Muhammad Inb Ebrahim, well known as Mulla Sadra, is among thinkers whose simple and fluent and yet expressive style of writing carries his deep and transcendent thoughts. The depth and width of his teachings and his elegant style of writing, alongside the exalted and glorious philosophical and mystical thoughts, is the secret of the stability and perpetuity of his works. Choosing of words carefully, beauty of exordium, beauty of conclusion, symmetry and harmony and synergy between words, enjoyment of fantasy literature in the forms of: simile, metaphor, irony, and also enjoyment of argumentative and intuitive methods and benefiting from the Qur'an and traditions are some features of his style of writing. Also, covering all aspects of the subject in figures of speech such as: Ighal (to add some extra explanations in the end of discussion), Tawshih (to interpret a dual word with two single words), Tazyeel (to repeat the meaning of a sentence in other words), I'tiraz (to add a parenthetical sentence), Taqsim (to mention appropriate divisions) etc, are some other features of his beautiful style of writing. Also a musical atmosphere and melodies rhythm gained by using some other figures of speech such as: rhythm, balance, tibagh (to mention a word ant its contrary like light and dark), pun, symmetry, Mura'aat al-Nazir (to mention related words In a situation), using tow forms of a word in the top and end of a sentence, Tashabuh al-'Atraf (to repeat in the heed of a sentence the word used in the end of the previous one) added to the beauty of his works.