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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


طلوع بهداشت

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    3-4 (مسلسل 33)
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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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طلوع بهداشت

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    3-4 (مسلسل 33)
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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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طلوع بهداشت

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    3-4 (مسلسل 33)
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طلوع بهداشت

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    3-4 (مسلسل 33)
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Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    3-4 (33)
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Background: Considering the role of staff at Medical Universities, they must continually seek ways to develop their staff human resources developments and the first step is aware present situation of staff personnel through pathological process.This study aims to pathology and plan human resources in staff departments of Kerman University of medical sciences deputies.Methods: present descriptive study was carried out cross sectional.159 employees in staff department of all deputies participated in this study. Information was obtained by a questionnaire and data analysis was done through spss software by using Friedman test, Chi- square and T-test.Results: Behavioral factors (mean=2.33) had the highest impact and contextual factors (mean=3.24) had the lowest impact on human resources malfunction in Kerman University of medical sciences. Among subsets of behavioral factors, motivation and Job satisfaction (mean rank=2.27) had the highest impact and customer-orientation (mean rank=1.77) had the lowest impact on human resources malfunction in all three dimensions.Conclusion: understanding human resources pathologies in Kerman University of Medical Sciences, shows that these problems are not limited to this university and considering the structural nature of these factors, human capital deputy and vice president planning deputy can provide a major change in payment systems and performance evaluation systems in medical universities with the hope of increasing motivation among staff employees.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 4074

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    3-4 (33)
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Background: Colorectal cancer is one of the most common cancers worldwide. It is the third common cancer and the second leading cause of death from cancers in the developed countries.First degree relatives of colorectal cancer patient have a 2-3 fold higher risk to develop disease.Planning for Prevention from disease at this group needs to review their current needs and assess their awareness and intention for prevention. This study aimed to determine intention of the relatives of colorectal cancer patients in Yazd city, Iran, based on the theory of planned behavior.Methods: In this descriptive analytic study, 99 men and women over 20 years of age, and first degree relatives of patients with colorectal cancer were included in the census. Data were collected by a 45-items questionnaire based on the theory of planned behavior.All data were transformed to SPSS software and analyzed using Pearson correlation test, post hoc Tukey test, linear regression and Student T-test.Result: 59.6% (59 people) of the participants were male and 40.4% (40 people) were female. Mean age was 39 years. Mean knowledge, attitude, behavioral intention, subjective norms and perceived behavioral control were 10.57±3.46 (of 19), 63.39±9.46 (of 90), 8.35±3.5 (of 15), 9.13±3.14 (of 15), 5.31±1.97 (of 10) respectively.Structures of knowledge, attitude, subjective norm and perceived behavioral control had predicted the intention up to 73 percent.Conclusion: Knowledge, attitude, subjective norm, perceived behavioral control and intention were at low level.Considering the low scores of the structures, educational programs for patients' relatives based on the theory of planned behavior can increase intention of target population for voluntary screening.

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View 1198

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Issue Info: 
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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    3-4 (33)
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Background: In recent years researchers have shown that increasing in pressure drop and low amount of elimination capacity are two main limitations of biofiltration systems in pollutants treatment. Therefore, the main goal of this study was to investigate the relationship between pressure drop and hydrogen sulfide (H2S) elimination capacity with different mass loading rates in biofiltration system using activated sludge and mixed activated sludge and rice husk silica as packing materials.Methods: Two poly vinyl chloride (PVC) filters with one liter of prepared bed were tested for each filter. Dried activated sludge was collected from Putrajaya sewage treatment plant in Malaysia. The system was tested from different empty bed residence time (EBRT) from 30 to 90 sec and different H2S mass loading rate from 18.36 to 54 gm-3h-1.Results: Based on the statistical analysis of Pearson correlation, there was a direct and very high relationship between the increasing hydrogen sulfide mass loading rate and the amount of pressure drop in the both packed filters (p<0.01). Also, with the H2S mass loading rate of 54 gm-3h-1 and EBRT of 30 s, the maximum elimination capacity was obtained in the activated sludge and mixed rice husk silica with dried activated sludge packed filters up to 52.32 and 44.33, respectively.Moreover, based on the statistical analysis of the Pearson correlation, there was a direct and very high corelatior between the increasing H2S mass loading rate and the amount of pressure drop in the both filters (p<0.01). After 53 days of operating time and 54 gm-3h-1 of mass loading rates, the maximum pressure drop reached to 3.0 and 8.0 (mm H2O) for the mixed rice husk silica with dried activated sludge packed and dried activated sludge packed filters, respectively.Conclusion: Based on the results of the study, there is a direct and positive relationship between the increasing H2S mass loading rate and the amount of pressure drop and elimination capacity in both filters, but mixed rice husk silica with dried activated sludge showed higher elimination capacity and lower pressure drop.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 753

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Issue Info: 
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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    3-4 (33)
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Background: Health hazards resulting from contact with air pollutants in indoor environment is relatively far more than those of the outdoor. This indicates the importance of indoor air pollution and its impressive role on people health.Method: For determination of indoor air quality, different types of pollutants and their interactions, the type of fuel used, ventilation condition and amounts of nitrogen dioxide (NO2), carbon monoxide (CO), sulfur dioxide (SO2) and air particulate matter (PM10) were measured over one year (for tow month per every season) in overall 112 measurements. This research was performed as a factorial design in completely randomized format and collected data were analyzed using SPSS software, statistical tests and variance analysis with confidence level of 5%, and results were expressed in the form of frequency percentage and mean along with standard deviation values.Result: Variance difference in different seasons for Khanian village shows that the pollutants concentration in different seasons differ significantly (P£0.05).In variance analysis table of Tipak Darreh village for both tow stations and different seasons, the significant difference was only observed in case of CO gas P£0.01).Conclusion: The results indicated that due to the fossil fuels consumption and lack of environmental health and the use of traditional stove without chimney and Carpet weaving workshop in rural residential places, air pollutants concentration in rural houses was significantly high.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1098

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Issue Info: 
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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    3-4 (33)
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Background: To establish a method for determination of in-cabin benzene and evaluate the occupational exposure, a cross-sectional study was conducted.Methods: In this descriptive study, 30 taxi-cabs were selected and the concentrations of benzene was measured in stopping and driving conditions using solid phase microinstruction (SPME) method.Results: The overall average concentration of benzene in all brands was 905 and 309mg/m3 under stopping and driving conditions, respectively. Under stopping condition, the highest and lowest average concentrations were 3200 and 122mg/m3 respectively. After 15 minutes of driving, the levels lowered to 1000 and 57mg/m3, respectively. The concentration of benzene decreased rapidly and significantly, after 15 minutes of driving with opened windows (p<0.05). In both stopping and driving conditions, the concentration of benzene in taxi-cabs with more than six months life time (1138 and 393mg/m3) was higher than those of less than six month life time (671 and 225mg/m3).However, no significant variation was observed.Conclusion: The concentration of benzene measured herein in this study, markedly exceeds the proposed indoor benzene NHMRC standard. The results indicate that opening the windows before driving reduces the exposure of drivers to benzene. The result of this study could also be useful for further monitoring program of in-vehicle air quality.

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View 846

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Issue Info: 
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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    3-4 (33)
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Background: The definition of "concept of life" varies throughout the field, ranging from coherence in one's life to goal directedness or purposefulness to the ontological significance of life from the point of view of experience in individual. The present study was conducted to explore the relationship between spiritual concept with spiritual well-being, mental happiness, satisfaction with life, psychological flourishing, hope to future and engagement in life.Method: The statistical population included all of the male and female university students of Isfahan and Khorasgan branch in the academic year 1388-89. By using a stratified sampling commensurate of Cohen et al, some 400 subjects were selected. Scales which were used concurrently were: Mascaro et al's spiritual concept scale, Carmody et al's Spiritual Well-Being Scale (FACIT-Sp) with two aspects: spiritual faith and spiritual peace, Lyubomirsky's Subjective Happiness Scale, Dyner's satisfaction with life scale, Dyner & Biswas Dyner's psychological flourishing, Snyder et al's Future scale, Scheier et al's life engagement test (assessing purpose in life). The face and content validity of Scales were approved by the specialists and their reliability was measured by Choronbach's Alpha coefficient which were 0.79, 0.87, 0.56, 0.60, 0.87, 0.82, 0.74 respectively.Results: The findings showed that there are significant positive relations between spiritual concept with two subscales of spiritual wellbeing (spiritual faith and spiritual peace), mental happiness, satisfaction with life, psychological flourishing, hope to future and purposefulness in life and the highest relation was related to purposefulness in life. In addition, the multiple regression result showed that at first purposeful ness in life became 38 percent, with spiritual faith in the second stepie, 47 percent, spiritual peace in the third stepie, 50 percent, introduction of psychological flourishing in the fourth stepie, 52 percent and finally introducing hope for future 53 percent.Conclusion: The spiritual meaning appears to be influenced by purpose of living, spiritual faith, spiritual peace, psychological flourishing and hope for future. In other words, when students perceive that concept of life is based on spirituality they try to behave purposeful in their life.

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View 2642

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Issue Info: 
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  • Issue: 

    3-4 (33)
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Background: Dyes have complicated structure, are usually toxic and resistant to biological treatment which entere into environment by industrial waste streams. The aim of this study was the removal of reactive red 198 dye (RR 198) by photolysis (UV) and photocatalytical (TiO2/UVC) processes. This study was conducted to investigate the effects of dye concentration, pH, TiO2 dose, and contact time.Methods: The study was carried out by drawing on batch reactor. Synthetic wastewater was prepared by solving of RR198 in tap water. Dye concentration was determined with spectrophotometer on 518 nm.Results: The results of this study show that Tio2/UV process is more effective than UV-C process alone. The results of the study also show that constant rate of photochemical degradation in acidic pH and during photocatalytic degradation process was 0.0019 and o.0381 min-1, respectively.Photolysis and photocatalytic degradation of considered dye follow the first order kinetic model.Increasing 0f Tio2 dose from 0.4 to 10 gr led to Increasing of dye removal efficiency from 97.8 to 100%. Increasing of dye concentration from 100 to 250 mg/l and pH from 4 to 10 led to decreasing of dye degradation efficiency from 100 to 97.66 and from 100 to 94.6, respectively. The best efficiency was at pH=4.Conclusion: Removal of RR 198 with photolysis and photocatalitical processes has the best efficiency in acidic condition (pH=4) among which the TiO2/UVC process is better than the UVC.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1099

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    3-4 (33)
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Background: Nowadays, with population growth and the increase of water demand in different sectors of agriculture, industry, drinking, and health, groundwater resources have faced a lot of pressure. This issue along with severe and prolonged droughts has created the conditions for country particularly for arid and hyper arid areas which has encountered the serious challenges in the field of water quantity and quality. In this study, qualitative changes in the trend of drought and water resources in Yazd-Ardakan plain, ie, one of the most important population centers in central Iran, has been considered.Method: In order to study groundwater quality variations we drew on the qualitative data from Yazd Regional Water Authority related to Yazd Ardakan plain 2000s. using hydrogeochemical ( Aquachem) and statistic (Minitab) soft wares as well as spatial and descriptive data and GIS in providing and matching spatial data layers for all underground water quality parameters of the plain. Also for measuring the intensity and duration of climatic drought, we used standardized precipitation index (SPI) and for investigating the trend of falling groundwater levels, we applied the long-term hydrograph of piezometric wells located in Yazd - Ardakan plain.Results: The results of groundwater level variations indicate that in the last four decades, the downward trend of the average annual decline of water table has been around 0.5 meters per year.Also, results of water quality changes in recent decades shows that by increasing frequency of droughts and extreme declining groundwater table, groundwater quality, particularly 1385 to 1389, has had a downward trend. Results showed that during last 50 years, in the study area and the repetition of climatic drought in recent decade compared to the past four decades, has been 4 times in the study area.Conclusion: Considering the results, it can be concluded that the only basic principal method of preventing dangerous consequences of falling water table levels and reducing the quantity and quality of underground water resources is proper and lawful consumption of water to avoid uncontrolled withdrawal of groundwater.

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    3-4 (33)
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Background: Puberty is one of the most important periods of life in which very deep physiological, physical, and psychological changes occur and the mental and physical discipline of adolescents are disturbed. In mental health, recognition of these developments is important especially in the changes of adolescent's behavior. Communication with friends and peers are an important factor in shaping attitudes, ideas, feelings, wishes and general character of teenagers. Peer education approach is applied to increase knowledge, beliefs and behaviors in individual and group levels or other social levels. Programs tailored to the needs of teenagers and new methods like peer education approach can prevent many of the problems. This study has examined the impact of peer education approach on mental health in adolescent girlsMethods: This experimental study was carried out on 100 pupils who were randomly divided into two (n=50) groups. The intervention was carried out using a peer approach. After a month and a half, the subjects' knowledge and performance were compared through pre-test and posttest. A self prepared questionnaire was employed for data collection. Statistical analyses (paired t-test, Chisquare and independent samples t-test.) were applied for data analysis.Results: knowledge (27.33±3.44 to 63.6±2.72) and practice (47.73±4.29 88.53±2.63) mean scores significantly increased in intervention group (p<0.001) but did not change in the control group.Conclusion: Regular training program design is necessary based on community participation such as peer education approach, especially in the schools to promote mental health.

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View 2311

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    3-4 (33)
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Background: Work–Family Conflict (WFC) occurs as a result of incompatible role pressures from work and family domains. Conflicts between different careers, including nursing is considerd as natural and inevitable. Conflict is associated with negative effects for organizations, individuals and, families especially for children. This study was therefore designed with the aim of assessing nurses experience of work–family conflict and performance of the children's rights.Methods: This qualitative study was performed with participation of 11 nurses based on purposeful sampling. The data were collected through deep and unstructured interviews. Method of data analysis was inductive content analysis approach.Results: Research findings included two themes. One of them was Devise of affairs in order to equilibrating including devise of family affairs and devise of work affairs which encompasses the efforts and devises taken by the nurses for their children's rights. The other one was Children neglected needs including emotional domain, physical domain and educational affairs that would indicate the inability to manage conflict and establish a balance between work and family duties, and negative impacts on children in special circumstance.Conclusion: Nurses try to minimize the consequence of conflicts in the family environment including children's rights. However in some cases due to weakness in the personal conflict management, skills and work restrictions, negative consequences of conflict, such as neglect of children's rights occur. In this regard, the need to enhance individual conflict management's skills and also enhance the capabilities of personnel in the filed of family affairs and understanding the needs and rights of children in designing family health education on the one hand and on the other, trying to improve and reform the work's laws and flexibility of rules, especially for working women with young children to prevent and minimize negative effects and consequences are recommended.

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View 1427

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    3-4 (33)
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Background: Dye compounds are the important contaminants of the environment. The dyes are often toxic, carcinogenic and mutagenic and can led to allergies and skin problems. Thus, the dye contaminants should be treated before discharge to environment. The aim of this study was the evaluation of efficacy of Cuttle fish bone powder for the removal of Reactive Red 198 dye from aqueous solution and investigation of the effect of different parameters on absorption processes.Methods: This study was performed experimentally and in laboratory scale. In this research the effect of initial dye concentration (25 and 50 mg/l), absorbent dosage (1, 1.5, 2, 2.5 gr/100ml), reaction time (10, 30, 60, 120, 180 and 240 min) and pH (4, 7, 10) were investigated. The maximum absorption wave length of dye (lmax) was determined by UV/Vis spectrophotometer (model of SP-3000 Plus) and concentration of the unknown dye was determined by spectrophotometry method.The target absorbent was prepared in laboratory condition and pulverized by standard ASTM sieves with the range of 60-100 mesh.Results: According to analysis of absorption spectra, maximum absorption wave length (lmax) of RR198 dye was determined 518 nm. The result showed that increasing absorbent dose from 2 to 2/5gr /100ml in concentrations of 25 and 50 mg/l would lead to increase of the absorption efficiency from 63% to 70% and from 73% to 77%. Initial pH increase from 4 to 10 beacause of releasing of carbonat compounds from absorbent to reaction invironment and change of final pH around 9-9.5, had no effect on the absorption efficiency and for concentrations of 25 and 50 mg/l, absorption efficiency reached from 85% to 73% respectively. Investigation of the effect of dye initial concentration showed that increasing initial concentration of dye from 25 to 50 mg/l and without changing absorbent dose would lead to decrease in the absorption efficiency from 87% to 75% but the absorption capacity (qe) increased from 1.08 to 1.82. Morever the maximum absorption took place at 30 min of the first reaction.Conclusion: Cuttle fish bone powder is a natural and cheap absorbent that can be used for the removal of contaminants in the environment.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 1906

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    3-4 (33)
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Background: Young people with a variety of reproductive health risks face infections such as sexually transmitted infections, HIV, early pregnancy, disease and death for mothers and new burns, and unwanted pregnancy that often leads to unsafe abortion and its complications. Moreover, according to World Health Organization estimates, about 38 percent of pregnancies worldwide are unwanted and regarding the rate of unwanted pregnancy (24%) in Iran the promotion of behavioral reproductive health is a must. The aim of this study is to determine the knowledge and attitude of the university students about reproductive health in the city of Yazd.Method: This is a descriptive, analytical, cross-sectional study. The research community were university Students in the city of Yazd In a sample of 755 who enrolled in the study and were randomly selected. The data collection tool in this study was the researcher constructed questionnaire with 46 questions being valid and reliable. At the end, data were collected and entered into SPSS software using descriptive statistics and analytical tests such as the Mann-Whitney test analysis, kruskal-wallis, chi-square and Spearman correlation coefficients.Results: Of all the participants in this study, 48.6% were male, 82.1% single. Six persent of the fathers were illiterate and 35/5% of them had a university degree. Only 41.3% had passed the course on family planning.89.9% were of undergraduate student, 34.7% studying in the faculty of engineering and technology, 2.1% in nursing, 47.4% in Yazd university and 13.8% in medical sciences. Mean and standard deviation of knowledge score reached 16.45±5.29 (range of score 0-27) and attitude questions 52.17±18.29 (range of score 16-80). The mean of knowledge and attitude of the students on reproductive health had a significant relation with sex, marital status, educational levels and university level degree.Discussion: 53.6% of the students had a general knowledge on reproductive health. This seems consistent with a greater emphasis on paired educational aspects in universities in optimizing students' knowledge and attitude on reproductive health.

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