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Journal of Nuts

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Salinity is one of the most important problems that restrict cultivation of crops in arid and semi-arid regions. Pistachio (Pistacia vera L.) is one of the most important trees that grow in these restricts. In this greenhouse study, the effects of salinity on growth of pistachio rootstock Badami evaluated. Seedlings were grown in plastic bags containing perlite. Salinity was imposed, by adding salts Nacl and Cacl2 to the pots to obtain concentration of 0, 100, 200 mM Nacl and Cacl2. 150 days after salt treatment, pistachio seedlings were harvested and length of shoots and roots, number of leaves and fresh and dry weight of shoot and root were measured. Photosynthesis and transpiration rates were measured before harvesting the plants. Also Chlorophyll fluorescence of plants measured. Salinity decreased shoots and to some extent root growth and number of leaves per plant in comparison with the control. Salt treatments reduced length of shoot and fresh and dry weight of shoots, but these values were more in roots for Cacl2 in comparison with control. Photosynthesis rate reduced in response to salinity but for Nacl treatments was more than the other. Transpiration rates and chlorophyll fluorescence did not show any significant differences with control. Data obtained in present study emphasized that growth Badami rootstock is affected by salinity and Nacl more than Cacl2 reduced growth of this rootstock. The aim of this study was to evaluate response of Badami rootstock to different level of salinity.

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Journal of Nuts

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In this survey, effective factors in little leaf disease on trees were studied in different pistachio orchards in Kerman province. Little leaf disease is the most serious disease of pistachio in Iran. Affected trees reduced growth rates. The first symptoms of little leaf disease are those of nutrient deficiency: a slight yellowing and shortening of the needles and reducing of shoot growth. New needles are discolored and shorter than normal, and the tree loses all but the new needles near the tips of the branches. This study examined the causes of the disease through several researches conducted in various places (Anar, Rafsanjan, Shahrbabak, Noogh, Koshkoeih), in Kerman, south of IRAN. The following treatments were employed: 1- healthy leaflet from healthy tree, 2- healthy leaflet from problem tree, 3- problem leaflet from affected trees. Little leaf disease was divided into two groups (trees with severe and low problem). External leaflet, total leaf and leaf stalk analysis were performed to determine nutrient element content. The results showed that concentration of iron in leaf stalk healthy leaflet from problem tree were statistically significant because of fixed and decreasing mobility of iron. Reductions in iron, manganese, cooper and zinc were noticed in healthy leaflet from problem tree (healthy leaflet from healthy tree). In places where the soil is characterized by low and poor iron, manganese, cooper and zinc, alone or together, the disease appears in leaflets. Therefore any foliar application can tackle the problem for the following year.

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Journal of Nuts

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Seed’s dormancy is considered as one of the effective factors in seeds germination and consequently in the growth of seeds of many plant species. Shortening the dormancy period and enhancing the germination percentage in fruit types could be a valuable strategy for the seed researchers and plant nurseries. In this research the seeds of mature fruits of different almond cultivars including late-very late flowering (Sahand), mid-late flowering (Touno) and early-very early flowering (Najafabad)cultivars with hard shells after being collected and prepared, were separated from the hull and were preserved under 18% dry moisture till the beginning of the experiment in a proper place. Seeds were disinfected with 2% TMTD® (Tetramethyl thiuram disulphide) fungicide solution for 30 minutes. Treated seeds, with and without endocarp, were stratified at 4oC for 1-15 weeks. The numbers of germinated seeds were recorded weekly for each cultivar. The seeds were examined during cold stratification 4oC due with a view to the germination once a week. The results showed that different treatments have significant effect on the decrease of the time of different cultivars’ seed germination; in other words, on the decrease of the chilling requirement in them. In hard shell seeds of Touno, Sahand and Najafabad cultivars with different flowering time had higher germination rate and uniformity, respectively.

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Journal of Nuts

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This research was carried out for evaluating phenotypic diversity and traits correlation in 60 almond genotypes and cultivars in nursery conditions. After preparation land and the bitter seeds of Shahroud22 genotype as seedling rootstocks planted in the autumn 2005. After the seed germination in the spring of the next year, the results of recorded data in 3rd may of 2006 showed that the planted bitter seeds in the nursery had the 90-95 percent of germination. By the end of July 2006, 60 almond genotypes and cultivars in nursery on the considered rootstocks were propagated by budding. The results of recorded data by the end of October 2006 showed %85-90 graft satisfactory. To simplify the study, we gave the code of A1-A60 to 60 genotypes and the cultivars of the almond. Also, the results of obtained data from 9 main vegetative and physiological characters of 60 cultivars and the genotype of almond experimented in clouding the diameter the trunk from the 5 cm above the place of the graft, the height of the plant, the numbers of the branch on the trunk, the number of the leaves on the branch of the current year, the length of the blade of the leaf, the width of the blade of the leaf, the length of the petiole, the amount of the chlorophyll and the contamination by the bloody aphid, in 2007 showed that among 60the cultivars and the genotypes of almond, there was significant difference in the mentioned traits . The biggest diameter of the trunk from upper than 5 cm, the length of the petiole, the percent of the contamination by the bloody aphid, height of the plant, the numbers of the branches on the plant, the  numbers of the leaves on the shoot of the current year, the length of the blade of the leaf, the width of the blade leaf, the amount of the chlorophyll were in the cultivars and the genotypes with A16, A5, A39, A24, A1, A16, A43, A2 and A11, respectively and the least diameter of the trunk upper 5 cm, the length of the petiole, the percentage the contamination by the bloody aphid, the height of the plant, the numbers of the branch on the plant, the numbers of the leaves on the branch in the current year, the length of the blade of the leaf, the width of the blade of the leaf, the amount of chlorophyll were in the cultivars and the genotypes with A46, A16, A9, A44, A56, A7, A44, A38 and A29 were observed, respectively. The correlation of the studied traits in 60the cultivars and the genotypes of almond showed that between the length of the blade of the leaf and the length of its petiole at level p<0.01, there was the positive and significant correlation (r=0/63), and this correlation was the most correlation between the studied traits in 60the cultivars and genotypes of almond.

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Journal of Nuts

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Pistachio butter (semi solid paste), which is made from roasted pistachio kernels, is an appropriate alternative to work on because of its high nutritional and economical values. In this study, time-dependent flow properties of pistachio butter were determined at two different temperatures (25oC and 45oC) for five different formulations (with different levels of emulsifying agents). Forward and backward flow curves were plotted and the amount of existing hysteresis loop was measured. Also, shear stress vs. time of shearing data were assessed using three models namely; Weltman, First-order shear stress decay with a zero equilibrium stress value, and First-order shear stress decay with a non-zero equilibrium stress value. To evaluate the ability of these models to predict the rheological characteristics of pistachio butter, three statistical parameters namely; R2, RMSE, and MRDM were used and finally the Weltman model was found to be the most appropriate to fit the experimental data. The results showed that pistachio butter exhibits a thixotropic behavior and its apparent viscosity decreases with increasing the time of shearing.

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Journal of Nuts

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(In the 3rd of April 2008) and in the morning of (16 April 2008), the temperature reached - 6 C in some pistachio gardens of Kerman County especially in Sirjan. The coldness was so high that affected not only on the open flowers but also on bud endings and lop growth, So that the next year product was endangered, as well.In order to study the effect of some treatments and decrease the damage, some experiments were done in the form of split. Split was tested in the form of random block model so that original plot included irrigation treatments and nitrogen fertilizer was on 30 days after the cold happening , and secondary plot included prune treatments: in three levels, 1. Without prune, 2. Elimination of 30% of grown branches, 3. Elimination of 60% of grown branches.Allendance with pbz in three levels: 1. control, 2. 4 PPM Pbz, 3. 8 PPM Pbz with density. For every treatment, four repetitions were done, and the percentage of bud formation was measured. Results showed that although the irrigation after happening of coldness has stimulated the growth but it wasn’t any influence on the next year product.Also it was defined that the mutual effect between irrigation and nitrogen fertilizer increased the formation of bud. The combination of irrigation, nitrogen fertilizer and 30% treatment caused the maximum of flower formation, and pbz increased the flower formation as well. According to results, it is said that 30% treatment could improve the problems of coldness.

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Journal of Nuts

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Contamination of pistachio nuts by aflatoxigenic strains of Aspergillus species is the greatest constraint to production and export of pistachio nuts in Iran, the leading producer of pistachio nuts in the world. Kerman province is the main region in Iran where 85%, of pistachio nuts are produced. Determining the population density of Aspergillus spores in the orchards and terminals which are the main sources of contamination would provide information about critical control points throughout pistachio production process. Density fluctuations of airborne Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus niger spores were investigated during 2000-2002. The monthly density fluctuations of Aspergillus spp. spores were determined by exposing open petri-dishes containing AFPA and Cz media for 15 minutes, between 11 and 13 hours at different localities in each orchard from spring to winter, and at pistachio nut processing terminals during harvesting time. The results showed that density fluctuations of A. flavus and A. niger rose from the beginning of spring reaching a peak in September. The population then gradually decreased and had little variation in relation to different periods and places. Population density of Aspergillus spores increased during processing stages (especially hulling and peeling) at different pistachio terminals. In most cases, there were positive correlations (r=0.69 - 0.91) between environmental temperature and spore density. The peak of spore density coincided with pistachio nut maturation characterized by splitting and cracking.

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