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Expert Group


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    1 (13)
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Purpose: A comparative study of citation prediction model through Web altmetrics (visibility, save and download, readers) in the fields of health science, life science, physical science, humanities and social science is the aim of this study. Methodology: The present study is a scientometric study that has been done with the method of citation analysis and Web data analysis. Sampling was done by random and stratified method. The Sample size was 2000 articles from 4 subject areas, the indicators of which were extracted from Mendelian, Figshare, PlOS and Scopus systems and analyzed by Multiple Regression Analysis method. Findings: The results showed that in four subject areas, Web measures act as a predictor of citation indicator and there is a significant correlation between them. The extent of this correlation and predictive power depends on the subject area and covers a range of negative to positive correlations. Conclustion: The difference between regression model of citation prediction through Web altmetrics in the variety of fields indicates the distinction among subject areas and their patterns in Web metrics which should take in to account for assessments to avoid interdisciplinary comparisons. In the areas with powerful prediction model, Web metrics can use separately and as an early predictor of citation. In other areas with weak prediction model, it is suggested that both metrics are applied for the best result.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 174


Quran and Medicine

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The present study aims to investigate the effectiveness of published articles of scholars in the field of “ Quran & Health” in Scopus and Web of Science during 2009-2018. This research was an applied descriptive-analytical study that was conducted as a scientometric study. The population included all the Iranian scholars’ papers in the field of “ Quran & Health” during 2009-2018 in Scopus and Web of Science databases. Data were processed by altmetrics bookmarklet and analyzed with Excel. Based on the findings of all scholarly articles in the fields of Qur'an and health in the period under study, 331 records indexed in Scopus and Web of Science that some of the articles contain a digital object identifier (DOI). Among them, the low percentage had an altmetrics score. Mendeley and twitter had a greatest proportion in mentioning Iranian scholars’ papers. The highest number of sharing these articles belonged to United States and England. Medicine and Dentistry had a highest number of Mendeley’ s references. The findings indicated that the low percentage of the Iranian articles had the digital object identifier. Therefore, it can be suggested that Iranian scholars in the field of “ Quran & Health” have to pay m.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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ستوده هاجر

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Issue Info: 
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    4 (34)
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Purpose: The significant influence of scientific and citation networks among scientific societies has caused that while identifying influential individuals and universities in each field, the issue of knowledge sharing is also highly considered. With this in mind, the present study investigates the relationship between Mendeley academic social network Altmetrics indices and Scopus, Web of Science, and Google Scholar databases in the field of economy, management, and accounting. Methodology: The present study is applied research that has been done in a descriptive-survey method with the Altmetrics approach. The statistical population of the research includes Iranian Authors and researchers in the field of economy, management, and accounting who had indexed documents in the Scopus database in the period of 2000-2019. 160 of the most prolific authors have been introduced and reviewed by Scopus. In order to analyze the data, in addition to descriptive statistics, in the inferential statistics section using Excel and SPSS software, a simple and multiple correlation test between the studied indicators has been used. Results: The results show a significant and positive relationship between the indicators studied in Mendeley with the scientometric indicators of Scopus, Web of Science, and Google Scholar databases. This relationship is very high in cases such as reading frequency, a number of citations, and HTML index score, Mendeley with Scopus, Web of Science, and Google Scholar, and weak in cases such as Mendeley reader index with Scopus co-authorship index. The results show that the degree of correlation between the citations received in Mendeley and other databases is very high. Also, the relationship between the authors' index in Mendeley and other databases is positive and significant. This relationship is stronger between Scopus and Web of Science than the other databases. Conclusion: Due to the positive and significant relationship between Mendeley indicators and indicators of other databases, the use of this academic social network in publishing and sharing research results can attract more citations.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The purpose of this study was to identify the language consistency between indexers, authors and taggers in the ERIC and Mendeley databases. This survey was conducted using content analysis methods and techniques to evaluate the language consistency between indexers, authors and taggers in the ERIC and Mendeley databases and also to determine common keywords. The sample for this study was comprised of top twenty journals in the field of Educational Research based on the Journal Citation Reports (JCR) of Web of Science, indexed in the ERIC database in 2014. Finally 499 articles published in the above-mentioned journals in 2014 were chosen as the sample base for the dataset. Note that only articles with author-supported keywords, indexed in the ERIC database and also tagged in the Mendeley database from January 2014 to August 2016 were eligible to be assessed. Descriptors assigned to the articles on the ERIC database and tags associated to the articles on the Mendeley database for the period from January 2014 to August 2016 were extracted. Also authorassigned keywords assigned to all 499 articles were collected. Finally we created a software based on object-oriented programming (OOP) in C++ to analyze the search results. Descriptive statistics and measures, and thesaural term comparison show that there are important differences in the context of keywords from the three groups. This study demonstrated that there were differences between the tagger, author and professional indexer views of the words used as tags, descriptors, or author-assigned keywords. The results showed that the consistency between the author-supported keywords and user tags of the 499 articles in the Mendeley was 15 percent; while the consistency between descriptors designated to the articles in the ERIC database and user tags associated to the articles on the Mendeley were three percent. On the other hand, the consistency between descriptors assigned to the articles in the ERIC database and the author-assigned keywords were 4 percent. Finally, the language consistency between the three above-mentioned groups was 1. 1 percent. Also note that the presence of descriptors in the ERIC thesaurus was 34 percent, which were more than the author-supported keywords and tags. The findings showed that the consistency between the keywords used by authors and taggers were more than the keywords chosen by indexers and authors, and by indexers and taggers. This means that three sides of the information representation triangle, i. e., indexer, author and tagger are unfamiliar with each other’ s language. It is worth noting that tags are useful supplements to controlled vocabularies, since the former provide a means for social organization of knowledge outside the framework of the latter. The low consistency between tags and descriptors in this research indicates that Mendeley users do not use the same terminology as subject specialists who maintain descriptors in the ERIC thesaurus. Further research involving semantic analysis of Mendeley tags may reveal an emerging vocabulary suitable for inclusion in the ERIC thesaurus as a controlled vocabulary.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Introduction & Objective: Identifying effective social science networks in different scientific fields helps researchers to identify influential individuals and universities in each field and realize the importance of knowledge sharing through these new information tools. Accordingly, the present study was conducted with the aim of identifying the relationship between metamorphic scores of social networks and scientometric indicators obtained from the activities of Iranian nursing researchers in citation databases. Materials & Methods: The present study is an applied and descriptive research that has been done by the scientometric method with Altmetrics approach. The statistical sample for the study includes Iranian researchers in the field of nursing who had an indexed document in the Scopus citation database, in the period 2000-2019 and on the date of the research (20/03/2020), and was also a member of the Mendeley resource management database. There were 158 high-profile authors introduced by Scopus. Results: Findings showed that from 2000 to 2019, 5821 records related to the field of nursing, indexed by Iranian researchers written in the Scopus database, 5009 records (86%) were articles. Linguistically, 5627 records (96. 6%) were in English and only 198 cases (3. 4%) were written in Persian. Tehran University of Medical Sciences and Health Services is the top university in the field of activity or sponsor of nursing researchers. A significant coefficient of 0. 40 was obtained between the H-index index in Scopus database and the follower’, s index in Mendeleev, which shows that there is no significant relationship in this field. However, there is a significant relationship between the other indicators studied in these two databases. There is also a significant relationship between co-authorship index, H-index, citation received, readers, publications and viewers in Mendelian scientific social network with indexes of citation number and H-index in Web of Science citation database. But there is no significant relationship between the followers index and the mentioned indices due to the occurrence of a significance coefficient of 0. 202. Examining the relationship between the amounts of citations received in Mendeley, Scopus, and Web-Science databases shows that there is a significant relationship between the amount of citations received in these databases. Conclusions: Respectively, the strongest correlation, in this case, is between the citation index received in the Mendeley and Web of Science database, Mendeley and Scopus, and finally Scopus and Web of science. There is also a significant relationship between the etch index in the Mendeley, Scopus, and Web of Science databases. The correlation between the Mendeley h-index and Web of Science is stronger than the correlation between the Mendeley h-index and Scopus.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Financial Economics

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This study investigates the effect of oil shocks on economic growth in some OECD oil Importer countries such as: Canada, France, Italy, Japan and America and some OPEC oil exporter countries such as: Algeria, Iran, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Venezuela discussed. Models for the years 1976-2008 are estimated. Of five variables for each country per year is used. Variables into the model are included real price of oil, GDP growth, inflation, real wages and the real effective exchange rates. Real GDP as the main variable effects on the economy indicates that oil prices impact on other model variables indirectly. Vector auto regression model estimated. Estimation results obtained in different countries show that oil price shocks of variables affecting on economic growth. Also in oil shock of Petroleum Exporting Countries on economic growth is positive. Estimation results obtained in the oil Importer countries shows the effect of oil shocks on economic growth is negative.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Distributing geographical information on the Internet is an enforcing factor for information providers. Internet allows all levels of society to access geographical information, and provides a media for processing geo-related information with no location restrictions. Web-based GIS is evolved from different Web maps and client-server architecture to distributed ones. As such, Internet reshapes all functions of information systems including: gathering, storing, retrieving, analyzing, and visualizing data. The high cost of GIS system, the release of system specific databases, and the enormous software developer efforts on upgrading the system are fading with the introduction of Web-based GIS Moreover, disseminating spatial information on the Internet improves the decision-making processes.This paper examines the current Web GIS technologies with emphasis on architectures. Eight state-of–the-art Web GIS products from leading GIS companies have been scientifically assessed. This paper also proposes a Web GIS development strategies starting from requirement analysis, and ending in GIS use and maintenance. Disseminating Iranian Road information on the Internet has been presented as a successful implementation of the strategy.It is concluded that the Internet based information delivery adds the margin of profitability of the Transportation and Terminal Organization. The proposed strategy has been tested successfully. Civilian can get to their destinations faster.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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