One cannot emphasize the importance of the city net in political and economical geography, and generally in civil dynamicity. Insofar as the city net is the outcome and the cause of many contemporary citizenship phenomena, both from the spatial point of view i.e. the location and the distribution of different cities (size, population etc.) and from the economic point of view i.e. the trade system of the cities on the basis of their basic functions, the familiarity with this net and its changes in an area can shed light on many key issues. Programming according to the civil and functional system and its hierarchy plays a significant role in providing services and exchanges both inter- and intra- zonal, decentralization, removing present inequalities, and the overall systematic development of the spatial structures of the zone. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate and analyze the city net in Bushehr Province, using models such as city concentration, rank-size, adjusted rank-size, Lorenz curve, Gini coefficient, Entropy coefficient and Elasticiablity coefficient. This research is a functional-developmental one and its methodology is descriptive, and analytical-causal. Excel and GIS softwares were used for qualitative and quantitative analyses. The findings show that the spatial distribution of the quantity of the cities in Bushehr Province has been half-balanced from 1956 to 2006. In 2006, it has reached the most balanced situation during the past six decades. Furthermore, the most balanced spatial distribution of the population in cities of Bushehr Province dates back to 1987, while the worst is in 1956. This process has decreased to about 0.2 in 2006 in comparison with 1996 which means the distribution of the facilities and equipments in this province is not appropriate. To sum up, the overall spatial distribution of the population in the cities of Bushehr Province has been half-balanced.