q1, Q2, Q3, and Q4). Therefore, the Kendall's tau b test was used. This test is used when the data under investigation is on an ordinal scale. Findings: "Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems, " "International Journal of Health Policy and Management, " and "BioImpacts" ranked first, second, and third, respectively, in JCI with scores of 65. 1, 15. 1, and 99. 0. A positive and significant correlation between JCI and Eigenfactor (R=44. 0, P<0. 006) indicates a statistical relationship. There is a positive and significant correlation between JCI and Article Influence Score (AIS) (R=73. 0, P<0. 0001), suggesting that an increase in JCI is associated with an increase in AIS. There is a negative and significant correlation between JCI and Q (R=-64. 0, P<0. 0001), implying that an increase in JCI is associated with a decrease in Q. In summary, the results suggest that JCI is positively related to Eigenfactor and AIS but negatively related to Q. These findings can have implications for evaluating the impact and influence of academic journals. Conclusion: The JCI can be a complementary indicator with the JIF. Many indicators have been introduced to cover JIF's weaknesses, but JIF is still the most famous indicator. The passage of time will show that the JCI will also suffer the fate of the previous indicators or, as a new and unique indicator, will remove the authority and acceptance of the JIF after half a century.

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Issue Info: 
  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    2 (86)
  • Pages: 

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Objective: Journals indexed by the Clarivate Analytics’ Web of Science (WOS) are temporarily suppressed from the Journal Citation Reports, if they manipulate their impact factor and present extreme outliers in citation behavior through excessive self-citations and citation stacking with other journals. The current research aims to investigate the different characteristics of the suppressed journals by Clarivate Analytics, in a five-year time span (from 2010 to 2014). Methodology: The current study is an applied research in terms of objectives while it is a descriptive study in terms of data analysis and conducted using scientometric indicators. Research population comprised of 225 suppressed journals from the Journal Citation Reports during 2010-2014. Data was collected from the Journal Citation Reports and Web of Science. Findings: Results of the study revealed that at least one journal from 177 different subject categories were suppressed during 2010 to 2014. The highest number of title suppressions was belonging to electronics and electrical engineering, management and artificial intelligence. Of the interesting findings of the research is the low presence of medical journals in the suppressed lists. Investigating the share of world countries showed that the United States, United Kingdom, the Netherlands and Germany had the greatest number of suppressions. 41. 3 percent and 38. 2 percent of the journals were suppressed for one and two years, respectively. Moreover, 65 percent of the suppressed journals were ranked in the first and second quartiles of their subject categories a year before suppression. Even some journals were the first journals in their categorical ranking of JCR before suppression. Conclusion: In the five-year period of this study, 32 countries were engaged in journal suppression by having at least one suppressed journal. Notably, the most frequent language of the suppressed journals was English that can be interpreted and about half of the suppressed journals belonged to authoritative international publications like Sage, Wiley-Blackwell, Taylor and Francis, Springer and Routledge. Of course, almost 80 percent of the suppressed titles could meet the Clarivate Analytics criteria again and remove the suppression after two years. Considering the fact that two Iranian journals had the record of suppression, awareness of the researchers and journals’ editorial board members of the country as well as regular monitoring of the journals’ citation performance may avoid occurrence of suppressions in the future.

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Issue Info: 
  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    5 (69)
  • Pages: 

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Introduction: Cohesion indicator is one of the scientific mapping tools which uses the most important words in documents to study the conceptual structure of a research area. The purpose of the present study was to analyze the structure of the scientific map of autism outputs through lexical co-occurrence analysis in the Clarivate Analytics Web of Science Database. Methods: This study was conducted using scientometric method. The research population consisted of 14186 autism-related records published between the years 2010 and 2017 at the Clarivate Analytics Web of Science Database. The data were analyzed using social network analysis method. Results: The words “ ability, malformations, syndrome, disorder, phenotype, and neurons” were the main vocabulary in the domain of autism spectrum disorder. These words also received the highest score in terms of centrality factors. Furthermore, in terms of macro-indicators, the domain of autism was coherent. In this area, the United States, the United Kingdom, and Canada had produced more records compared to other countries. The universities of California, London, and Harvard had also been the most productive universities in the international arena. Among Iranian universities, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Islamic Azad University, and Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences had more publications compared to other universities. Among the top researchers in terms of number of international productions "Zwaigenbaum L. ", "Matson JL. " and "Gillberg C. " and among Iranian researchers "Memari A", "Mashayedi P", and "Ahmadloo M" had the best works. Conclusion: The information extracted from lexical co-occurrence map can help to improve policy-making in scientific fields. In this map, each word or group of words represents a particular area. Therefore, these maps can be used to make efficient decisions regarding resource allocation and distribution. Furthermore, these maps can help researchers get acquainted with new topics and top researchers in each field.

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نشاء علم

Issue Info: 
  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    2 (22)
  • Pages: 

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The total number of scientific documents indexed by Iran on the Web of Science in 2020 database of Clarity Analytics has grown by about ten percent compared to the previous year, and Iran was able to reach 15th rank in the world in terms of the quantity of production of scientific documents. Over the past decade, not only our contribution of the world's scientific papers increased from one percent to two percent, but also Iran's position in terms of the quality of scientific papers has surpassed relative to quantity issue. In detail, the number of Iranian scientific documents was 52512 (2. 22% of the world value and rank of 15,one rank higher compared to the previous year) in science, 4228 (0. 95% of the world value and rank of 29,three ranks higher compared to the previous year) in social sciences, 294 (0. 29% of the world value and rank of 37,three ranks higher compared to the previous year) in art and humanities, and 53902 (2. 02% of the world value and rank of 15,one rank higher compared to the previous year) in total, in 2020. As before, USA, China and England were the ranks of one to three in the world due to their contributions of 25. 7%, 21. 7% and 6. 8%, respectively, for scientific documents productions in 2020. University of Tehran, Tehran University of Medical Science, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Science, Tarbiat Modares University, and Iran University of Medical Science were the five top governmental universities in 2020 respectively. As before, 15. 0% of scientific documents are related to all branches of Islamic Azad University in 2020. In Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), by recording 12877 indexes and 3. 3 percent of contribution in the World, Iran is located in 9th rank as before. In terms of the quality of production of published scientific documents in Iran, the number of articles published in Q1 and top journals, the number of highly cited and hot articles in the country along with the number of citations have been grown, which shows the growth of the quality of scientific documents as signs of universities' special attention to the high-quality publishing.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Issue Info: 
  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    1 (15)
  • Pages: 

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Purpose: The purpose is to analyze the structure of social network Co-occurrence and Co-authorship in quality of life using social network analysis indicators in the Clarivate analytics WoS database. Methodology: This research is a scientometric study and has been done using cooccurrence and co-authorship analysis. Social network analysis (SNA) was used to obtain an understanding of the nodes on quality of life areas. MESH subject heading was used to extract related terms on quality of life. The population included 1421 documents which were extracted from Clarivate analytics WoS from 2000 to 2017. Descriptive statistics and Scientometric methods have been used to analyze the data. Findings: The results showed that among researchers, Montazeri has been the most prolific author with 97 documents. Among the Institutions, Tehran University of Medical Sciences with 831 documents ranked first. The total documents for the year 2014 were 284 documents, the area in this research was internal and general medicine with 235 documents, and among documents, the highest type of documents was related to articles with 1111 records. In the study of co-occurrence network in the field of quality of life, 9 thematic clusters were identified: Motor Control (109), Obesity (54), Lifestyle (53), Meta-analysis (52), Risk factors (39), Women (33), Risk (20), Eating (13) and Coronary disease (13). The Motion Control cluster is the largest cluster, accounting for 84% of the total network volume. Conclustion: The results of the co-occurrence analysis show that this area consists of 9 clusters, the top three clusters were Motor Control, Obesity, and Lifestyle. Analysis of centrality indicators shows that most of the top-ranking authors are mainly working at the top universities of the country, and the top authors are mostly concentrated on the universities located in the capital rather than the other cities. Also, the study of macro indicators of co-authorship network shows that this structure is considered as a Smallworld network due to its average short path length (2. 77), network diameter equal to 5, and relatively high clustering coefficient (3. 75).

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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