The idea of islamic banking was first developed in the 1950s and the number of Islamic banks around the globe now exceeds lOOkinds. At birth, the islamic banks face a number of contermarch, problems and challenges, especially under current changes in the world economy, the revolution in information technology (IT) and World Trade Organization (WTO) argument, Islamic banks will find themselves in direct competition with the conventional banks.This study investigates the main problems and practical challenges facing islamic banking in the number of Arabic and western countries, That its discussed by Islamic economist and reviewer. Then, it consider economic effects and concludes on Interim of making theory and practical classification from the macro and micro operational. It also evaluated solutions that used by Islamic reserchs, and mutates its quantity and qulity on islsmic countries resently.In prescription of methods such as transaction contracts, islamic Sokuk and etc, almost this problems be resolved, although islamic countries such as iran face to some of this challenges in practice.