The purpose of this study was to design educational content of Green Chemistry metrics for undergraduate chemistry students. Based on the purpose of the research, it was an applied-development type, and in terms of collecting and analyzing the data; a descriptive-analytical type is used. The statistical sample was a collection of books, articles, journals, and dissertations related to green chemistry which were selected and analyzed up to getting theoretical saturation. By reviewing related literature and investigating various sources on how to design the educational contents of the chemistry green, and also by directions of the field experts, during several revers phases of core coding, chapters were determined, then, according to the designated chapters, objectives were written for each topic in the target-content table. The results of this study showed that for the design of the content of training green chemistry measurements, two categories of mass measurements and environmental measurements can often be quantitatively evaluated in the twelve principles of green chemistry. In these two categories, there are various methods for assessing the greenness of a reaction (organic reaction synthesis) were identified, including atomic economy, reaction mass efficiency, material recovery parameter, environmental factor, process mass intensity, and effective mass efficiency are presented in a conceptual framework.