Percent 80 Iran territories situate in the arid and semi- arid region and third it is susceptible by desertification. This study by model medalus and touchstones; climate, soil, vegetation cover and management by Policy with tow watery and windy erosion touchstone assessment desertification present status and abilities medalus model at show regional model. By sensitive regions and significant process in desertification is identity. touchstones and respective indicators score in work envelope unit s. on base get results desertification present status at locale, severe %28.7 and very severe %71.3 area so sensitivity class is at totale of zone critical (C2, C3) and %71.3 of region is C3 critical class. results show that most effective for touchstone in desertification including; management by policy, vegetable cover, windy erosion, and climate by score average 176.4, 166.8, 164.75 and 162.13 effecte very severe by most effective indicator average of touchstones. indicator effect; at management by Policy at pasture using the destruction of pasture with average 186.4 has most effecte, maintenance activity by score 181.66, index of percent of vegetable cover at touchstones vegetable cover by score 169.125., index of frequency erosivity wind has most score equal 187.9 that is more effect at desertification, in climate evaporation by average 182.56. soil by average 145.2 has severe effecte study index of soil show that percent organic material, rapport of sodium absorbent (SAR), percent of gravel and conduction electric tidy has score 169.6, 164.35, 159.4 and 148.7 that are more effecte at desertification in touchstones. Watery erosion effecte with average 132.5 is average. Average quantity value severity desertification for total region at six touchstone is studies DS=156.66 so for region total present status and sensitivity class to desertification is estimate at very severe by critical (C3) class.