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Introduction In recent years, lower than the water level of Lake Urmia, the study of changes in temperature, humidity and drought stress thresholds in the area of inevitability is inevitable. Drought is a difficult weather event and a "crawl" disaster. From the agricultural perspective, drought has occurred when the soil moisture is less than the actual needs of the product and leads to damage in the product. For drought analysis, the existence of an indicator for the accurate and reliable determination of wet and dry periods is very necessary. Materials and methods In this descriptive-analytical and purpose-oriented study. The MODIS sensor data based on the Terra satellite was used. In these images, 8-day composite products with a resolution of 1 km and 8-day surface reflectance with a resolution of 250 m at time interval (2005 to 2008) were used for five consecutive months from June to October. Linear regression was used to derive the results. Also in this study 5. 1ENVI, 10. 5ARC GIS was used for analysis. The purpose of this study is to use MODIS sensor to evaluate the spatial relationship between NDVI-Ts and NDVI-Δ, T for extracting real-time agricultural droughts in the Simineh River watershed from the catchment area of Lake Urmia, The VTCI Index (Vegetable Temperature Index) and WDI (Water Deficiency Indicator), which are capable of identifying regional drought stress. The second component of the material used in this research are: 1. MODIS/Terra Land Surface Temperature/Emissivity8-Day L3Global 1km SIN Grid V004MODIS/Terra Surface Reflectance 8-Day L3 Global 250m SIN Grid V004. 2MODIS products produce surface temperature and reflectivity, their reflection and pixel magnitude. The VTCI index (duration of drought) is based on a simplified NDVI-TS triangular space in which the "cold edge" (non-stressed conditions) is considered as a line that has the lowest temperature in the NDVI axis (X-axis) and the "hot edge" (non-availability of water) is interpreted as a negative link with the NDVI. The WDI index (drought severity) can be further labeled as the wet line or ETR with a maximum of Δ, LST NDVI min and the dry line or ETR is at least equal to Δ,LST NDVI max. Results and discussion The vegetation temperature index (VTCI) is calculated based on the relationship between the NDVI-TS triangular space. The hot and cold edge pixels are derived as linear regression equations for calculating VTCI using ENVI software in mathematical data, in which ground temperature (LST) and NDVI index images are used as input parameters for the VTCI equations Is In all these years, it is observed that the gradient for the hot edge is negative, while for the cold edge it is slightly negative or no appreciable change. The gradient shows that when the NDVI value increases for any time interval, the maximum temperature decreases. The gradient on the cold edge indicates that when the NDVI value increases. The Water Deficit Index (WDI) is calculated on the basis of the Δ, Ts-NDVI spatial relationship, the wet line pixels and the dry line are determined by the linear regression equation, and the extracted equations were used to calculate WDI. In calculating this index, the difference between the surface Temperature (TS) extracted from the satellite imagery and the temperature of the weather stations (Ta) as a parameter (Δ, T), and NDVI images are used as another input parameter for the WDI equations. Therefore, the wet and dry line is obtained from the NDVI-Δ, TS triangular barrier. The slope obtained from the NDVI-Δ, TS spatial relationship is negative for the dry line, while the gradient obtained for the wet line is positive and in the rest of the years there was no significant change. The negative slope shows that Δ, T Max decreases with increasing NDVI index and positive slope shows that Δ, T Min increases with increasing NDVI index. The study period shows that the 2005-2006 period in the study area has a higher VTCI content than the years 2007-2008, which means less stress. The low VTCI has a tendency to stress and its high value indicates favorable conditions. The low VTCI value is less than its higher value in the obtained maps, which expresses the relative favorable condition of drought stress throughout the studied region. Generally, the lower Simineh, upstream of Bookan County, and to some extent the Hajiabad Plain, Miandoab, are areas that show less moisture conditions during 2005-2007. These areas, namely the Simineh River (between Miandoab and Bookan), show lower VTCI than the Simineh Rivers (between Mahabad and Bookan) and Simineh River higher (between Bookan and Saggez). The more northerly regions with high VTCI levels are less humid and have good conditions. VTCI is higher in these areas due to irrigation options that vegetation does not tend to moisture. The WDI spatial pattern has also been studied in the Simineh River watershed from the main catchment area of Urmia Lake for the July 153 day in 2005-2008. The lower WDI represents the optimal conditions, while the higher VTCI represents the favorable conditions in that area, and the range of this index is the exact opposite of the VTCI index. According to the maps drawn from the WDI index, it can be seen that during the period from 2006 to 2008, the WDI spatial pattern is similar to the VTCI index. Although the spatial patterns of both indicators are similar, the WDI index offers a distinct class of this situation. In the entire catchment area of the Simineh River, the water stresses were severe in 2005, but gradually increased from 2006 to 2008. In the middle and upper part of the upper part, the WDI is high, indicating that all areas between Bookan and Mahabad are exposed to moisture stress. The northern Bookan districts of the northwest and the Haji-Abad area of Miandoab show relatively good conditions, and in 2008, all mid-zone regions such as the eastern, western and northern Akhtachi show a higher WDI. The overall analysis shows that the duration and severity of stress are similar according to the VTCI index as well as the WDI index from favorable conditions to stress conditions, and shows that in general, in 2005-2007, the temperature and humidity stresses in the study area gradually, the tensions peaked in 2008.

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In the present study, the scour depth around bridge piers of Simineh Rood Miandoab was investigated through HEC-RAS model using with two of CSU and Froehlich method (two methods of HEC-RAS software) for the discharge with a different return period. For this purpose, first, using a field data, a hydraulic model of the river range, where the bridge is located was created in the software medium. Then for discharges with the return period of 5 to 1000 years, the change in flow discharge for scouring around the middle and lateral sides piers of the bridge was investigated. The results showed that with increasing the discharge (increasing the flow velocity), the flow interference are increased and the amount of scouring in the middle of the piers is reduced relative to the sides. Moreover, for the discharge with a return period of 5 to 40 years, no scouring is observed in the bridge sides. Whereas for the discharge with a return period of 50 to 1000 years, the scouring around the the bridge sides increases significantly. For different return periods, in both CSU and Frohlich methods, pier number 7 has the highest scour and pier number 1 has the lowest value. The Frohlich method is not as sensitive as the CSU in calculating the scour depth compared with increase discharge, and approximately 20% are different in calculating the scour depth. Such difference could be attributed to the applying the pier shape coefficient, the bed conditions, as well as the coefficient of sediment particles in the CSU method.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    2 (73)
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Background and Purpose: Simulation and evaluation of sediment are important issues in water resources management. Common methods for measuring sediment concentration are generally time consuming and costly and sometimes does not have enough accuracy.Materials and Methods: In this research, we have tried to evaluate sediment amounts, using bayesian neural network for Simineh-Rood, West Azerbaijan, Iran, and compare it with common artificial neural networks. Monthly river discharge, temperature and total dissolved solids for time period (1354-1383) was used as input and sediment discharge for output. Criteria of correlation coefficient, root mean square error and Nash Sutcliff bias coefficient were used to evaluate and compare the performance of models.Results: The results showed that three models smart estimate sediment discharge with acceptable accuracy, but in terms of accuracy, the bayesian neural network model had the highest correlation coefficient (0.832), minimum root mean square error (0.071 ton/day) and the Nash Sutcliff (0.692) and the bias (0.0001) and hence was chosen the prior in the verification stage.Discussion and conclusions: Finally, the results showed that the bayesian neural network has great capability in estimating minimum and maximum sediment discharge values.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    1 (29)
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1-Introduction: Human beings have always sought to assess changes and discover changes. Soil erosion is one of the most important factors in soil degradation and reduction of fertility. Today, erosion of the soil due to non-expert human intervention has been removed from its natural process and has led to irreparable consequences. Considering the importance of studying changes in land use and its role in soil erosion over time, land use changes in Simineh Rood of the Boukan County in West Azarbaijan province and its role in soil erosion (between 2000 and 2017) were studied....

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Forecast and evaluate the effects of climate change can be very useful in planning future managers. Various tools used to achieve this goal. In this research, the SWAT model is used to simulate and evaluate the climate change impacts on the crop yields in Simineh Rood basin and the changing cropping pattern strategy is evaluated as a comparative plan. To model the climate change conditions in the region, under the A2 and B2 scenarios, the HadCM3 atmosphere-ocean general circulation model outputs’ are used. Using the SDSM model, the outputs are downscaled and the minimum and maximum temperature and precipitation data are obtained for the years 2010 to 2033 and the data are used as inputs for the SWAT model. Afterwards, the values of water and temperature tensions, crop yields and the inflow of Urmia Lake in the climate change conditions are estimated and it is named as BAU. The results showed the increase in the average tensions of water and temperature and also the reduction in the crop yields. After evaluating the climate change impacts in the basin, changing the cropping pattern to wheat and barley is evaluated as a comparative strategy that showed 32% and 24% reduction in the water tension under the A2 and B2 scenarios compared to BAU condition. Also the produced calorie and the inflow of the lake showed 15.6% and 15.8% under the A2 scenario and 11.8% and 12.1% under the B2 scenario increase, respectively, compared to the BAU condition.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Continuous decline in Lake Urmia water levels In recent years, the decline of rainfall and river flows and constant droughts has become the main concern of the people and the people. To study climate change and increase of temperature in the catchment area of Lake Urmia, two factors for measuring the temperature and properties of satellite images were used which indicate the importance of land surface temperature changes (LST) and normalized vegetation differences (NDVI). This study was carried out using the satellite data of the periodic watershed (2008-2008) to investigate the spatial relationship between NDVI-Ts and NDVI-Δ T to investigate the actual agricultural drought occurrence. The goal is to extract the VTCI (vegetation temperature index) index, which is capable of identifying drought stress at regional scale. The results showed that the slope is negative for the warm edge, where it is positive for the cold edge. The gradient gradient shows that the maximum temperature is reduced when the NDVI value increases for any interval. The slope on the cold edge indicates that the minimum temperature rises when the NDVI value rises. Overall, at the warm and cold edges, it has been observed that the drought trend over 2009-2008 is higher than in 2010. In the days of Julius Day 257, the slope of the cold edge from 2008 to 2010 is decreasing. But at the hot edge, intercept pixels for 2008 is more than 323 degrees Kelvin, where in 2009-2010 it is less than 323 degrees Kelvin. In general, the correlation coefficient (R2) is different in the TS-NDVI spacing between (0. 90-0. 99). The present study showed that with the integration of satellite satellite data with meteorological data, the VTCI threshold for drought stress varies from year to year depending on the data conditions.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Planning, design and management of water resources systems nowadays unavoidably include impact predictions. Impact prediction demands modelling. In the present study the hydrological model WEAP21 was calibrated and then validated on Zarrineh Rud and Simineh Rud Basins. Zarrineh Rud and Simineh Rud rivers with a discharge potential of 3 billion m3 per year contribute a 50% portion to the Urmia Lake Basin. In the present study soil moisture method was employed for the hydrological simulation of model WEAP21. An 11-year statistical period (from 1994-95 to 2004-05) was planned for calibrating the model. The analysis of results of the model simulation using the statistical indices showed that the coefficient of determination, Nash-Sutcliffe coefficient and index of agreement for different stations were respectively as follows: Inflow to Boukan dam hydrometry station: 0. 9, 0. 83, and 0. 95; Nezam Abad hydrometry station: 0. 75, 0. 74, and 0. 92; Dashband hydrometry station: 0. 82, 0. 81, and 0. 95 and Miyandoab bridge hydrometry station: 0. 75, 0. 75, and 0. 92. A nine-year time period (from 2005-06 to 2013-14) was planned for validating the model. The analysis of results showed that coefficient of determination, Nash-Sutcliffe coefficient and index of agreement for different stations were respectively as follows: Inflow to Boukan dam hydrometry station: 0. 88, 0. 85, and 0. 96; Nezam Abad hydrometry station: 0. 72, 0. 7, and 0. 91; Dashband hydrometry station: 0. 86, 0. 85, and 0. 96; Miyandoab Bridge hydrometry station: 0. 8, 0. 78, and 0. 93. In total, the results of simulation revealed that the model presented an appropriate performance.

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Background: Heavy metal pollutants in rivers are one of the serious environmental concerns in aquatic ecosystems. Sediments, as an environmental indicator, have an acceptable ability to express the degree of environmental pollution with heavy metals. Therefore, with the aim of evaluating the health of the water ecosystem of Zayandeh Rood, we investigated pollution using sediment indicators. Methods: In this study, the sediments of Zayandeh Rood River were sampled at 17 stations. Metals lead, zinc, iron, cadmium, cobalt, nickel, copper and chromium were measured by acid digestion method with atomic absorption device. Also, land accumulation indices, Nemerow pollution index and ecological risk potential were calculated. Results: The average concentration of metals in sediments is 1762. 92 iron, 201. 52 nickel, 44. 07 zinc, 23. 36 cobalt, 28. 67 copper, 11. 51 lead, 10. 09 chromium, and 0. 87 cadmium mg/kg. According to the Igeo index, the average concentration of chromium, iron, copper, zinc and lead elements in all stations was lower than the average of the earth's crust, and the concentration of nickel and cadmium in all stations was higher than the background value. In all stations, the ecological risk potential index of cadmium was higher than other elements. Conclusion: Considering the condition of river sediments in terms of cadmium and nickel pollution and their very high ecological risk, it is necessary to comprehensively monitor the river and its living organisms. Also, in order to evaluate its health and ecological risk with the approach of examining the trend of spatial and temporal changes, heavy metal pollution in water and river sediments should be taken into consideration.

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In order to specify the biological indicators of Zayandeh-Rood River, ten sites along the river course from Poleh-Moorkan to Varzaneh in about 210 Km were selected. Three samples from each site were taken in three different seasons (90 samples in total). Sorting and counting of the samples were done in the laboratory and the macroinvertebrates of each sample were identified to the family level using the microscope and the identification keys. The biodiversity of the families of each site was compared and the indicator taxa were specified. The families of Baetidae and Heptagenidae of Ephemeroptera, Hydrpsychidae of Tricoptera and Gammaridae of Crustacea were realized to be the upstream indicators. These indicators were not present in down stream sites, or were present in very low abundance. In contrast, the families of Chironomidae of Diptera, Physidae and Hydrobiidae of Gastropoda and the Oligochaetes were realized to be the indicators of the Poleh-Choom and the other down stream sites.

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After organizing prosodic feet and presenting so-called Najafi’, s circle, AbolhasanNajafi managed to classify most of the Persian poetic meters, provide a criterion for their pleasantness or unpleasantness, and divide them into muttafiq alarkan (i. e., each consisting of a repeated foot) and mutanawib al-arkan (i. e., each consisting of two types of feet alternately repeated) meters. Nevertheless he found some meters adopted by Persian poets since Rudaki which could not be placed in either group of meters, but, towards the end of his life, he found a way of including these meters in his classification. According the rule he called “, tafarro‘,-e vazni”,or “, metrical branching”, , all meters of both groups which started with a foot of ᴗ,-ᴗ, , the foot could be changed into ᴗ,--, bringing about a new and distinct meter. Reexplicating this rule in this paper by introducing some of SiminBehbahani’, s poems versified in this meter, we rename the rule into “, qa’, ede-ye Simineh”,(“, Siminegi”, ) or “, Simin’, s rule. ”,There are three reasons for calling the rule in this way. The first is that no one has taken advantage of this rule as much as Simin, and the second one is that the scansion of the word “, Simineh”,reveals exactly the same foot appears in the new meter (ᴗ,--). Finally, it is possible that Najafiwas partly led to this rule by investigating part of Simin’, s poetry written in this meter.

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