Sedimentation in reservoirs not only reduces the storage capacity but also decreases the useful life of the reservoirs. It also creates problems in operation of bottom outlets and increases, the reservoir surface area and the evaporation loss. To alleviate these problems, it is necessary to investigate the sediment deposit distribution in an attempt to make predictions of that the process possible. Management measure are also required to control reservoir sedimentation. Mathematical models are used today to evaluate reservoir sedimentation rates and to predict the reservoir useful life. These models are based on the analysis of equations governing sediment transportation, distribution, deposition, and scouring. In this study, the hydrographical measured data obtained from Alavian Dam in Maragheh are first used to calibrate the mathematical model. Then, the Volume-Area-Height variation graphs and the manner of sedimentation along longitudinal and transversal sections are plotted, compared, and evaluated for the pre-sedimentation, post-sedimentation stages and the mathematical model results for a period of 50 years. The results obtained from this study shows that after 50 years of reservoir operation, the sediment deposit volume in the reservoir amounts to about 15 MCM, which accounts for 25 percent of the reservoir active capacity.