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Agricultural sector is most dependent on climate, and climate is the main determinant of time, location, production resources, and productivity of agricultural activities. The first event of zero-degree temperature in fall and its last event in spring is important for agriculture. This information is used to determine the species suitable for planting in each area. The present study seeks to identify the probability distribution function for extracting statistical characteristics of frost events in Iran. For this purpose, the history of early autumn and late spring frosts were extracted using daily minimum temperatures of 44 synoptic stations in Iran for a period of 30 years (1981-2010). After fitting various distributions, the best distribution was selected using Anderson-Darling goodness of fit test. Results indicated that most stations follow the Wakeby distribution. Based on the calculations, the first day of frost occurs in the highlands of the Northwest (Saqez, Hamedan, Ardabil, and Zanjan), Northeast (Bojnoord, Torbat-e Heydariyeh, Birjand, and also the Central Zagros Mountains (Shahr-e Kord), due to proximity with cold lands of the North such as Siberia and Northern Europe as well as early entry of westerly winds to this region compared to other regions of Iran will occur. And the latest event of the first day of frost occurs a little farther from the southern coast of Iran in a narrow strip along the coast and parts of the northern coasts (from Babolsar to Bandar Anzali). The earliest event of the last day of frost occurs in the same area in early February. The latest day of frost in Iran occurs in Azerbaijan, Kurdistan, Khorasan, and highlands of the province of Chahar Mahal and Bakhtiari

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Survey of advection of cold waves in Iran is the main aim of this study. In this regard, 45 synoptic stations were employed and studied. In order to investigate the thermal advection of cold waves, 1000, 850, 700 and 500 hp levels were reviewed and analyzed. Results indicated that cold waves in Iran most affected thermal advection caused by Tibet-Siberia, Siberias integrated Turkmenistan high-pressure, High pressure belt of Siberia-East Europe High pressure, Siberian high-pressure multi-core pattern and High-pressure belt of East of Caspian Sea integrated Black Sea High pressure. In the meantime, thermal advection of Siberian high pressure has been more impressive than other patterns. This system moved towards lower latitudes by anti-cyclone moving, So the cold weather of northern latitudes loss in lower latitudes North East of Iran, North West and Central parts of Iran. However, when Siberian high pressure combined with other patterns, its role in the advection of cold air have been considerable

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The oil has gradually obtained a predominant place in national economy since 1950 and nowadays, is the main important resource securing country financial needs. Two questions are the base of this research regarding contradiction of oil rent and traditional economic sectors including agriculture and livestock rearing which always have been intensified. These two questions are as follows: what are the impacts of oil wealth distribution among different regions on Iran's rural economic structure? What has been the locational-spatial consequences of this oil wealth distribution on agricultural sector as a main element of Iran's rural economic structure? Research required data have collected based on document study on the country during 2006-2011. Collected data are analyzed based on Shift-Share Analysis and Gibbs-Martin methods. Result show that there have not been any incentive in the local, regional and national management for strengthening rural economic structure using oil wealth. In addition, absence of industrial sector in rural economic structure with emphasis on agricultural sector both from policy making view and credit securing show that there have not been any logical sight on the political economic system facing rural space economy for development.

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Probable maximum precipitation (PMP), is the highest rainfall, which occurs at a given time in a basin. Hydrologist calculates the probable maximum flood for the design of overflow dams, by using the PMP, with two methods: statistical and synoptic. The purpose of this study is calculating PMP in the Ghomrood basin by using the synoptic method. For this purpose rain, meteorological data of the Iran’ s Meteorological Organization were used. Also, the data on the 850 and 500 hPa levels were analyzed by the National Center for Environmental Prediction and the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCEP-NCAR). In the following, the required synoptic maps produced and were studied. Iso rain maps were drawn, and depth-area-duration curves were determined. Eventually, PMP was estimated at 24, 48 and 72 hours. So that 24 hours PMP, by calculating 50 and 100 years return period of dew point estimated 51/75 and 54 mm respectively. Also for 48 hours PMP 128/25 and 132/05 mm, and for 72 hours PMP 97/9 and 101/75 estimated.

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One of the important and effective factors in the destruction of natural resources is the flood phenomenon, identification of this phenomenon and effective parameters in flood occurrence in natural resources and catchment areas is necessary. The purpose of this study was to determine the flooding of sub-basins in Jafarabad basin in Ilam province. In this research, the Jafarabad basin in Ilam Province is divided in to 12 sub-basins. For each sub-basin, 28 geometric, climatic, permeable and physiographic parameters such as area, environment, length and slope of main stream, length and slope of the basin, time of concentration, The coefficients of shape and variability of precipitation, vegetation cover, CN, discharge and. . . have been calculated using GIS software. Factor analysis was used to determine the flood potential of the sub basins. The data of 28 sub-basin variables were analyzed by SPSS software and summarized in 5 main factors (shape, flow, slope, drainage and runoff). The results indicate that the factor of the form with a specific value of 11/30 is the most important factor in the flooding of the studied basin. Channel, slope, drainage and runoff factors with a specific value of 7. 21, 4. 34, 3. 22 and 3. 10 respectively Priority is in the next rank. Then, based on the factor scores of the study area, three large, medium and low flooding categories were mapped and a zoning map of the flood potential of the sub-basins was drawn in the GIS environment. Sub-basins (9, 8, 5, 3) in the shape of the sub-basins (1, 6, 11) in the gradient factor, sub-basins (2, 7) in the drainage factor and in the runoff factor of the sub-basins (4, 10, 12 ) Have a lot of flood potential. In sub-basins, the similarity of flooding, erosion, vegetation, and human performance impacts is divided into 3 groups with high, medium and low flood potential. Sub-basins play a major role in the flooding of the basin, which affects the vast agricultural fields of the lower reaches.

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Estimating and predicting precipitation and achieving its runoff play an important role to correct management and exploitation of basins, management of dams and reservoirs, minimizing the flood damages and droughts, and water resource management, so they are considered by hydrologists. The appropriate performance of intelligent models leads researchers to use them for predicting hydrological phenomena more and more. Therefore, in this study, the Gene Expression Programming (GEP) and Support Vector Regression (SVR) models were used to model monthly precipitation of Nahavand City. In this study, precipitation, temperature, and relative humidity data were used in a 32-year period (from 1983 to 2014). The results showed that the same and good performance of both models (R2= 0. 92), but according to different evaluation criteria, GEP model showed a little better performance (RMSE= 0. 0478 and 0. 0486), while the running GEP model is so easier than the SVM model. Totally, it can be said that GEP model had been suitable for modeling monthly precipitation of Varayeneh station in Nahavand City. Finally, the monthly precipitation was predicted the GEP which showed a decrease in precipitation in compared with previous months.

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Fundamentalism is one of the security issues of today's world, and the Territorialize and, Territoriality of fundamentalist terrorist groups has attracted a large part of the world's security literature. Over the past decade, Southwest Asia and North Africa have emerged from domestic crises and transnational power interference, the focus of the emergence and expansion of radical ideas that impose huge costs on the regional and trans-regional countries of the world. Meanwhile, the northern continent of Africa, and in particular the country of Libya, as a fragile state emerging from the internalities and role of the regional interventionist powers, has provided opportunities for the expansion of ISIS's fundamentalist organization. The present study is based on the descriptive-analytical nature of the hypothesis that based on internal factors such as strategic position and huge oil resources, the crisis of legitimacy, spatial inequalities (axis-margin), the weakness of national correlators, weakness of central government power, Interventions of regional and global powers territoriality have been provided a platform for fundamentalist organizations such as ISIL in Libya, and the data and information required for research has been compiled in a library-based way. The results of the study showed that the fragility of the government in North Africa, in particular Libya, Territorialize and, Territoriality grounds have provided for ISIL's.

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Continuous decline in Lake Urmia water levels In recent years, the decline of rainfall and river flows and constant droughts has become the main concern of the people and the people. To study climate change and increase of temperature in the catchment area of Lake Urmia, two factors for measuring the temperature and properties of satellite images were used which indicate the importance of land surface temperature changes (LST) and normalized vegetation differences (NDVI). This study was carried out using the satellite data of the periodic watershed (2008-2008) to investigate the spatial relationship between NDVI-Ts and NDVI-Δ T to investigate the actual agricultural drought occurrence. The goal is to extract the VTCI (vegetation temperature index) index, which is capable of identifying drought stress at regional scale. The results showed that the slope is negative for the warm edge, where it is positive for the cold edge. The gradient gradient shows that the maximum temperature is reduced when the NDVI value increases for any interval. The slope on the cold edge indicates that the minimum temperature rises when the NDVI value rises. Overall, at the warm and cold edges, it has been observed that the drought trend over 2009-2008 is higher than in 2010. In the days of Julius Day 257, the slope of the cold edge from 2008 to 2010 is decreasing. But at the hot edge, intercept pixels for 2008 is more than 323 degrees Kelvin, where in 2009-2010 it is less than 323 degrees Kelvin. In general, the correlation coefficient (R2) is different in the TS-NDVI spacing between (0. 90-0. 99). The present study showed that with the integration of satellite satellite data with meteorological data, the VTCI threshold for drought stress varies from year to year depending on the data conditions.

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The purpose of this research is to evaluate the quality of wine in Khorramabad city as a major issue in public health and health management of citizens. To perform this research, data on the chemical element of 23 wells and fountains in Khorramabad County during the period of 2002 to 2013 were presented in the form of a series of elements: fluorine (F), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), potassium (K) The ArcGIS software and the algebraic or deterministic internalization methods, geology, IDW method, Kriging method and splint method were used for mapping and drawing maps. To assess the chemical quality of the drinking water element, standards were used: the National Standard, World Health Organization (WHO) and the United States Environmental Organization (EPA) as an indicator of pollution. The results showed that the amount of calcium (Ca) in all seasons and in all sources is lower than the national standards (WHO) and (EPA) standards, but in some sources higher than the standard desirable standard. The amount of fluorine (F) only in the spring and summer is higher than the standard standard (EPA) in some wells, but in winter and fall in all wells and springs above the standard desirable standard (EPA) is. And the amount of potassium element (K) in any of the seasons and in any of the wells and springs is higher than the desirable and desirable national standard, WHO and EPA, as well as a handful of magnesium (Mg) in none of the water sources studied It has not been higher than the national standard, (WHO) and (EPA).

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In the present study, the main aim was the spatial evaluation summer rainfall of northwest of Iran based on30 stations in northwest of Iran during 30 years of statistical period (1985-2014). An attempt, using geo-statistical modeling by ordinary least squares (OLS) and geographically weighted regression (GWR) procedures, was also made. The results represented that the GWR model with higher S2, lower residuals and lower RMSE is an optimized geo-statistical model for rainfall modeling of this area. This model can explain spatio-temporal rainfall distribution in northwest of Iran in a diversified topographical and geographical background. This model revealed that two spatial factors including elevation and slope, have the most important role in the summer rainfall behavior. Therefore Elevations in the mountainous and eastern parts of Lake Urmia, Latitude in the northern regions and slopes in the east of the region, have the most role in the spatial variations of summer precipitation in northwestern Iran.

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Introduction and Objectives: Unbalanced distribution facilities and services on Economic, Social and between regions, need to the planning and balanced spatial development the spatial structure of the country is inevitable This study aimed to determine the level development of the provinces of Iran and rank them based on the level of development and different levels of development of the country From 1345 to the present to help make the planning system and national policy has been done. Methods: This study is based on cognitive research and in terms of the goal of the evaluation research method-comparative. The population according to the latest political divisions of 31 provinces and indexes evaluated 33 indicators in four dimensions (Economic, infrastructure-physical, socio-cultural and health), respectively. For data analysis, factor analysis and cluster analysis techniques were used. Findings: The results show, between the provinces in terms of development, there are differences and inequalities. So that in Tehran alone during the decades the highest level of development and Sistan and Baluchestan province are the lowest and most disadvantaged. Comparison provinces during different periods of development of the center over the periphery of inequality. Conclusion: According to the results of research to reduce disparities between provinces The placing of the country due to the talent and potential of each region and prioritizing disadvantage and less developed provinces in the planning of regional demands.

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Iran is among the countries which id most vulnerable to natural disasters, especially earthquakes. This natural phenomenon creates a disaster in an area of Iran every few years and destroys the human and financial potentials of the country and it has also irreversible mental and emotional consequences. Due to the unexpected nature of most natural disasters and the need for rapid and accurate decision-making and implementation process, fundamental and theoretical basis has created a knowledge called crisis management. Bojnord city is the center of Bojnord town in North Khorasan province and is the largest city in the province. The city is one of the high altitudes of North Khorasan and is a mountainous region from the natural perspective. Based on census population in 2011, Bojnord has a population over 207, 196 people. Bojnord is one of the cities that are located in a zoning with a very high relative risk. Moses Baba fault and Dubarar-tower fault of Bojnord are located in the immediate vicinity of city and in some regions the city is built along this fault. Faults in Bojnord have been the origin of devastating earthquakes in history and are able to work once again and threaten the city which determined the importance and role of crisis management and passive defense in earthquake more than ever. In addition to the potential threat, Bojnord faults has made clear the adverse consequences arising from the filling of Bojnord plain from human habitations and the development of the city towards the fault line at a distance of 150 meters and this has also attracted attention to passive defense two times more. Therefore, identifying risk zones (faults and earthquakes) in the city can show the vital artery in low risk decision areas and zones with low risk for the construction of temporary housing camps during the crisis. Bojnord is in a bowl surrounded by mountains and down the valley.

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Land-use change is one of the most important challenges of land-use planning that lies with planners, decision-makers and policymakers and has a direct impact on many issues, such as economic growth and the quality of the environment. The present study examines the land use change trends in Behbahan city for 2014 and 2028 using LCM in the GIS environment. Analysis and visibility of user variations, carried out in two periods of Landsat satellite images of 2000 (ETM + sensor) and 2014 (OLI sensors), and land cover maps for each year. The transmission potential modeling was performed by using the multi-layer perceptron artificial neural network algorithm using six independent variables and the distribution of changes in user usage were calculated by Markov chain method. The results of the prediction showed that the most reduction in the changes is the degradation of the rangelands and the greatest increase in the area of agricultural use. According to the horizontal tabulation results of the 2028 map, it can be stated that from the total area of the area 28336. 22 hectares of land were unchanged and 33223. 78 hectares of land use change. Also Rangeland and forest degradation during this time period can be a danger to urban planners and natural resources.

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Analysis probative spatial data method for checking patterns spatial accidental and accidental is distribution variables spatial and correlation spatial from more usage and more important tools Analysis for is the research in the case spatial data. The aim in research, is evaluation operation methods find inside in distribution spatial land use city Kerman. That on base of methods find inside kriging ordinary with models circularly, gauss, spherical and exponential for find inside data use and with criteria error inclusive Root Mean Square) RMS( and Standard Root Mean Square) SRMS(, Mean Standard)MS(, Mean and average Mean error)ASE (pay to evaluation veracity and exactitude. Methodology research present, descriptive – resolution with resolution spatial use software GIS. Results resolution explanatory existence pattern cluster in the land use study, administrative and commercial and pattern diffused for land use medical in the city Kerman. In between four pattern use study follow of better order. Too results research rectitude, specified pattern kriging ordinary with model gauss beater shape pattern distribution spatial use in the city Kerman

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