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مرکز اطلاعات علمی SID1
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Introduction Landforms and their response to environmental changes is one of the most interested topics among geomorphologists. One of the landforms that is most affected by tectonic and erosion processes is the rivers. Rivers respond to tectonic processes that increase the height of landscapes and erosion processes that try to reduce the height of landforms. This reaction can be well studied by analyzing the longitudinal profile of the rivers. One of the effective parameters in the study of tectonic and erosional status of regions is steepness and concavity. These parameters can be examined in the form of Stream Power Law (SPL). This function is related to incision power of streams. This relationship in the form of the linkage between slope and drainage area of the river in a logarithmic plot based on power regression, extracts the values of two parameters, the steepness and the concavity of the channel. In fact experimental studies by other researchers have shown that there is a direct relationship between rivers steepness and concavity with tectonic –,erosive processes in the regions. It generally accepted that steep landscape are associated with areas of high uplift rate and active tectonic. Rivers system are well adopted to tectonic processes to provide useful information about the rate of uplift in landforms. The steepness of rivers which depends on the declivity of channels is fraction of uplift rate. So we expect that if the amount of the steepness in the longitudinal profile of the river is low, the uplift rate is slight too and if the steepness is high, the uplift rate is intense too. Concavity index usually depends on bed material. But erosion efficiency has direct connection with incision power law and its steepness. But weakness of bed material especially alluvial can increase rate of erosion efficiency in channels. Erosion efficiency is the volume of sediment that is completely removed from the environment after erosion. Erosion efficiency is a function of sedimentary flux. This parameter can be directly related to the tectonic processes and characteristics of the bedrock. If tectonic processes lead to an increase in the height of the landforms, it can increase orographic precipitation in mountainous areas, and it can lead to increasing sedimentary flux, then erosion efficiency also increases. The main purpose of this study is to analysis the effect of active tectonic and erosion on equilibrium profile of the main rivers of the Damghan Mountain based on the Stream Power Law. These steepness and concavity parameters are influenced by set of lithological, geological, topographic and erosion factors. All of these factors are effective in location of knick points of rivers and are able to provide useful information about the geological and erosion status of the area Material and Method In order to investigate the power incision law, the DEM map in 30m resolution was used to extract the channels. For extracting the rivers, the D8 algorithm method was used to calculate the flow direction. In this method, the flow path of each pixel that fall on the lower pixel with a lower slope was calculated and the flow directions was determined. In this regard, we first need to create a DEM map with the least inconsistency. This method focuses on extracting central flows in valleys and reducing parallel flows. After extracting the channels, their slope-area logarithmic diagram were plotted. The regression line considered for the logarithmic plot is the power regression, which is the relation of the river incision power. In this regression, the slope of the regression line is concavity and the intercept of line is steepness. To obtain information about lithological features of the area that are effective in analyzing the concavity and steepness parameters, the geological map of Damghan and Shahrud was used. The study area is part of the mountain structure of Eastern Alborz and has several active faults. North Damghan Mountain is located on the southern side of eastern Alborz between 36。, 14'0. 3" to 36。, 18' 82" and 55。, 00' 26" to 53。, 59' 56" in north of Iran plateau. There are different outcrops of lithostratigraphic formations from Precambrian to Quaternary in this area. Geologically speaking, the study area is composed of set of over thrust blocks and nappes. The thrust faults and nappes within piggy back style have pushed eastern Alborz stratigraphy sequences on each other. The folds in the region have a strong connection to thrust structures and nappes. These folds are of different types and sizes but most of them are inclined and recumbent because of widespread compressive component in eastern Alborz. Result and Discussion The three main rivers of the region, CheshmehAli, Astaneh and Tepal, were studied. All three rivers flow on the colluvium bed in the upstream and alluvial bed in the downstream. And all three affected by faults in some areas. Some such as CheshmehAli River in the southern part, has flowed into a fault valley. The activity of faults along the rivers, both in the resistance and alluvial parts has led to uplift of the rivers. These effects are seen in the high values of steepness index and low values of concavity index. The increase in the stream incision is seen in both the upper and lower section of the rivers due to the activity of faults in the region. But the steepness is higher in the upstream which is made of colluvium sediments. While in the downstream due to weakness of alluvial sediments the rate of erosion efficiency is higher. Therefore the change in the rate of steepness, concavity and erosion efficiency, in addition to active tectonic, is strongly affected by the bedrock of channels. Each rivers that is most faulted also has higher values of the steepness index. CheshmehAli River, part of which is located completely in the faulted valley, has the highest rate of steepness compared to other rivers. The Astaneh River has been affected by the Astaneh fault in several parts, and the fault has led to the uplift of the river by cutting off the Quaternary sediments. The high values of steepness parameter in this river confirm existence of active tectonic. The Tepal River in its upper part shows high values of steepness parameter, but in the downstream part where the river flows on agricultural lands, the rate of erosion efficiency has increased and in contrast the rate of steepness parameter has decreased. This is due to human activities that have caused the rate of erosion to exceed the rate of tectonic processes. Therefore, human activities are able to transform the relationships between internal and external processes that are effective in changing landforms. Conclusion The results show that reaching the equilibrium profile in each river depends on a set of factors include erosion, tectonic and lithology. Fault in the channel path leads to an increase in the height and slope of the river channel and erosion accurse in response to this change. Tectonic processes increase the incision capacity of rivers as a result of increasing the slope of the channel, which increase the volume of sediments produced in the river. Of course, like that Tepal River, we must consider the role of human activities in increasing the rate of erosion efficiency. Key Words: Eastern Alborz, Damghan, Active Tectonic, Morphotectonic, SPL Model.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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In this paper, geometries of architecture have been identified which convert maximum sound and oscillation energies to thermal energy without any kind of absorbers to minimize mount of noise in spaces through the geometry of space with absorbing the maximum sound energies. Research has been done with COMSOL5. 2 software and simulation method. The argument of this research has been done through the logical reasoning and with tes t developing in selective software and has been documented and resulted. In process of research, sound with 8000 HZ frequency that simulated a human speech, has been played in spaces with diverse form (changes in form of walls, ceilings) and same materials and has been calculated the mount of intensity, pressure and sound pressure level. Then mount of sound absorbing and converting to thermal energy has been simulated in spaces with applying the absorbing rate of air and results has been documented from temperature change dependence to geometry of spaces. It is so important that the walls, ceilings and floors were adiabatic and insulate completely from inside. In Simulation processes, air has been used as a material that is filled inside of simulated forms and there has been not any kind of other materials. By obtaining numerical results, the most suitable geometries are identified for producing heat through the sound oscillations and minimizing the noise. As a result, it was found that geometry of building make potential for Acous tic and thermal comfort from sound energy without any kind of absorbing materials inside of rooms. Heating changes simulated in two kind of geometries: pure volume and composite volume. Composite volumes have been choosing through the result of pure volume. Between pure volumes, Cylinder produced maximum temperature through the sound energies. Considering cylinder as a regular polygon with infinity corners and sides and making corners in composite volumes, heating changes oscillated due to corners between sides. Corners with angel about to 90 degree produce more heat compared with other corners. A plurality of corners with 90 degree and equal sides adjacent to angle in geometry of architectural spaces change the mount of temperature in increasing ways. Corners with obtuse angles cause higher temperature and corners with acute angles produce lower temperature. The highes t temperature happens in geometries with 90 degree angles. Number of corners with obtuse and acute angles did not follow the definitive rules to produce heating or cooling in this study. The Bes t position for making consecutive corners in plans with right corners is the upper third of the height of Architectural spaces that produce high temperature. In compact geometries, the heat generated due to sound energies and oscillations are more than geometries with s tretching in one direction. A Cube produces more heat than rectangle with same amount of height and volume. Composite of Cylinder and cube volumes in walls by maintaining the corners with 90 degree angles, lead to increasing the temperature. Filleted angles in walls of cubes and rectangles, with radius of ¼ of side of cube and more, make temperature increasing.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background and Aims: Noise is one of the important injurious agents causing hearing loss or various incidents. High levels of noise pollution affect workers in stone industries. Iran has the world second rank in production of 9 million tone stone. There are 1806 stone cutting and 230 stone processing units with 6 million tones processing in the country, of them 22 stone cutting and 3.2 percent of stone processing units are located in Hamedan province.Method: In this survey 10 stone cutting units of Malayer district were chosen. Noise pollution was measured by sound level meter (model 2230 B&K). General noise using grinding method and worker posture was measured. One octave band frequency analyzing was measured in 21 stations (more than 85 dBA). Equivalent levels (leq) and Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL) were calculated for 40 workers in the units. Results: Average leq was 91.1 dBA (SD: 5.5) and mean work experience was 10.9 (SD: 5.5) years). Regression analysis showed a significant correlation between NIHL and Leq (8hr) (p<0.05). NIHL and work experience was also correlated (P< 0.05). Granite stone industries octave band noise analysis had a major SPL in high frequency while other industries had low frequency. Conclusion: NIHL results in this study revealed minimal loss; however, the workers did not have long experience. A severe hearing loss in subsequent years is expected. Selection of acoustic absorbers for stone cutting units should be considered.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background: The comfort of patients during their stay in the hospital is important, and noise pollution exceeding the permissible level could cause discomfort for the patients and intensify their disease. Moreover, increase in this factor affects the hospital staff and therefore has a negative effect on how they serve the patients. Thus, the aim of this study was to assess the environmental noise pollution in Feiz Hospital wards and its adjacent area, and compare them with recommended standard values.Methods: This cross-sectional study was carried out in 2011. To measure sound levels, the environmental noise parameters such as L10, L50, L90, L95, L99, Leq, SEL, SPL, Lmin, Lmax, were measured using the CEL- 440 sound level meter. Measurements were conducted during 8-12 a.m. and 16-20 p.m. with half an hour interval.Findings: The maximum equivalent sound level (Leq) in the clinical section in the morning, and in the official section of the hospital in the afternoon were 66.72 and 65.80 dB (A), respectively. The averages of Lmax, Leq, SEL, and L10 in the morning were 61.87, 58.17, 61.50, and 60.62 dB, respectively, and those of in the afternoon were 69.67, 62.06, 71.58, and 64.87 dB, respectively.Conclusion: Statistical analyses showed a significant difference between measured values in the morning and the afternoon (P<0.001). In other words, the mean index values in the afternoon were higher than in the morning. It can be concluded that Feiz Hospital has a high level of noise pollution, and in most cases the noise levels exceeded the levels recommended by the Iranian environmental protection agency.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The analysis of the Shariah poverty line and its measurement is considered as ane of the basic issues relevant to Muslem societies. Also the impact dignity ("Shaan" in Islamic terminology) is another concern in this regard. This paper intends to analyze the Shariah poverty line (Kefayah in Islamic literature), and the impact of dignity (Shaan) on it. Case study region for the this paper is the Qum province. According to the findings of this paper and other things being equal, Shariah poverty line is measurable and by using SPL methods we have measured it for the Qum province. In addition to using analytical methods this paper, methodologically speaking has used questionnaire inquiry and econometric methods.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    3 (پی در پی 45)
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سابقه و هدف: در بخش های مراقبت ویژه نوزادان (NICU) صداهایی با شدت ها و فرکانس های متفاوت از منابع مختلف تولید می شود. این صداها ممکن است تغییرات فیزیولوژیک ناخوشایندی را در نوزادان بوجود آورند. لذا آکادمی اطفال آمریکا توصیه می کند که متوسط شدت صوت در زمان بیداری حدود 45 دسی بل و در ساعات خواب شبانه نوزادان حدود 35 دسی بل باشد. با هدف تعیین میزان شدت صوت موجود در NICU مطالعه زیر در سال 1384 بعمل آمد.روش بررسی: در این مطالعه توصیفی  تحلیلی، شدت صداهای زمینه ای و صدای ناشی از فعالیت پرسنل و کارکرد یا آلارم دستگاه های مختلف در NICU بیمارستان مفید به روش موضعی و عمومی با دستگاه SLM با مارک تجارتی B & K اندازه گیری شد.یافته ها: تراز فشار صوت (SPL) تمام دستگاه ها، 54-13 دسی بل بالاتر از حد مجاز بود. روشن بودن دستگاه ها میزان SPL زمینه ای را 9-6 دسی بل و فعالیت پرسنل SPL زمینه ای را 8-2 دسی بل افزایش می دهد. شدت صوت زمینه بخش، بخصوص در فرکانس های 2000 و 4000 سیکل بر ثانیه، حدود 11-5 دسی بل بیش از حد مجاز بود. میزان SPL در سطح شنوایی نوزادان 22-12 دسی بل بیش از حد مجاز اندازه گیری شد. میانگین SPL در مواجهه 24 ساعته نوزادان، در وضعیت خاموش بودن دستگاه ها و عدم فعالیت پرسنل 64 دسی بل و در هنگام روشن بودن دستگاه ها و فعالیت پرسنل 69 دسی بل بود.نتیجه گیری: به نظر می رسد که نوزادان بستری با توجه به مدت طولانی اقامت در بیمارستان، در معرض آلودگی صوتی قرار داشته و سلامتی آنها در معرض مخاطره باشد.

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A locale (frame) L has a largest spatial sublocale generated by the primes (spectrum points), the spatial part SPL. In this paper we discuss some of the properties of the embeddings SPL ⊆ L. First we analyze the behaviour of the spatial parts in the assembly: the points of L and of S(L)^op (∼=the congruence frame) are in a natural one-one correspondence while the topologies of SPL and Sp(S(L)^op) differ. Then we concentrate on some special types of embeddings of SPL into L, namely in the questions when SPL is complemented, closed, or open. While in the first part L was general, here we need some restrictions (weak separation axioms) to obtain suitable formulas

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Background: Bi-directional communication between the follicle and oocyte is necessary to regulate follicle and oocyte development. Currently, it is not practical to monitor the serial growth of individual follicles during assisted reproduction. The ovarian stimulation phase length (SPL) is an indirect measure of mean follicular growth rate. The objective of this study was to test the hypothesis that a short or long SPL would be associated with suboptimal outcomes in women undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF).Materials and Methods: A retrospective cohort study was conducted in 140 women who underwent IVF. Follicle development was monitored every 2-3 days during ovarian stimulation using transvaginal ultrasonography. Once>3 follicles reached ³ 17 mm, human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) was administered. Oocyte retrieval was performed approximately 35 hours after hCG.Oocytes underwent IVF on the day of collection and were evaluated daily thereafter. Embryos were transferred on days 3 or 5, depending on the number and quality of embryos available. Associations between SPL, age, follicle, oocyte, embryo and pregnancy outcomes were evaluated (SPSS version 17.0; SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA).Results: A SPL of 11 days was associated with an optimal number of follicles that developed to ≥ 6 mm, ≥ 10 mm and ³ 15 mm; serum estradiol concentrations; and number of oocytes collected (p<0.05). Gradual reductions in the number of developing follicles, serum estradiol concentrations and number of oocytes collected occurred with SPL less than or greater than 11 days (p<0.05). The SPL did not influence endometrial, embryo or pregnancy outcomes (p>0.05). Associations between SPL and outcomes were not influenced by age (p>0.05).Conclusion: The ovarian SPL can be used to predict the number of follicles that develop, oocytes collected and serum estradiol concentrations, but not embryo or pregnancy outcomes.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    6 (78)
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Introduction: Noise is one of the most important pollutants in worksites. Hospitals are imposed to noise pollution. Considering lack of research in Sari educational hospitals and applicability of noise control by engineering controls and education, we proposed this research to evaluate the sound pressure level (SPL) in three educational hospitals of Sari, Iran. Methods: In a descriptive-analytical study, the SPL of three hospitals was evaluated using sound level meter (model; CACELLA CELL-490, made in England). The evaluation was performed in 1. 5 meter height, in three shifts, and in three days of the week. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistic methods and SPSS software version 24. For assessing the rate of effective factors, the GEE (Generalized estimating Equation) methods were used. Results: According to the results, the mean SPL was 63. 30 ± 7. 33 dB and a significant difference was observed between the mean SPL and the standard (35 dB) (p <0. 001). Moreover, the highest mean of sound in hospitals was observed in Fatemeh Al-Zahra Hospital. Considering the week days, Saturday and among shifts, the night shift had the highest mean SPL. Conclusion: The findings showed that SPL was higher than the Iranian National Construction Regulations and World Health Organization (WHO) standards in all evaluated places. So, the noise control programs should be considered seriously.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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