It is now the 15th century A.H.and the Holy Quran,the only divine book, free
from distortion, continues to shed light on the world and provide guidance for
people of the world-Muslims in particular-throughout their lives. This
boundless divine ocean plays a significant role in promoting moral, cultural,
social, and other aspects of the society; provided that God"s Word is utilized
properly. In order to benefit from this divine revelation, attempts should be
made to grasp and digest the Quranic concepts and teachings. Today,
translation is considered as a way of understanding the Quranic teachings
though in the past there were some objections against the translation of the
Quran.Unfortunately,most of the existingtranslations of this holy book do not
contribute to our objective, i.e., understandingthe Quran properly for they do
not establish communication between the message of the Book and the
readership. Thus, the author of the present paper intends to deal with the
existing problems and challenges, as well as presenting the strategies
necessary in the translation of the Quran.