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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The border of land units influenced by human, social, economic events and natural occurrence has been changed mostly based on time and location parameters and partly unplanned. Data according to the environmental conditions are necessary for source management. As it takes a long time and expense to collect data, tools and technologies are applied so that exact and less expense might be consumed. This research focused on land use change in Karaj city, located in west of Tehran interval 1987 and 2002 with applying remote sensing technique and satellite images. landsats 5 and 7 (ETM+) images used for this study. First the region was extracted then land units classified by supervised classification, brightness and greenness images. The result from various types of classifications compared with each other as well as ground truth, so that the settlement between supervised classifications with land use can be specified. By surveying on the images reveals that magnitude of change this metropolis like the others in the world have high rate changes in social-economic environment and land use. According to the images in 1987, the extent of built-up units includes Karaj city and suburbs and its vicinities were 6032.3 hectares and in 2002 images was 10541.12 hectares. So Karaj city converted to metropolitan and vicinities to towns and cities. The high rate growing of Karaj caused farmlands and orchards transformed to build-up lands. This conversion was happened toward south and west where the lands are more suitable for cultivation and agriculture productions. According to this research, using satellite images for interval in vast areas by various processing methods and classifications are very effective and important and mostly results coincide the facts.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    4 (45)
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Background and Objective In recent decades, land use change due to environmental and human factors has caused serious effects on the environment and the economy in Golestan province. On the other hand, wide rangelands and natural areas have been cultivated without observing ecological and scientific principles or have been exploited for special purposes and changing to other uses, while many of these lands are do not have the potential to become new land uses and they have a high potential for erosion, as a result of which we will see soil erosion, especially in sloping lands and the creation of destroyer floods. Therefore, it is necessary and essential to be aware of the type and manner of use and its possible changes over time, which will be important for planning and policymaking in the country. The aim of this study was to detection the land use changes in Golestan province during the years 1986 to 2019 and to predict the land use status of the region for 2050 using the land Change Modeling (LCM) approach. Materials and Methods In order to monitor the trend of land use changes in the study area, landsat 5 and 8 satellites (TM and OLI sensors for 1986, 2001, and 2019) were used. Interpretation and processing of satellite data were performed in ENVI software. The necessary pre-processing was performed on the images. First, the images were mosaic together and then cut according to the province boundary. In order to identify and separate the phenomena from each other, a false color image was created. Then, the supervised classification method with the maximum likelihood method was used. At this stage, five classes, including rangeland, agriculture, forestry, residential, and water areas were defined. land use maps for 1986, 2001, and 2019 were prepared. Integration of land cover maps related to 1986, 2001, and 2019 was used as input of LCM model and digital elevation model (DEM) maps and road and stream layers to analyze area changes and prediction of land use changes of 2050. After the necessary analyzes in order to detect land use changes between the intended time periods, change maps and land use transfers were prepared. Finally, the amount of decrease and increase in each land use, the amount of net changes, the net change from other land uses to the desired class, areas without change and transfer from each land use to another land in different land cover classes in the form of maps and charts were prepared and analyzed. Results and Discussion The aim of this study was prediction and modeling of land use changes in a period of 33-years in Golestan province. According to the results during this period, the area of the rangelands has decreased a lot, equivalent to 181181. 25 hectares. Much of the decline in rangelands is due to its conversion into agricultural, which can be attributed to population growth and the need to expand crop land. The area of forest lands during the mentioned years has decreased from 393018. 75 to 349143. 75 hectares in 2019, which has shown a decrease of 43875 hectares (2. 2%). In general, the destruction of rangeland and forest areas is especially visible in developing countries due to population growth, technological growth and non-compliance with ecological principles and law enforcement. Also, the results of classified maps during the mentioned years show that the highest amount of changes in the region is related to agricultural lands, has increased to 173700 hectares equal to 8. 5 % during the same period. The rate of land use changes related to the residential land class has also increased with the increasing trend from 18731. 25 hectares in 1986 to 37518. 75 hectares in 2019, which has increased by 18787. 50 hectares (0. 9%) during this period. Rapid growth of population has led to the development of residential and urban areas and the increase in this type of land use with a relatively steep slope, especially in recent years, which can be part of the government's plans for housing construction in the surrounding areas cities. This increase in the class of agricultural lands is more noticeable, especially in the central and eastern regions of the province, and can be a warning alarm for the future. It means that in an imperceptible trend, rangeland and forest lands become rainfed agricultural lands and after a while unprincipled exploitation, eventually become barren and unusable land. On the other hand, this could indicate an increase in population and demand for housing, and consequently securance of the needs of the residents of the region is a threat to rangeland lands which is necessary instead of increasing the agricultural and residential lands and turning rangeland lands into such land uses, the policy of increasing productivity in the agricultural sector should be pursued. About of water areas, it can be said that during this period, it has increased by 1. 6% or 3268. 75 hectares. This increase in water areas can be partly attributed to heavy rainfall and water intake and even floods in different parts of the province in 2019. Predicting the rate of land use change in 2050 indicates that in the coming years, the area of rangelands and forests will be reduced by 131906. 25 and 291600 hectares, respectively, and in contrast to the area of agricultural land and residential areas will increase to 164137. 50 and 25313. 25 hectares, respectively. Therefore, the adoption of necessary measures and policies to further reduce forest and rangeland will be inevitable. Conclusion Understanding of the conditions of different land uses during the coming periods will facilitate planning for the future by creating information in terms of their spatial distribution pattern, but maintaining and creating sustainable conditions for the future both statistically and it is ecologically one of its limitations. These constraints play an important role in the safe use of different land uses in the planning process. Therefore, creating sustainable conditions in the region and modeling it in order to use the natural resources of a region regularly and sustainably is one of the preconditions for achieving upstream visions and documents, including the sustainable development plan.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The trend of development of human activities with the change and introduction of a variety of land cover/use has transformed the structure of the land dramatically. Over the past few decades, the structure and cover pattern of land in the Khuzestan coastal zone has also not been immune to such changes. Therefore, monitoring the spatial combination and arrangement of land cover/land use and its changes in order to identify the current threats and opportunities is considered essential. The aim of this research is to monitor or the trend of changes in landscape mosaic in the coastal regions of Khuzestan Plain in response to the growth and development of human activities. In this research, landsat images were used across two time series 2000 (landsat 7 ETM+) and 2015 (landsat 8-OLI) for extracting land cover/land use map. In order to monitor the trend of changes, four metrics of land appearance MNND, MPS, Pland, and NP have been used. The obtained results indicated that the spatial combination and arrangement of the landscape in the studied region have found greater heterogeneity and complexity with fragmentation, attrition, and patches. Further, with the addition of two types of use including sugar cane cultivation and industry as well as fish farming basins along with the development of industrial construction units have caused dramatic transformations in the land structure in terms of combination, continuity, and extension of valuable ecological patterns. Riparian forests with increase in the number of patches and 50% reduction in the Pland metrics and wetlands with increase of 58% of NP metrics and 71% in MMND metrics in these regions with the maximum level of fragmentation are the most vulnerable environmental patterns of coastal regions.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    11 (102)
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Background and Objective: Due to the negative effects caused by the inappropriate use of land and land use changes, it is necessary to be aware about the variability process in the environmental impacts assessment witch arising from different developments to have the best planning and sustainable management of land. This study was conducted to check the effects of landscape changes in the city of Malayer. Malayer city due to various factors such as population growth, modernization of suburban neighborhoods and etc. is experiencing changes in land cover but among them the most effective factor is policies managers. Method: For achieving the studies objectives first step was mapping land cover change analysis, landsat satellite images were used in the period between 2000 and 2014 and metrics were: class area (CA), number of patches (NP), patch density (PD), largest patch index (LPI) and landscape shape index (LSI). Findings: Findings like landscape metrics analysis shows wide replacement of open lands in the area with green and built lands. This means that from 2000 to 2014 green space is nearly doubled and open land also have decreased about 50%. Also the increase of number of patches was more than double that shows the microlithic landscape in the region. Discussion and Conclusion: The final results show that the changes of green lands are promising and improving and behind of this improvement there is nothing except management focus on green space which should continue in the future for sustainable development.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: land use and land cover changes are affected by massive construction, urban expansion, and exploitative agricultural management. These pressures threaten the potential of aboveground carbon storage in Rancakalong District, West Java, Indonesia. In that massive construction and agricultural expansion are ongoing, it is critical to detect the potential changes in carbon stocks in the region. This study evaluated the impact of land use and land cover changes on aboveground carbon stock potential in Rancakalong District, West Java, Indonesia, by incorporating several ground-based carbon inventories into geographic information systems and remote sensing approaches. The spatiotemporal dynamics of the aboveground carbon stocks were assessed using Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Tradeoffs models.METHODS: Aboveground carbon stocks were estimated using the integrated approach of field inventory and geographic information systems. land use and land cover changes were assessed from remotely sensed imagery data recorded in 2009 and 2021 using the maximum likelihood classification method in the geographic information as a collection of layers and other elements in a map 10.6 package. Tree height and diameter were collected within the purposively distributed plots with a size of 30 × 30 square meters. Vegetation biomass was assessed using an allometric equation, and aboveground carbon stock data were extrapolated to the landscape scale using a linear regression model of measured carbon stocks and the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index derived from recent satellite imagery.FINDINGS: Vegetated areas were predominant in 2009 and 2021. Vegetation covered 51 percent of the total area in 2009, increasing to 57 percent in 2021. Regarding agricultural area, mixed gardens and drylands decreased between 2009 and 2021. Meanwhile, paddy fields were the only agricultural land use to increase between 2009 and 2021. The bare land and built-up expansion related to the observed land clearing for the Cisumdawu Highway mainly came from the conversion of mixed gardens, paddy fields, and drylands. The results show that the land use and land cover changes in Rancakalong District have caused a reduction in aboveground carbon stocks by 11,096 tons between 2009 and 2021. The highest reduction in aboveground carbon stocks occurred in mixed gardens, while a slight increase in aboveground carbon stocks occurred in forests, shrubs, and paddy fields. The results highlight the contribution of mixed gardens to carbon storage as they are visually similar to forests in the structure and composition of vegetation.CONCLUSION: land use and land cover changes directly affected the aboveground carbon stock potential in Rancakalong District, indicated by an 11,096-ton reduction in the stocks. This shortage of carbon stock potential was mainly attributed to the massive reduction in mixed garden areas between 2009 and 2021 by 12 percent, which caused a significant decrease in aboveground carbon stocks. The application of the Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Tradeoffs model is efficient in analyzing the effect of land use and land cover change on aboveground carbon stock dynamics and can be widely used in environmental engineering studies involving remote sensing approaches.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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. land use prediction models are essential for planning sustainable land use. This is especially needed in developing countries where activities such as deforestation, development of agricultural lands, and degradation which intensifies the phenomenon of desertification. Since land use changes occur on a large scale over time, the use of remote sensing science is essential in investigating this phenomenon. Using data such as multi-time and large coverage, this data can be used to prepare land use maps and survey them in different time periods at the lowest cost and in a short time, and from their ratio, changes can be predicted for the future. The results show that the region has a sensitive ecosystem, land use change is happening rapidly. Therefore, if the current strategy of land use in this region continues without consideration for sustainable development, severe land degradation and desertification of the region in the future is inevitable. In this research, we studied trend of land use change in Sirjan plain that located in the west of Kerman province during period (2017-1990 using landsat satellite images (TM and OLI sensirs). likelihood maximum method applied to classifying these images. kapa coefficient was used to evaluate the accuracy of the maps and modeling. For predicting land use changes for year 2026, we used CA_Markov automatic cell. studing land use changes trend in Sirjan plain during (1990-1990) showed that the largest area covered by bayer lands with low coverage. this level user has decreased from 88. 04% in 1990 to about 84. 11% in 2017. During the study period, saline, urban area and agricultural lands has been increasing. saline land increased (with 6. 05%) in 1990 to about (6. 91 %) in 2017. The urban area were increasing trend observed with 0. 23% of the total area in 1990 to 0. 85% in 2017. The trend of changes in this use in the first period (2006-1990) has increased from 291. 51 hectares to about 952. 99 hectares in the second period (2017-2006). The results of evaluating the accuracy of the maps produced for 1990, 2006 and 2017 were 86. 7, 89. 7 and 88. 7, respectively, and the Kappa coefficient for these years was 0. 82, 0. 84 and 86, respectively. Simulation of land use changes for 2026 showed decresing trend observed in bayer lands with 2. 15% about 3792. 48 hectares and saline, urban area and agricultural Results increasing trend observed with 2. 62%, 64. 54% and 28. 55 %t, and 155. 74, 291. 51 and 3185. 32 hectares, respective. land use changing has important role in stability ecosystem and its services, and its negative effects are the reduction of the ecological and biological power of the earth, which is also known as the cause of desertification. land use estimates showed that more than 90% this the area. Based on the prediction for 2026 showed decreasing trend in bayer lands and increasing trend in saline, urban area and agricultural lands. Therefore, if the current strategy of land use in this region continues without consideration for sustainable development until 2026, The rapid changes in land use in different parts of the world have attracted a lot of attention because it has a considerable impact on the physical and economic conditions ecosystems and communities in them. land use change is a very important indicator for understanding the interaction between human activities and the environment. land use prediction models are essential for planning sustainable land use. This is especially needed in developing countries where activities such as deforestation, development of agricultural lands, and degradation which intensifies the phenomenon of desertification. Since land use changes occur on a large scale over time, the use of remote sensing science is essential in investigating this phenomenon. Using data such as multi-time and large coverage, this data can be used to prepare land use maps and survey them in different time periods at the lowest cost and in a short time, and from their ratio, changes can be predicted for the future. The results show that the region has a sensitive ecosystem, land use change is happening rapidly. Therefore, if the current strategy of land use in this region continues without consideration for sustainable development, severe land degradation and desertification of the region in the future is inevitable. In this research, we studied trend of land use change in Sirjan plain that located in the west of Kerman province during period (2017-1990 using landsat satellite images (TM and OLI sensirs). likelihood maximum method applied to classifying these images. kapa coefficient was used to evaluate the accuracy of the maps and modeling. For predicting land use changes for year 2026, we used CA_Markov automatic cell. studing land use changes trend in Sirjan plain during (1990-1990) showed that the largest area covered by bayer lands with low coverage. this level user has decreased from 88. 04% in 1990 to about 84. 11% in 2017. During the study period, saline, urban area and agricultural lands has been increasing. saline land increased (with 6. 05%) in 1990 to about (6. 91 %) in 2017. The urban area were increasing trend observed with 0. 23% of the total area in 1990 to 0. 85% in 2017. The trend of changes in this use in the first period (2006-1990) has increased from 291. 51 hectares to about 952. 99 hectares in the second period (2017-2006). The results of evaluating the accuracy of the maps produced for 1990, 2006 and 2017 were 86. 7, 89. 7 and 88. 7, respectively, and the Kappa coefficient for these years was 0. 82, 0. 84 and 86, respectively. Simulation of land use changes for 2026 showed decresing trend observed in bayer lands with 2. 15% about 3792. 48 hectares and saline, urban area and agricultural Results increasing trend observed with 2. 62%, 64. 54% and 28. 55 %t, and 155. 74, 291. 51 and 3185. 32 hectares, respective. land use changing has important role in stability ecosystem and its services, and its negative effects are the reduction of the ecological and biological power of the earth, which is also known as the cause of desertification.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The recent drought has raised the significance of water resources planning, maintenance and protection as well as the conservation of local communities. The trend of changes in water resources, particularly those which are limited and response to short-term changes are used in water resources management. In this paper, the pattern of changes in Hamun wetland water body were investigated. This wetland is located in a dry area and therefore the local people are highly dependent on this valuable water resource. As a result of recent drought and the limited water resources, this wetland is experiencing dry periods in one year. Accordingly, the process of filling and drying this wetland were studied for one year. In this regard, landsat 8 OLI detector data were used to determine the pattern of changes in the water body of Hamun wetland with short intervals. The map of water body and the land use/land cover map were prepared using the hybrid method. Validation showed that this method is accurate enough to produce land use land cover map in areas with diverse land use and land cover. The results of this study showed that Hirmand Hamun retains water in a smaller time period compared to other parts which emphasized the importance of planning for support of the local population in this area. Based on changes detected in Hamun wetland during the inundation period, suitable habitat of water birds is lost during breading season due to water limitation, which can reduce reproductive performance of the water birds. So conservational plans are vital for this wetland.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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