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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Amino acids (AA) are important in poultry nutrition not only for protein deposition, but also for other metabolic functions; such as improving immune and gut functions. Although, some table values are avail-able on amino acids requirement, AA requirements may vary due to changes in dietary composition and breeding selection. Thus amino acids requirements have remained an ongoing research topic. Formulating diets with optimal amino acids will not only reduce the feed costs and improve the production's efficiency, but also have environmental benefits. Recent studies reported the requirements of some essential amino acids and their optimal ratios. This paper is aimed at reviewing the studies presented at XIIIth European Poultry Conference which provided the most recent information on amino acids requirement in poultry. These studies showed that the commonly used table values might underestimate amino acids requirements in poultry.

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The experiment was carried out in poultry experimental station belonging to NRC, Cairo, Egypt. A total of 120 Fayoumi layers, 45 weeks old, were randomly divided into four equal groups. Each group included three replicates (10 hens in each). The first group was fed the control diet containing 3.3% gram Ca, whereas, the other three received diets containing 2.8, 2.6 and 2.4% gram Ca, respectively. Calcium was added to the ration in the form of limestone. The results of the present study clearly indicated that there were no significant differences among groups fed diets containing different levels of Ca (2.4 up to 3.3 g %) in egg production, egg weight, egg mass, daily feed consumption and feed conversion efficiency (P>0.05). The control group displayed the lowest percentage of fertility (59.33) and hatchability (42), and the highest percentage of embryonic mortality (17.33), while the best results of the reproductive performance were recorded from the fourth group fed diet containing 2.4% Ca. Measurements of egg characteristics indicated no significant differences among groups (P>0.05); however, yolk color was slightly improved in the fourth group at six weeks of treatment. Shell percentage and thickness tended to increase in the fourth group particularly after 12 weeks of treatment. In conclusion, dietary calcium levels (2.4 up to 3.3%) did not significantly influence egg production, egg mass, feed conversion efficiency and egg quality (P>0.05). However, low level of dietary calcium (2.4%) has improved egg fertility, hatchability and shell percentage and thick-ness. A percentage of 2.4% of calcium in the diet is recommended for Fayoumi laying hens.

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Two hundred eighty days old male broiler chicks (Ross strain) were randomly distributed into seven groups with four replicates (10 birds in each replicate) and were fed diets supplemented with different dietary fat sources. The results indicated that the different dietary treatments did not affect weight gain, feed intake and feed conversion ratio at 21 d (P>0.05). However, addition of dietary fats to diets increased body weight gain and improved feed conversion ratio in grower (22-42 d) and whole period (7-42 d) of the experiment (P<0.01). Chicks fed diets supplemented with 6% of tallow or soybean oil and 3% tallow+3% soybean oil had the most body weight gain and the best value for feed conversion ratio (P<0.01). There were no signifi-cant differences between carcass characteristics (except for abdominal fat pad) due to dietary treatments (P>0.05). Increasing the dietary fat level increased significantly abdominal fat pad deposition (P<0.01). Abdominal fat pad deposition was significantly higher in birds fed diets supplemented with dietary fats than in those fed control diet (P<0.01).

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The way to overcome current limitations in the generation of glucose-responsive insulin-producing cells is selective enrichment of the number of definitive endoderm (DE) progenitor cells. Sox17 is the marker of mesendoderm and definitive endoderm. The aim of the present research was to study the potential of Sox17 knock-in CGR8 mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells to differentiate into insulin producing cells in vitro by detection of specific markers at different stages of three-step protocol of differentiation. At day 5+9 cells strongly expressed Sox17 as well as CxCr4 and N-cadherine, while staining for Oct-4 (octamer-binding transcription factor 4) was faint. At day 5+16 the expression of Sox17 gradually disappeared and cells were positive for Neurogenin 3 (NGN3), Islet-1 and C-peptide. At last stage of differentiation protocol (day 5+23) Sox17 knock-in CGR8 ES derived cells showed insulin and C-peptide expression. We conclude that Sox17 knock-in mouse ES cells are equally suitable for differentiation into insulin producing cells as com-monly used CGR8 ES cells. Genetically modified ES cells allow the selection of Sox17-expressing cells and the selective enrichment of DE progenitors.

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Cinnamon has many therapeutic effects, such as its impact the increase of sexual ability. This experiment was conducted to determine the effect of cinnamon extract on spermatogenesis and hormonal axis of pituitary gonad in mice. The animals used in this study are male adult mice (weighing about 30-34 g and 9-10 weeks old). Cinnamon was purchased from one of the most valid shops in Jahrom and then powdered. After preparation of cinnamon extract, it was used for injection. The concentration of cinnamon used in this re-search was 10 and 20 mg/kg BW. The control animals received only drinking water. The sham group received distilled water. The treatment animals received cinnamon extract (10 and 20 mg/kg BW) for two weeks, each day for the amount of 1 mL interaperitoneally. After the injection, the animals were sacrificed. The weights of testes were measursed, and the changes, including the number of Sertoli cells, spermatogonia, spermatid, and Leydig cells were calculated. Also, hormonal concentration changes (LH, FSH and Testosterone) were measured by special hormonal kits. The results revealed significant increase (P<0.05) in the number of spermatogonia, spermatocyte, spermatid, Sertoli and Leydig cells in treated animals. Also, the results showed significant increase (P<0.05) in the concentration of LH, FSH and Testosterone hormones among treated animals. Due to the increase in LH, FSH and Testosterone hormones and also the increase of the number of Leydig cells, it is concluded that cinnamon may cause an increase in sex cells within seminiferous tubules in mice.

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The present study was conducted on buffaloes that were non-cycling (heifers, n=32; lactating, n=13) or cycling (heifers, n=11; lactating, n=27) and in the buffaloes that conceived (heifers; n=11; lactating, n=23) or failed to conceive (heifers, n=32; lactating, n=17) subsequent to artificial insemination. Plasma samples were analyzed for thyroid stimulating hormone, thyroid hormones, glucose, total proteins, creatinine, blood urea nitrogen, total cholesterol and triglycerides. None of the plasma biochemicals were significantly dif-ferent (P>0.05) between non-cycling or cycling and pregnant or non-pregnant buffaloes. However, non-cycling and non-pregnant lactating buffaloes had lower (P<0.05) plasma concentrations of thyroid stimulat-ing hormone and thyroid hormones, respectively, compared to their counterparts. Thus, blood metabolite status is not the cause of differential fertility in buffaloes. However, a subtle thyroid activity in lactating buffaloes may have some impact on their fertility status.

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Nine multiparous lactating cows averaging 171 days in milk were divided according to days in milk and milk production into three 3×3 Latin squares with three 3-week periods to investigate the effect of rumen degradable protein on milk urea nitrogen. Diets were formulated to provide 3 concentrations of dietary rumen degradable protein (9.8, 10.8, and 11.8% of dry matter), while rumen undegradable protein (4.6% of DM) remained constant. Each period was 3 weeks in length, with 2 weeks used for adjustment and one week used for sampling. Rumen degradable protein levels had a low effect on milk yield (P>0.05), but a significant effect on protein percentage and milk urea nitrogen content. There was linear increase in the milk urea nitrogen content of cows fed diets one to three (P<0.01). Milk urea nitrogen is a simple and non-invasive measurement that can be used to monitor nitrogen efficiency in dairy cows. These results indicated that milk urea nitrogen might be used as a parameter to monitor the change in dietary protein levels.

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Sixteen multiparous lactating buffaloes after 8 weeks of calving and weighing 500 to 600 kg were used in a complete switch-back design with four groups. Buffaloes in the first group were fed the control ration (R1) consisted of DM basis of 60% concentrate feed mixture (CFM)+20% rice straw (RS)+20% berseem hay (BH), while in the other groups the rations consisted of DM basis of 40% CFM+20% RS+40% sugar beet tops silage (SBTS) and corn silage (CS) in different ratios; 2: 1 (R2), 1: 1 (R3) and 1: 2 (R4), respectively. The digestibility coefficients of DM, OM, CF, EE and NFE, TDN value and the intake of DM and TDN increased significantly (P<0.05) with increasing the level of corn silage, however, CP digestibility, DCP value and CP and DCP intake increased (P<0.05) with increasing level of sugar beet tops silage in the rations. The pH value and NH3-N concentration increased (P<0.05) with increasing level of sugar beet tops silage, however, TVFA's concentration increased (P<0.05) with increasing level of corn silage in the rations. Buffaloes fed R3 recorded the highest (P<0.05) milk and 7% FCM yield, however, those fed R1, had the lowest yield. The percentages of fat, lactose and TS increased (P<0.05) with increasing the level of corn silage, however, the percentages of protein, SNF and ash increased (P<0.05) with increasing the level of sugar beet tops silage in rations. Animals fed R3 showed the lowest amounts of DM and TDN required per kg 7% FCM and R4 the lowest amounts of CP and DCP required per kg 7% FCM, however, those fed R1 revealed the highest amounts (P<0.05).

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This experiment was conducted to determine the reproductive performance of Kurdi ewes which were artificially inseminated (AI). In total 240 Kurdi ewes, weighing 49.5±2.5 kg were used in the trail. The ewes were allocated randomly to one of four groups (n=60/in each group). For synchronizing, controlled internal drug release (CIDR) was placed in the vagina of all individuals for 14 days. After removing the CIDR, pregnant mare's serum gonadotropin (PMSG) hormone was intramuscularly injected at the dosages of 300, 400, 500 and 600 IU in four groups of ewes. Cervical artificial insemination was performed after two days following CIDR withdrawal and hormone administration. The conception rates in groups I, II, III and IV were found as 63.7, 66.1, 65.8 and 67.9%, respectively. The mean litter size was significantly higher in groups II, III and IV (1.30, 1.34 and 1.46) than group I (1.11). The fecundity rate was lowest in group I (65.6%). Administration of 600 I.U PMSG resulted in the highest (58.9%) multiple births (P<0.05). These results suggest that 600 I.U. PMSG was more effective in increasing multiple births in the Kurdi ewes in breeding season.

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The aim of this study was to analyze the effect of sex, season and year of birth on growth rate of biometric measurements and body weight gain of Thoroughbred foals during first six months of life.103 Thoroughbred foals (53 colts and 50 fillies) from Golejewko Stud born between 2006 and 2008, were used in this study. Thoroughbred foals born in winter months were characterized by significantly higher (P£0.01) growth rate of height at withers, cannon circumference and body weight gain compared to foals born in spring months. The effect of year of birth on growth rate of height at withers was significant (P£0.01), but differential and it was difficult to show a clear dependence. No significant effect of sex was observed on studied parameters except for body weight gain between 4 and 6 months of life.

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