Fine-Tuning Argument (PTA) starts with the claim that the physical constants, the laws of nature and, accordingly, the interconnections between the parts of the physical world have been fine-tuned such that we may infer the existence of some supernatural fine-tuner whose attributes, inferred through some other possible inferences, may allow calling him "God". FTA, at both local and global/universal levels, takes the empirical data of natural sciences as the evidence of the intelligent purposeful agent having a hand in the origin, structure, and evolution of the universe, so that the apparent cosmic coincidence among the physical constants as well as .the events, from physical to biological and psychological ones, indicate some purposeful fine-tuning leading to a life-permitting and even intelligence-permitting world.
Now, PTA may be considered as the most popular variety of Teleological Argument and Design Argument that has attracted the attention of some specialists among the scientists, theologians and philosophers interested in searching some sound argument for the existence of God based not on religious sacred texts but on human cognitive faculties. But PTA, like Teleological Argument and Design Argument, suffering some problematic features, needs philosophical elucidation and evaluation. In this paper, the author, sympathetic towards those who try to scientifically and philosophically rationalize their belief in the fine-tuner/designer/maker/creator of the world, and have a trust on PTA, tries to examine the "argument" on the basis of some Islamic and Western philosophical achievements. The, author, willing to disagree with any ultimate agnosticism and negativism, tries to show the weak and strong features of PTA to help the believers, in particular those who have a theological trend and position, to know the weaknesses of the "Argument", on the one hand, and its capacities in the face of both its deniers and rivals, on the other hand.