Background: The definition of "concept of life" varies throughout the field, ranging from coherence in one's life to goal directedness or purposefulness to the ontological significance of life from the point of view of experience in individual. The present study was conducted to explore the relationship between spiritual concept with spiritual well-being, mental happiness, satisfaction with life, psychological flourishing, hope to future and engagement in life.Method: The statistical population included all of the male and female university students of Isfahan and Khorasgan branch in the academic year 1388-89. By using a stratified sampling commensurate of Cohen et al, some 400 subjects were selected. Scales which were used concurrently were: Mascaro et al's spiritual concept scale, Carmody et al's Spiritual Well-Being Scale (FACIT-Sp) with two aspects: spiritual faith and spiritual peace, Lyubomirsky's Subjective Happiness Scale, Dyner's satisfaction with life scale, Dyner & Biswas Dyner's psychological flourishing, Snyder et al's Future scale, Scheier et al's life engagement test (assessing purpose in life). The face and content validity of Scales were approved by the specialists and their reliability was measured by Choronbach's Alpha coefficient which were 0.79, 0.87, 0.56, 0.60, 0.87, 0.82, 0.74 respectively.Results: The findings showed that there are significant positive relations between spiritual concept with two subscales of spiritual wellbeing (spiritual faith and spiritual peace), mental happiness, satisfaction with life, psychological flourishing, hope to future and purposefulness in life and the highest relation was related to purposefulness in life. In addition, the multiple regression result showed that at first purposeful ness in life became 38 percent, with spiritual faith in the second stepie, 47 percent, spiritual peace in the third stepie, 50 percent, introduction of psychological flourishing in the fourth stepie, 52 percent and finally introducing hope for future 53 percent.Conclusion: The spiritual meaning appears to be influenced by purpose of living, spiritual faith, spiritual peace, psychological flourishing and hope for future. In other words, when students perceive that concept of life is based on spirituality they try to behave purposeful in their life.