Upon occupying Algeria, France started practicing hegemonic policies that were subversive to the religious, cultural, and national identities of that country. In addition to Algerian ethnic recognitions, Islamic culture and Arabic language were victimized too. Arabic schools were closed down and religious scholastic centers were destroyed into shut ruins. In spite of all this, the Algerian Muslim nation kept abiding by its religious values.This state of affairs gave men of letters, in general, and poets, in specific, an outstanding role in voicing the public opinions and developing chivalry spirits in the nation for resistance. Equipped with valuable religious teachings gained through delving in the Quran, the literature folks tried their best to preserve genuine cultural rules.One of the Algerian then-poets who stood up mightily against the despotic French puppet government was Mofdi Zakarya. By memorizing and teaching the Quran, he granted his poetry an obvious force of -lahab-alprovide a topic for the present article.